January 2023 Leisure & Amenities Minutes Extraordinary Meeting

Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Extraordinary Leisure and Amenities Committee held on Thursday 19th January 2023 at 1:00pm at the Millenium Hall


Present: Cllr Trahearn (Chair), Cllr Bucke,Cllr Brylewski and Cllr J Robinson.


Meeting Started at 1:00pm.

No members of the public were present.


1. To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 

Cllr Mellor, Cllr Burge and Cllr Houghton.


2.  Declaration of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



3.  3.   To approve the removal of the  poplar tree on the playing field by Fern Grove and approve the cost of removal.

It was Resolved unanimously that the tree in question needs to be felled. Three quotes are required for the tree to be felled and the stump to be ground out .This will be taken to FC to agree the sum of up to £1700. It was noted that the tree is responsible for the problems with residents' driveway. The driveway will need repairing as a result of the tree but it was  agreed the tree needs to be taken down first.The Clerk/AssClerk to enquire if going through the insurance is an option. The Clerk to source quotes for the residents driveway. (Action - Clerk/Ass Clerk)

Signed………………………………….Cllr J Trahearn on behalf of The Clerk (original signed)