May 2022 Minutes
Cherry Willingham Parish Council
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Monday 16th May 2022 at The Vine Centre, Cherry Willingham.
Present: Cllr J. Robinson, Trahearn, Bates, Bridgwood, Brylewski, Bucke, Fleetwood, Houghton, Lacy, Mellor, Palmer, B. Robinson and Scott.
Christine Hodgson: RFO and Assistant to Clerk
District Councillors: Welburn, Darcel and Hill.
No members of the public were present.
It was agreed prior to the meeting that the Acceptance of Office Form could be signed by the elected Chair on the following morning at the latest.
2022-61 To elect a Chairman and complete an Acceptance of Office form
There was one nomination for Chairman, that of Cllr J. Robinson. Nominated by Cllr Bridgwood, seconded by Cllr Lacy. In favour 9; Against 0; Abstentions 4. It was therefore RESOLVED to appoint Cllr J. Robinson and she became Chairman of the Council and of this meeting.
2022-62 To elect a Vice-Chairman
There were two nominations for Vice-Chairman:
Cllr Trahearn was nominated by Cllr Bucke and seconded by Cllr Bates.
Cllr Andrew Burge was nominated by Cllr Mellor and seconded by Cllr Houghton.
Cllr Trahearn received 8 votes, Cllr Burge 3 votes with 1 Abstention, Cllr Trahearn did not vote.
It was therefore RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Trahearn as Vice Chairman of the Council.
2022-63 Welcome and resolve to accept apologies received by the clerk and accept reasons for absence.
There were 2 apologies for absence, that of Cllr Andrew Burge and Cllr Angela Burge who were on holiday. It was RESOLVED to accept their apologies.
2022-64 Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
There were no declarations of interest.
2022-65 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required
Cllr Bridgwood raised concerns about the works in Church Lane being carried out by Cadent as a possible matter for the Police. The temporary traffic lights are often not working properly and drivers are ignoring them. Residents within the signal controlled zone have difficulty entering the road safely. It was RESOLVED that the Council should write to Cadent.
ACTION: Cllr Bridgwood to notify Police. Clerk/Chair to notify Cadent.
Reports from District Cllr Welburn and County Cllr Fleetwood had been circulated prior to the meeting.
2022-66 Chairman’s remarks
Cllr J. Robinson thanked Cllr Trahearn and all Cllrs for their hard work over the last year. She reiterated that there was no presumption of an outcome by an Agenda item and it was to be expected that there would be differing views. She asked that councillors came prepared to debate and listen and that once a decision was made all councillors would work towards the agreed outcome.
2022-67 To receive the notes of the Council meetings held on 19th April 2022 and 3rd May 2022 and agree for them to be signed as true records
It was RESOLVED to accept the Notes of 19th April and they were duly signed as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes of 3rd May, with an amendment to include attendance by Cllr Houghton, and they were duly signed as a true record.
2022-68 Finance:
a) To receive the schedule of receipts and payments for April 2022 (attached)
It was RESOLVED to accept the Receipts and Payments schedule for April.
b) To receive the updated Asset Register as at 31/3/2022
It was RESOLVED to accept the Asset Register.
c) To resolve to approve Section 1- Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022 (signatures of Chair and Clerk to be added)
It was RESOLVED to accept the completed Section 1 form and the signature of the Chair and RFO/Assistant Clerk were added.
d) To resolve to approve Section 2- Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022 (signature of Chair to be added)
It was RESOLVED to accept the completed Section 2 form and the signature of the Chair was added.
At 7.52pm Cllr Fleetwood left the meeting.
e) To consider purchasing two recording devices for meetings and resolve accordingly
It was decided to utilise a mobile phone which Cllr Trahearn kindly agreed to donate for the use of the Clerk. This would be used for recording meetings and other council business. The Clerk is to decide on the network provider and it was agreed that up to £10 a month could be spent. The existing recording device could be used by the assistant Clerk.
f) To review annual subscriptions to outside bodies
The RFO read out a list of the existing subscriptions and it was RESOLVED to continue with them all.
2022-69 To consider and agree to adopt the Terms of Reference for the Human Resources Committee
There was a debate about the role of the Line Manager, and it was PROPOSED and RESOLVED with 10 in favour and 2 abstentions that the Chair and Vice Chair would fulfil the role of Line Manager. With this inclusion it was RESOLVED to accept the Terms of Reference with the Proviso that it should be reviewed in 6 months’ time.
ACTION: Clerk to make a diary note.
2022-70 To resolve that the Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, all other Terms of Reference and Policies are reviewed at the next meeting of Finance and General Purposes Committee and that their recommendations are brought to Full Council.
It was RESOLVED that the Policies as stated above be reviewed at the next Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting and then referred to Full Council. ACTION: Clerk to make diary note.
2022-71 To resolve on appointments
It was RESOLVED to accept the following appointments:
Internal Auditor: LALC Authorised auditor
CWPC Website Organiser: Cllr Trahearn and Assistant Clerk
CWPC Facebook Administrators: Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Cllrs Bates, Andy Burge, Angela Burge, Fleetwood Houghton, Mellor, B Robinson
HSBC signatories: Cllrs Brylewski, Fleetwood, J Robinson and Trahearn
Nationwide signatories: Cllrs Bridgwood, B Robinson, Bucke and Lacy.
Certifier of bank statements: Cllr Houghton, Bridgwood
Community Emergency Coordinator: Cllr Bates
Deputy Community Emergency Coordinators: Cllrs Andy Burge, Brylewski, Fleetwood and Mellor
Community Speedwatch Coordinator: Cllr Andy Burge
Burials Support Group: Cllrs Brylewski and Mellor
2022-72 To resolve on membership of committees
(Note: It is a requirement of the Annual Meeting that the Council elects Members to committees. Each Member must sit on at least one committee. Chairs of committees, apart from Finance, will be elected by committee at their first meeting following the Annual Meeting. Finance Committee will consist of the Chair and Vice chair of the council and one member elected by each of the committees).
It was RESOLVED to accept the following membership of committees:
a) Human Resources Committee (3)
There were more candidates than was required and in accordance with usual practice a voting procedure followed. The 3 successful candidates were: Cllrs Lacy, Scott and Trahearn.
b) Planning Committee (7)
Cllrs Bates, Lacy, Scott, Brylewski and Bridgwater. It was suggested that Cllr Angela Burge, who was not present, may wish to take up membership of this committee.
c) Village Improvement Committee (7)
Cllrs Andy Burge, B Robinson, Bates, Fleetwood, Mellor, Palmer and Brylewski
d) Cherry Fields Committee (5)
Cllrs Andy Burge, B Robinson, Trahearn, J Robinson and Bucke.
e) Leisure and Amenities Committee (7)
Cllrs Angela Burge, Trahearn, J Robinson, Mellor, Bucke, Brylewski and Houghton.
2022-73 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes: please see individual chairmen outside of the full council meeting to expedite the meeting)
D/Cllr Welburn left the meeting 8.50pm.
a) Planning matters (Chair: Cllr Bridgwood)
i) To receive a report on any recent planning applications.
There were no matters to report.
ii) To approve the actions, if required, of the Planning Committee.
There were no matters which needed approval.
b) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) (Chair: Cllr Brylewski)
i) To receive a report on the meeting held on 25th April
The notes had been circulated and there was nothing to add.
ii) To consider the request from a resident for an additional bench in the Burial Ground.
The council considered the request and agreed in principle subject to the Council’s policy on benches being adhered to and the proposed bench being submitted for approval prior to purchase by the individual. It was RESOLVED with 1 abstention.
ACTION: Clerk to write to the resident and attach the policy.
iii) To receive a report, if any, from the Future Burial ground Task and Finish group
There had not been a meeting.
c) Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) (Chair: Cllr Jenny Robinson)
i) To receive a report on the meeting held on 25th April
The notes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr J Robinson informed the Council that there had been interest in the Project far wider than the village e.g.Townlands Magazine want to include an article on Cherry Fields
d) Finance & General Purposes (F&GP) (Chair: Cllr Jenny Robinson)
There had not been a meeting
e) Employment Committee (Chair: Cllr Bucke)
There had not been a meeting. It was RESOLVED that the outstanding matter of the Lone Worker Policy and Risk Assessment would now be looked at by the Human Resources Committee.
Cllr Bucke thanked members of the committee for their work.
f) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) (Chair: Cllr Andy Burge)
There had not been a meeting
g) Allotments Implementation Task and Finish group (Chair: Cllr B. Robinson)
i) To receive a report on actions taken since the last Full Council meeting
An informal Planning application has been made to WLDC with a detailed outline plan. Three contractors have been approached for quotes for a new entrance to the required standard. An authorised volunteer is keeping the grass on the allotments area to a reasonable length. The previous tenant of Tanfaine will cut the remaining grass in the field.
ii) To agree to allow the Task & Finish group to spend up to £1000 on immediate expenses including planning permission, highways access application fees, test cultivation and grass cutting.
It was RESOLVED to allow the group to spend up to the limit of £1000 on immediate expenses.
h) Jubilee celebrations Task and Finish groups: To receive reports from each of the Jubilee Celebrations organising groups and agree any actions as required
i) Bonfire/Beacon (report by Cllr Robinson)
Risk Assessments had been completed for the Insurers to see. It had been decided to have a small campfire for younger children earlier in the evening. Volunteers are needed to help set up as well as marshals for the event. Cllrs Bates, Lacy and Bridgwood volunteered.
ii) Party in the Park (report by Cllr Brylewski)
The next meeting to be Monday 23rd May. Decisions will be made about when to put up the bunting. Volunteers are being sought to help with this.
iii) Platinum Picnic (report by Cllr Trahearn)
Planning is continuing. The notes of the last meeting had been circulated.
2022-74 To consider matters raised by residents at the Annual Parish Meeting and resolve on any actions accordingly
It was noted that the items raised by residents were all concerned with matters that are not the responsibility of the Parish Council. A major concern is the condition of the security at the site at Bleak Farm. It had been reported that youths of school age were accessing the site. It was RESOLVED (1 abstention) to request our District Cllrs to approach WLDC to ask them to deal with this. In addition, Cllr Brylewski was asked to raise the matter with Pembroke Academy.
ACTION: D/Cllrs, Cllr Brylewski.
It was RESOLVED to request that the Village Improvement Committee consider the other issues which were of concern to residents i.e., Potholes, Footpath on Fiskerton Road, Re-routing of Bus Service. ACTION: Clerk to add to next VIC agenda.
2022-75 To discuss matters relating to the flying of flags on the flagpoles and resolve accordingly
A resident had objected to the flying of the Ukrainian flag. The Council considered the objection but did not accept it was valid. It was RESOLVED unanimously that, although the flag will be taken down when the Jubilee Flag is being flown, that it will be flown again. It was suggested that the Council should have a policy on Flag Flying and the matter will be referred to the VIC committee. ACTION: Clerk to add to VIC agenda.
D/Cllrs Darcel and Hill left the meeting at 9.25pm.
2022-76 To note any other correspondence received and to agree actions as appropriate
There was none.
2022-77 Councillors’ matters for report/notice of items to be included in the June 2022 agenda
As Councillors were busy with Jubilee preparations, the matter of the lease for the Oasis will be deferred until the July Meeting of the Full Council. ACTION: Clerk to put on the July agenda
2022-78 To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters.
It was RESOLVED to move into Closed Session.
2022-79 To agree any matters relating to the new staffing appointments
Cllr Palmer had met with the new Clerk/RFO and Assistant Clerk. Their starting dates would be 8th June and 9th June respectively. The Task and Finish Group would meet on 17th May to work on their Contracts of Employment. Hours worked in the office would be flexible and this was yet to be finalised.
2022-80 To agree any matters relating to any other staffing issues
The outgoing Clerk had a sick note which expired on 18th May and had some holiday entitlement leaving potentially 2 days left to work. It was RESOLVED (with 1 abstention) to allow these days as Compassionate Leave. ACTION: Cllr Trahearn to inform the Clerk.
The RFO left the meeting.
The RFO had given the Chair a letter of complaint about the behaviour of a Councillor. It was RESOLVED (9 for and 3 abstentions) to refer the matter outlined in the letter from the employee to the Monitoring Officer.
The RFO had requested to be paid for the additional work she had done in May when there had been 2 meetings and no Clerk. It was RESOLVED to pay 15 hours of overtime.
Date of next meeting: 20th June 2022 (agenda items by noon on Friday 10th June)
Christine Hodgson
RFO and Assistant Clerk