November 2022 Minutes
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.00pm
0n 21st November 2022 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham
Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair), Cllr J Trahearn (Vice-Chair), Cllr I Lacy, Cllr S Brylewski,
Cllr M Palmer, Cllr Andy Burge, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr
Bridgwood, Cllr Scott, Cllr B Robinson
Mrs J A Sparks – Clerk/RFO
DCllr Welburn – apologies received
DCllr Hill
DCllr Darcel – apologies received post the meeting
No members of the public were in attendance.
The meeting commenced at 7.01pm
2022-142 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies
and the reason for absence where given.
Cllr Mellor – absence reason accepted
Cllr Bates – absence reason accepted
Cllr Houghton – absence reason accepted
2022-143 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism
Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disposable
Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
i) Cllr Lacy declared an interest in Item 2022-150 as is a volunteer for Oasis.
ii) Cllr J Robinson & Cllr Bucke declared an interest in 2022-151 as will be
assisting with the Warm Room event that a grant is being sought for.
2022-144 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 17th October 2022
and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
Council RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes as a true record and agreed for them
to be signed.
Council RESOLVED unanimously to accept the Confidential notes as a true record and
agreed for them to be signed.
2022-145 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District
and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.
i) Report from DCllr Welburn had been circulated earlier.
ii) Report from CCllr Fleetwood had been circulated earlier.
iii) Cllr Lacy expressed concern that there has been no update provided for
some time from the police on local crime figures. RESOLVED unanimously
for the Clerk to contact the new police inspector regarding receiving reports of
crime and for the Assistant to procure monthly crime figures for the area.
(ACTION – Clerk & Assistant)
Chair also stated that thanks should be given to Inspector Head for making
the time to visit Cherry Willingham and meet council representatives.
Cllr Fleetwood arrived at 7.07pm
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2022-146 To receive a report on actions taken regarding the security and safety of
the Bleak Farm site and agree any further actions as required.
i) Clerk advised that she had been in touch with the Neighbourhood Policing
Inspector who had also been in touch with DCllr Welburn and as a result a
visit to Cherry Willingham was arranged for 16th November with
representatives from the Council, at which concerns over the Bleak Farm site
as well as speeding within the village were discussed. Inspector Head has
agreed that there will be additional patrols in the area.
ii) It was noted that the developers have made an attempt to secure the site by
securing wooden batons to the steel fencing.
iii) It was RESOLVED for the Clerk to write a FB post detailing what the Parish
Council has achieved with regard to Bleak Farm and also to advise that the
Council will write to the developer to ask if consideration could be given for
placing a mural in front of the site and obtaining the relevant permission for
the Council to arrange it. (ACTION-Clerk)
iv) It was RESOLVED unanimously that, where appropriate, posts may also be
put on the three villages FB site.
2022-147 To receive a report from the Chair.
i) The Chair advised that Cllr B Robinson had attended Pembroke Academy
and presented the Parish Council wreath. In addition, he had taken two of the
Tommy’s which were well received.
ii) The Chair also thanked everyone for all their contributions as there was a lot
of work being undertaken by councillors and volunteers behind the scenes.
2022-148 To receive a report from the Clerk.
Report had been circulated earlier.
i) The Clerk advised the annual leave dates for the Christmas period. In the event
of an emergency contact details will be provided.
2022-149 Financial matters.
i) To receive the schedule of receipts and payments for October 2022
RESOLVED unanimously for the schedule of receipts and payments for
October 2022 to be received.
ii) To receive an update on the Council’s EON contract. .
RFO advised that a new one-year contract has been agreed with EON at
£274.44 per month.
iii) To consider & approve the continued participation in the LCC Parish
Agreement Scheme – Urban Highway Grass from April 2023 onwards.
Continued participation RESOLVED unanimously.
2022-150 To receive a report on progress with the new draft Oasis tenancy and
agree and actions as required.
Cllr Lacy provided a report:
i) YMCA Trustees have agreed to terms & conditions.
ii) Land registry issue has been resolved.
iii) Cllr J Robinson & Cllr Lacy are to meet the YMCA CEO and Legal
Representative w/c 28th November.
iv) The YMCA Legal Representative has advised that Worth Ltd will need to sign
a surrender document stating that they give up the lease on 31st December
2022. This will then need to be registered with the Land Registry before the
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YMCA can commence their lease. It is unlikely that this can be completed by
31st December, YMCA therefore suggests that as an interim measure CWPC
licences the Oasis land to them until the lease is ready to sign allowing them
to “take over” and ensure continuity and CWPC would be in receipt of a rental
income. Alternatively, the lease could be assigned to the YMCA which would
mean all parties needing to instruct solicitors and would mean extra cost and
It was proposed that the PC gives authority to the Oasis Tenancy Group to:
i) Ask Worth Unlimited for a formal deed of surrender and accept it, ensuring
that the Land Registry is informed.
ii) Continue discussions/negotiations with the YMCA regarding a new lease
agreement on the conditions already agreed by the PC.
iii) Either – agree to such a lease and arrange for its before 31/12/22 or this is
not possible arrange to licence the YMCA to use the land from 1/1/23 pending
the formalisation and signature of the lease itself. This license would be for an
initial period of 6 months in view of potential Land Registry delays but could
be replaced by the lease earlier, if the surrender has been confirmed by the
iv) Review the license, seek legal advice if the group considers this necessary
and then agree to it.
vi) Spend up to £500 for expenses incurred in the above process.
The Oasis Tenancy Group will keep the Council informed of progress and will bring the lease
Agreement to the Council for approval once it is complete. All RESOLVED bar Cllr
Fleetwood who abstained and requested this be minuted.
2022-151 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the
business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any
actions accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes please see the individual Chairs or members outside of
the Full Council meeting to expedite the meeting.)
a) Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr J Robinson
To receive any recommendations regarding the following matters and approve
i) Grass cutting contractor for 2023/23.
RESOLVED unanimously to choose Tender 1. RFO confirmed that this
is Glendale Countryside. Clerk to write and include a copy of the County
Council’s guidelines. (ACTION-Clerk)
ii) The draft budget for 2023-2024. Discussions took place over the
estimated staffing costs and concerns were noted as to the percentage
of the precept that is now spent on staff.
RESOLVED to accept the draft budget with agreed amendments.
iii) The Precept estimate for 2023-2024 for WLDC.
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All RESOLVED bar two against to notify WLDC that the estimated
precept for 2023-2024 that will be requested is £94000.
iv) CIL update.
RFO provided an update on the CIL funds currently held.
v) Joining the Allotment Society.
All RESOLVED bar one against to accept the Allotments
Implementation Task & Finish Group’s recommendation not to join at
this time.
vi) A grant application to IGAS Energy Community Fund.
RESOLVED unanimously that the L&A Committee should make the
vii) Burial Ground fees.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept the new Burial Ground fees with
one amendment to the additional fee where interment take place
outside the hours of 10am-4pm Monday -Friday which will now be £20.
viii) Any grant applications from village groups.
All RESOLVED bar two abstentions and two against to approve the
F&GPS Committee’s recommendation to make a grant payment of
£250 to The Church Hall Committee which will be used towards making
the hall and village library available for the Warm Hub programme.
ix) LGPS Employer Discretions policy.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the policy.
x) A new Tanfaine lease holder.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept the recommendation of the F&GPS
Committee to accept the new additional tenant and to amend the
grazing lease to state payments must be by Standing Order and that
CWPC will not be liable for any third-party claims.
RESOLVED unanimously to suspend Standing Orders to allow the remainder of the items to
be concluded.
b) Planning Committee – Chair: Cllr Bridgwood
i) To receive a report on any recent planning applications.
Cllr Bridgwood advised that four applications have been received, three have
been commented on and one has not.
ii) To approve the actions of the Planning Committee (if any).
All RESOLVED bar one abstention to approve the actions of the Planning
iii) To approve the recommendation that CIL funds are managed by the Planning
RESOLVED unanimously for the Planning Committee to monitor the CIL fund
and to advise on its use.
iv) To approve payment of £800 from the CIL fund to the Village Improvement
Committee to fund the improvement to speed awareness signs.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the payment.
v) To consider what steps are required to undertake the Neighbourhood Planning
Review and approve accordingly. A sum of £500 has been requested in the
budget for 2023-2024 to cover contingency fees.
vi) To approve a change to the Terms of Reference to allow the Planning
Committee to undertake financial decisions.
It was agreed not to take this further.
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c) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr Trahearn
i) To receive a report from any recent meeting and approve any actions take.
No meeting has taken place.
ii) To receive an update on the requirement for the Parish Council to contribute
£5000 towards the purchase of cricket nets and to approve how any unspent
money is to be divided.
Cllr Trahearn advised the deadline for the Cricket Club to respond has passed
with none received. RESOLVED unanimously for the Clerk to write to the
Cricket Club to advise the funding is no longer available and to remind them
that play can only recommence in 2023 if the necessary steps that have
previously been outlined are in place. Clerk also to advise that play will not be
able to take place on Monday 8
th May 2023, as the field is required for a Council
event. (ACTION – Clerk)
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the £5000 be split between the Village
Improvement Committee and the Leisure & Amenities Committee.
d) Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson
To receive an update on actions taken.
i) The Ferns have arrived, the cost coming out of the Wildlife Grant which has
been approved.
ii) Beehives are not suitable for Cherry Fields so the resident who was interested
has been offered the opportunity to site them on the allotments but has decided
not to do so.
iii) An Extra Ordinary meeting is to be held on 25th November to consider quotes
for a vehicular gate for the dog exercise area and agree the purchase and to
consider any associated expenditure involved in installing the gate, including
the hire of equipment/plant.
e) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Andy Burge
To receive a report from the meeting held on 17th November and approve any
recommendations made.
i) Two quotes have been received for replacement of the three rear windows in
the Millennium Hall. Quote 1 - £1995 & Quote 2 - £2760.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept Quote 1 from Mr A Yates and take the sum
out of balances in order for the windows to be replaced sooner.
ii) RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a commemorative planter for HM
Queen Elizabeth II costing £595 +VAT with £200 coming from DCllr Welburn’s
CIL fund. RESOLVED unanimously the wording to be applied. Clerk to write to
Lincolnshire Co-op Pharmacy to seek approval to site the planter. (ACTION –
iii) RESOLVED unanimously to approve the additional cost of £13.26 to purchase
the dog signs.
iv) Cllr Burge to contact the Christmas Tree provider to check delivery time. Any
councillors who can assist with putting the tree and the lights up will be
welcomed from 10am Thursday 24th November and to assist at the Lighting
event from 3pm on 26th November.
f) Allotments Implementation Task & Finish Group– Chair: Cllr Barry Robinson
To receive a report and an update on progress from the meeting held on 3rd
November and agree to any actions as required.
i) Car park completed.
ii) Fence work to start.
iii) Access crossing verge in hand. Still awaiting information from the contractor
before Highways can be advised.
iv) 28 plots have so far been taken up.
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2022-152 To receive a report from the Christmas events subcommittee and agree
to any further actions required.
i) To approve the purchase of charity collecting buckets up to the sum of £25.
RESOLVED unanimously.
2022-153 To receive an update from the Coronation Task & Finish Group and agree
to any actions required.
i) Cllr Bridgwood provided a report on the costing of a screen. RESOLVED
unanimously for the Task & Finish Group to explore holding a Party in the Park
on Monday 8th May 2023 rather than hold an event on Coronation Day and to
approach and make any necessary bookings.
2022-154 To receive an update on progress to set up a fundraising group and
approve its Terms of Reference.
To be deferred to January. Clerk to check whether Council has the power raise funds through
donations. (ACTION-Clerk)
2022-155 To agree membership of the Burial Support Group following the increase
of 2 members to 4 to be quorate.
RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr Trahearn and Cllr Bucke will join Cllr Mellor and Cllr
Brylewski as members of the Burial Support Group.
2022-156 To agree the meeting dates from January 2023-April 2024 as follows:
2023 – January 16th, February 20th, March 20th
, April 17th, May 15th, June 19th, July 17th
September 18th, October 16th, November 20th.
2024 - January 15th, February 19th, March 18th, April 15th. The Annual Parish Council
meeting date and the Autumn Annual Parish meeting date to be agreed separately.
All RESOLVED bar one abstention with the change of January 2023 to 23rd January and
January 2024 to 22nd January.
2022-157 To consider whether to participate in a ‘Warm Room’ event and approve
any action required.
As approval given for a grant it was decided to see what response there is to Warm Room
events. Chair advised that any other ideas should be brought to the January meeting.
2022-158 Councillor’s matters for report/notice of items to be included in the
January 2023 meeting.
RESOLVED unanimously to move into closed session.
Clerk left the meeting at 10pm.
i) To receive an update on staffing.
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2022-160 To confirm date of next meeting as Monday 23rd January 2023 at 7.00pm.
Location to be confirmed.
Next meeting date is confirmed as Monday 23rd January 2023. Agenda items are required to
be sent to the Clerk no later than 12 noon Thursday 12th January 2023.
Meeting ended 10.15pm
Please be aware that these are draft notes until accepted at the November meeting.
Signed................................................Cllr J Robinson (Chair)