April 2023 Leisure & Amenities Committee Minutes

Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Leisure and Amenities Committee 

held on Tuesday 4th April 2023 at 7.00pm at the Millennium Hall


Present: Cllrs Traheran (Chair), Angela Burge (Vice-Chair), Cllr Brylewski,Cllr J.Robinson,Cllr Houghton, Cllr Mellor, Cllr B Robinson & Cllr Andy Burge

Meeting started at 7pm.


No members of the public were present


Cllr B Robinson & Cllr Andy Burge came along to the beginning of the meeting to assist with the decision of item 10 with a model of the mound to show the workings and its potential of choices. They delivered a presentation and answered any questions with the workings and the logistics of the mound for the L & A to have a plan of action moving forward


Cllr B Robinson & Cllr Andy Burge left at 7:15pm 


  1. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and reasons for their absence were given.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the apologies from Cllr Bucke.


  1. Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

To note dispensations given  to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive the minutes of the L & A Committee meeting held on the 6th February 2023 and minutes for the extraordinary meeting held on the 19th January 2023 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.

RESOLVED to accept the minute from the 19th January 2023 with one abstention.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minutes from the 6th February 2023.


  1. To review and to revise any changes on the Leisure & Amenities Terms of Reference Policy. 

RESOLVED to accept with few chosen amendments, with one abstention. 


  1. To review and to revise any changes on the Burial Support Group Terms of Reference Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept with few chosen amendments.


  1. Approve action to be taken on solar lights on a grave in the burial ground.

RESOLVED to write to the owner of the grave in question to kindly remove the lights, as this causes issues with the maintenance of the burial ground. Solar lights will also be listed with the other non preferred items on the Burial support Group TOR. Cllr Mellor voted against sending the letter.


  1. To consider and approve the Playground Risk Management Policy.

Agreed to be deferred until the next meeting, as this wasn't ready in time for the meeting today.


  1. To receive and approve the Burial Support Group Terms & Conditions.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the agreed amendments.


  1. To agree to the purchase of signage for the play areas.

RESOLVED unanimously that new upto date signs that state ‘Children must be supervised at all times while in this play area’. Cllr J Robinson to arrange the design with the printers, along with other projects that are taking place with other committees within council the printers at the same time to lower cost. Cost of up £50. (ACTION - Cllr J Robinson) 


  1. To consider the expenditures relating to the proposed mound construction

RESOLVED unanimously for the sum of up to £1350, this will cover the initial start of the project for plan validation, movement of soil, hardcore and end plates for the tunnel, by doing this it gives nature time for it to settle and weather before moving onto phase two. It was agreed we will revisit the remaining cost in six months it is thought that the overall project will complete to cost in the regan of upto £7500.00.


St Pauls & Laburnum


  1. Matters relating to Laburnum Drive Playing Field & St Pauls play area.


  1. To consider potential future play equipment and agree to any actions required, to consider the quotes obtained since last meeting.

RESOLVED unanimously to defer this item for 6 months. There is ample money for the projects in mind . we can request the money be released from balances into the project fund when required. Note that this may not be this financial year.


  1. To receive a report of any play inspections and maintenance work undertaken since the last meeting and agree to any further action as necessary.

Report received no further action required.


  1. To Review and to revise how the new playground inspection reports are managed.

RESOLVED unanimously to continue with the A/Clerk to continue extracting the information from the report on the current document created by the A/Clerk.


  1. Items in progress: to consider and agree to any actions as appropriate.


  1. To receive an update on the Youth and Community Centre.

RESOLVED unanimously. There hasn't been any change in progress. It has been agreed that we will review and come back to this in 3 months with there being little progress.


  1. To receive an update on the Poplar tree, removal. Approve payment of £250 excess and approve up to £500 for further root removal under the damaged drive.

RESOLVED with 2 against. The tree has now been taken down and the stump has now been plugged and completed.  The sum of £250 for the excess of the insurance is now due now the work is complete. Now the driveway is being repaired it has been highlighted that the roots under the drive need to be removed, which is an additional cost of £500 which is not covered by the insurance.


  1. To receive an update on  the Cricket Club, and the new nets.

RESOLVED unanimously to take to full council, planning permission has been submitted but unlikely to be back before the season begins.


  1. To note and to discuss risk assessments for the play areas.



  1. To receive and update from the Future Burial Ground Task and Finish Group.

It was reported they have met and there is currently nothing to report with regards to change.


  1. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.



  1. To confirm the date for the next meeting.

22nd May 2023


Signed:..................................................................................Cllr J Trahearn on behalf of Clerk

