Cherry Fields Committee Minutes February 2024

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee
held on Monday 12th February 2024 at 14.00 in the Millennium Hall
Chair of the Committee: Cllr J. Robinson
Vice-Chair of the Committee: N. Hooper
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson (Chair), Andy Burge, B. Robinson and co-opted members: C. Bochel,
A. Gardner, D. Leonard, H. McCowan.
JR reported that a member of the public was in attendance to talk about item 5 and answer questions for
15 minutes before the start of the meeting.
A request has been made for the use of Cherry Fields to hold a wedding celebration in June. The
mother of the bride (DB) was in attendance to expand upon the request and answer any questions. She
said they were trying to emulate the atmosphere of the picnic held last year in natural surroundings.
They were looking at different options for lighting – either solar lights or cables from a generator and
were trying out different options.
Members then asked questions about the proposal, particularly about the length of time the event would
take from set up to removal of the marquee, which was 6 days in total. Members asked if this could be
DL asked about how they would control fire risks as the meadow grass would be high at that time and
they would need to check for fire hazards during and after the event.
AG asked if they were expecting to pay to use the Fields. It was noted that there is currently a minimum
£50 refundable bond to cover any damage to PC facilities, but it is up to the Council to decide on the
amount of the bond and any hire fees. A donation could be made for the use of the site. DB
acknowledged this.
The event is due to go on until midnight so sound travelling to the residents on Fiskerton Road would
need to be monitored. BR reported that the disco held at the bonfire did not affect residents. It was
suggested that neighbours be advised of the event if approved. DB said they would be happy to do this.
JR said that when she had looked at hiring a marquee in the past for village events, she had been told
that the marquees could not be left unattended. She explained that the Community Partnership has a
gazebo for hire and CWPC has purchased a larger marquee, both of which can be erected on the day by
the people hiring them. There was concern that a large marquee left over several days would draw
unwanted attention. She also commented that the event sounded much bigger than the natural effect
they were trying to achieve.
NH had commented via email that agreeing to the request shouldn’t been seen to set a precedent. He
asked about plans to control vehicular access as the gate would be shut at 8.00pm so someone would
need to open and close the gate for vehicles to leave.
The community picnic is due to be held the week after, so the ground has to be in good condition for
that. Vans and lorries for the marquee, caterers and WC’s would need access down the track and onto
the grass, but if the ground was not suitable for vehicles, then they wouldn’t be allowed on the grass.
DB agreed to find out answers to the points raised and reply to the council.
The final decision on this will be made by full Council, which is taking place next Monday, 19th February
at the Vine. DB was invited to attend to answer any questions from Councillors.
The meeting began at 14.17.
1) Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and reasons for their
absence where given.
Apologies were received from Cllr. J. Trahearn and N. Hooper, both were on holiday. These were
accepted. Cllr P. Bucke was absent.
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2) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items
listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest
being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed
JR and BR disclosed an interest in item 16, in which they were offering to donate a hide/hut, but no
pecuniary interest was involved.
3) To receive notes of the Cherry Fields Committee Meeting held on Monday 13th November 2023
and approve as Minutes.
The notes were agreed and signed.
JR proposed that item 5 be moved to before item 4. This was agreed.
5) To consider a request to use the events area one evening in June for a wedding party and
resolve accordingly. (BR)
Each member was asked for their comments in turn.
BR said it was good to use the space, but he was nervous about events getting out of hand and also the
total duration. He was therefore in two minds at present.
DL also said the length of time was an issue. It would also set a precedent, even though we would not
want it to.
CB said the proposal was well thought out but would still set a precedent. Other requests may not be as
well thought out as this, so could be a problem. There would need to be a lot of liaison with organisers of
this and other events. The council would need to think through how any future requests would be
AB agreed. It is good that people want to use the site and the proposal is well thought out. Any future
event would need to be as organised as this proposal.
AG said he agreed with all the previous comments and would be anxious to see how this went.
HM agreed with the problem of the length of time involved, possible damage to the wildflower meadow
and the fact that it would set a precedent, despite what we would wish.
JR thought the scale of the event was out of keeping with the natural occasion which they wanted, and
questioned whether we actually want to go into the wedding venue business. She questioned whether
others would assume they could hold events there but not consult CWPC. At least two people from the
PC would need to be available at all times to answer queries and deal with any problems, so she was
exercising a voice of caution. JR and BR are away at this time so will not be available to assist.
The PC could decide to give it a try, but members did not like the length of time involved. Does the PC
want Cherry Fields to be a wedding venue with the costs this would incur, both in time and money? The
RFO would need to check the VAT implications of any charges/ donations. The risk assessments and
insurance details would all have to be checked so it will take up staff time. There is currently a minimum
£50 refundable bond to cover any damages, but this can be more at the discretion of the PC.
On balance the majority of the committee thought it may be worth a try, but the length of time involved,
the setting of a precedent, problems with vehicular access and additional work for the RFO and Clerk
should all be considerations for the PC. Action: RFO
4) To receive a report on the recent damage to property in a neighbouring field, consider a request
for the council to install a fence along the adjoining boundary and agree any actions required.
The stables in the field to the East of Cherry Fields were set alight on the evening of Sunday, 21st
January. The field is rented out by a farmer to a local resident. 3 young people were seen leaving CF at
the time of the event. BR was alerted to the fire and checked CF and the Oasis but there were no
The tenant contacted BR to express concerns that those responsible for the fire could have accessed
the field in question via Cherry Fields. She also stated that people have previously crossed from Cherry
Fields to feed the horses. They have now widened the dyke between the fields to deter people and but
has asked if we can erect a barbed wire fence to stop this. Approximately 85 metres is involved.
It was suggested that the tenant could erect a sign saying ‘Please don’t feed the horses’ if this is a
Any fence would need to be strong and the posts deep when erected in soft ground. A cheap and
cheerful fence would not last long. A barbed wire fence would be a risk.
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AG asked where the boundary was. BR said there was previously a barbed wire fence on our side of
the dyke, but much of it was already down when the Fields were acquired and the rest was removed
over safety concerns.
HM didn’t like the idea of fencing but suggested we could plant hedging along that stretch. These shrubs
would be provided free and would provide a visual barrier against people running down the path and
straight into the drain.
It was proposed and agreed that a hedge would be planted and the tenant requesting the fence to be
informed by the clerk. Action: Clerk/NH/Volunteer team
6) To note the purchase of a magnetic metal backing sheet for the dog area noticeboard.
The backing sheet has been purchased, along with others, and is awaiting fixing when time allows.
Action: BR
7) To receive an update on the Orchard Tree locator boards and agree any actions required.
JR understands that the board has been ordered. The last one took a while to arrive. NH will be asked
to chase on his return. Action: NH
8) To note the purchase of the new entrance sign and agree any actions required.
The new sign has arrived and will be fixed to the left of the main entrance later this week. The existing
posts will be used, and any other wood required should be available free from members.
Action: BR/DL
9) To note the planting of the commemorative Asian Pear.
The partner of the volunteer who this tree commemorates was unable to attend, but the pear has now
been planted.
10) To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken since the last meeting was presented and discussed.*
The reservoir is now only 30cm deep instead of 90cm, but will be allowed to deepen again for Summer.
The new barriers around the fruit trees look much better. The willow trees have been coppiced, but this
will make them grow much stronger. Some woodland trees will be thinned out by removing the weaker
ones, but still need to keep quite a few to maintain the woodland effect.
Many thanks to all the volunteers for their continued support.
11) To note the decision of the full council to agree to a virement from the grass cutting budget of
£342.00 to the CFC Maintenance Budget.
The virement which was requested has now been approved.
12) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
The maintenance and project budgets were presented*. There were no questions and NH was thanked
for keeping track of the spending.
13) To note the verge and hedge alongside Fiskerton Road/Cherry Fields will be cut in February
The roadside hedge will be cut by contractors from Metheringham. The cost will come from the VIC
funds, and the hedge at Tanfaine will also be done.
14) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure (NH/BR)
The proposed list of works was presented.*
BR reported that the coppicing was nearly finished. The bike track needs urgent attention following the
flooding. The bike rack will be painted green. L&A have agreed to donate any paint they have left but if
not, a small tin of Hammerite paint will need to be purchased. It was agreed unanimously to spend up to
£25 if necessary. Action: BR
BR said no sweepings or planings would be required before the next meeting.
Thanks to NH and BR for their updates.
15) To consider matters relating to the annual WTDB drainage charge and resolve accordingly.
JR explained why an application to WTDB for the waiving of the annual drainage rate charge of £30 was
being considered. As minuted in item 4 of the November 2023 Meeting: ...the school playground was
dry for the first time, so the new pipe has worked and sent the excess water to Cherry Fields.
Therefore, as Cherry Fields were having to deal with more water, why should they have to pay the
drainage rate?
AG said there should not have been any more water draining to Cherry Fields as the flood protection
scheme at the school stored water in excess of the pipe’s capacity underground in storm crates. The
volume of storage made available, combined with the type of control at the entry to the carrier pipe,
should have been designed to actually reduce the mean rate of flow down to Cherry Fields. AB
explained an obstruction had been found in the pipe, so the flow rate would have been less in the pipe
and the flooding around the school would have been worse. However, it was appreciated this was only a
temporary and unintended benefit for Cherry Fields, the pipe now being cleared or repaired as part of the
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scheme. AG was convinced a larger pipe would not have been laid down to Cherry Fields as flood
protection schemes almost universally involved holding water back, thereby reducing flow rates
It was therefore agreed not to make any representation to WTDB regarding the drainage rate.
16) To consider the offer of a small covered hide/hut and possible locations for it, and agree any
actions accordingly (BR)
JR and BR have a wooden tower which they are offering to donate to CF for use as a hide/hut. The
lower legs would be removed, and BR suggested making a mound around it. The hide is 130cm x
130cm x 185 cm high. Possible locations are the dog area, but it is not really tall enough; the bottom SE
corner, but this may now have hedging planted nearby; the beginning of the scramble trail or by the forts.
The hide could be moved either by DS, when he has tines on his digger, or by loading it on to a trailer.
There were two abstentions (JR and BR elected to abstain in view of their declared interest), but
remaining members all agreed to accept this hide. JR and BR were thanked for their donation.
JR suggested that members look at the possible sites and discuss again at the next meeting.
CB left the meeting at 15.37
17) To agree the programme of routine inspections in 2024
AB asked if it was necessary for H&S inspections to be held every month, or could they be very two
JR said the inspections fed into the working party days, and if we aimed for monthly then every two
months should be achieved as a minimum. Some items need to be checked more frequently.
CB returned to the meeting at 15.40
The following inspections were agreed:
HM in February, NH/CB in March, BR/JR in April, AG in May and DL in June.
18) To receive any update on matters relating to the roe deer and future sculptures and agree any
actions required (BR)
JR reported that JC will paint the base of the deer to make it look more natural. She is still keen on the
idea of corgis but has been busy. JR will get photos of corgis to sent to her. One will be laid down with
paws in front and the other will be sat down, both to ensure they are sturdy with no breakable parts. BR
will make sure they have a steel lug protruding so they can be securely fixed to the ground by the
entrance to the dog area. A site meeting will be held with JC to review the plans and location before JC
starts making the sculptures. Action: JR
19) To review plans for the Community Picnic July 2024 and agree any actions required.
JR reported that some Morris Men are coming to dance. The Oasis are keen to attend, with Becky
hoping to sell produce.
AB asked if businesses attending could be asked for a donation as they would be making a lot of money.
JR thought that we needed their presence more than they needed to attend, and they had not been
asked this when the booking was made. It was agreed that a donation would, however, be requested.
Action: NH
20) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since the last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – Nothing further to report
b) Grants (HM) – JR said we may need to apply next year for funding towards a zip wire. Other
committees are in the process of applying for grants, which would preclude us for applying to the
same body. HM to email the Clerk and ask for a list of recent grant applications made, or in the
pipeline. Action: HM
c) Ditch maintenance (AG) – AG would like to converse with BR/NH on site. It was suggested he visit
on a working party day when they are usually there. To be arranged. Action: AG/NH/BR
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) – BR and NH have a plan of action. The inflatable seems to be
holding air, so the bull rushes will be cut this spring/summer. Action: BR/NH
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) - Nothing further to report.
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – This is due to start in April, but the grass is growing already.
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – Nothing further to report.
h) Orchard – Nothing further to report.
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip - The dog area looks wet. JR reported that the Fund-raising
committee would like to hold a dog show there on 1st June. The grass would need to be cut in
preparation. DL has removed the rotted equipment apart from 1 small jump and the see-saw. BR
says there is a tractor tyre in the storage area. This will be looked at when there is suitable
equipment on site to move it and dig out the hole required for installation.
j) Bike Track (BR) - Nothing further to report.
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k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – The closing time for the car park will change on
31st March. No-one has been locked in recently, but one small car appears to have exited via the
pedestrian gate. An additional post will be inserted to reduce the size of the space when fixing the
main sign. Action: BR
l) Oasis CB said the BB has requested a letter from the PC to the YMCA about the good
communication between the Oasis and the PC, particularly during the floods. This was commented
upon at the previous meeting. JR proposed that the Clerk send a letter on behalf of the PC. This
was agreed. Action: Clerk
AB has visited the two village schools recently, and both Heads have said that there is no longer
contact with the Oasis. They said it has been good for pupils to visit in the past but this no longer
seems to happen. JR had reported this to BB and BB said she had it on her list of things to do.
21) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.
AG noted that while item 4 in the previous minutes may have been a true record of what was said at the
meeting, it would be more factual to say, “The height of water in the North Delph was such that the water
could not escape into the Delph”. The position of the outflow pipe made no difference.
CB left at 4.13.
HM said that a bench and picnic table by the bike track were now skewed following the flooding where
the ground is now soft. Benches and tables will be checked. Action: BR
22) To agree the date of the next meeting
The next meeting date has already been agreed and will be held on Monday, 8th April at 2.00pm.
The provisional date for the subsequent meeting is Monday, 3
rd June at 2pm.
The meeting closed at 16.19.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................