Cherry Fields Committee Minutes June 2024

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee
held on Monday 3
rd June 2024 at 14.00 in the Millennium Hall
Chair of the Committee: Cllr J. Robinson
Vice-Chair of the Committee: N. Hooper
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson, A. Burge, B. Robinson, J. Trahearn and P. Bucke and co-opted
members: C. Bochel, A. Garner, N. Hooper, D. Leonard, H. McCowan. (Initials used in minutes
1. To appoint a minute taker for the meeting.
HM was appointed as minute taker.
2. To elect a Chair.
JR was unanimously elected Chair.
3. To receive the nominations of non-councillors for co-option and agree co-option.
NH, DL, CB, AG and HM were unanimously elected as Co-opted members.
4. To elect a Vice-chair.
NH was unanimously elected as Vice-Chair.
5. To note and record apologies and absences.
There were no apologies to record.
6. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda
items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items
listed below.
There were no declarations of interest.
7. To receive notes of the Cherry Fields Committee Meeting held on Monday 8th April 2024 and
approve as Minutes.
The minutes of the meeting on Monday, 8th April were approved.
8. To appoint a Councillor to represent the Cherry Fields Committee on the Finance and
General Purposes Committee.
JR was unanimously appointed as the representative on the Finance and General Purposes
9. To appoint a committee member to keep an overview of expenditure, including expenses
claims before they are submitted to the RFO.
NH was unanimously appointed to keep an overview on expenditure.
10. To appoint a minute taker for future meetings.
HM was unanimously appointed minute taker for future meetings.
11. To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting. (NH/BR)
*NH presented a list of work undertaken since the last meeting. The bay for chipped wood material
has now been built. NH suggested that any tree surgeons working locally are encouraged to leave
donations of mulched bark. The cycle track is looking good after the upgrade and the volunteers
were thanked for their hard work.
12. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget. (NH)
*NH presented the expenditure reports. Nothing has been spent on project work so far.
The main spend this year on maintenance is the cycle track improvements which have now been
done. There is around £600 left for anything else which arises this year.
13. To review any matters arising from recent H & S inspections and agree any actions required.
AG did the last inspection and most items arising had been addressed at the last CF working party.
He had raised a concern about the site of the bus shelter and possible misuse. Willows have grown
in front of it, so it is not very visible from the track. However, the shelter is firmly sited and cannot be
moved again. It was agreed to cut the willows back to make it more open.
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AG had also expressed concern about the woodland walk exit onto the road. It was noted that there
were signs leading up to it and zig-zag posts to slow children from running straight out. If a gate or
step were installed this would negate all-ability access. Highways could be asked to install a metal
barrier on the roadside, but this could equally be an issue as it would make access more difficult and
they would be unlikely to do this. Following discussion, it was agreed to extend the zig-zag with
more posts if possible, but it has to be usable for pushchairs and wheelchairs etc.
Action: NH/BR + volunteer team
14.19pm – BR left the meeting.
H&S inspection form: The resolved column is not used and has now been removed and the whole
sheet has been revised. JR will circulate the new version. If anything is very urgent, please phone
NH/BR/JR for attention. It was suggested one way of undertaking the monthly inspection could be to
take photos of issues to act as reminders before completing the whole form back home. JR has
produced a condensed page to act as a reminder of the items to inspect. This gives users more
options, especially if it is raining. Action: JR
14.23 - BR returned to the meeting.
PB/JT will do H&S inspections in July, NH in August and AG in September.
Action: NH/BR + volunteer team
BR reported that the bike track inspection took place this morning. The inspector was impressed
with the quality of the new surface. He noted that there are two willow stumps which need covering
with earth, otherwise he was very happy with the track. Action: BR + volunteer team
The inspector was concerned about the xylophone rope, so the two strands will be bound together.
Action: NH/BR + volunteer team
The inspector noted that the proposed location of the watch tower is good. He said it would be
classed as a shelter rather than play equipment so the fall height for inspection purposes is the floor.
This means that the floor could be a metre or more above the surrounding ground level.
14. To receive any update on the use of the events area for a wedding party and agree any
actions required. (BR)
Full Council had agreed that Cllr Palmer and JT would be the councillors available on the weekend
to liaise with the wedding party. BR will phone to get an update on progress with the event. The
events area will be cut before the wedding event. Action: BR + volunteer
15. To review plans for the Community Picnic July 2024 and agree any actions required,
including to approve the expenditure of £295+VAT for the hire of two events toilets and one
accessible toilet from Lincs Loos.
It was agreed unanimously to approve the expenditure of £295+VAT for the hire of two events toilets
and one accessible toilet from Lincs Loos for the picnic. A decision has to be made at some point
whether the event is going to be postponed due to the weather; this would ideally happen before the
toilets leave the yard. Lincs Loos have been asked for the cost of keeping the toilets onsite until the
following weekend but have not replied yet. It was agreed that AB as PC chair, JR as CF chair and
the Responsible Finance Officer are authorised to deal with any matters arising from any extra costs
It was agreed that JR/BR/NH will make the decision on cancellation due to the weather.
Action: JR/BR/NH
The Lincoln Ukulele band, Vocalisa choir and Poacher Morris dancers are still coming plus FAB,
Ellmoo ice cream and hot dogs and Cherry Bomb Face Painter. NH will email the stall holders
shortly with a reminder and final details. Action: NH
There will be a PC stall. The churches will have activity bags to hand out. CL will do first aid and JR
will also ask someone to act as backup. The team from The Vine are not available to run children’s
games this time so CL is asking the Scout leaders if they can run any activities. If not, JR will ask
the primary school if they can arrange something. Action: JR
The YMCA will be doing activities on their site. The British Legion bikers have not responded to
emails, but NH will email them again. Action: NH
BR will be running bike trials and needs assistants to record times. AB will do car park marshalling.
The gate will need manning. AG, PB and JT are available to help. JR will email all councillors asking
for help. Action: JR
BR will speak to the remote-controlled tank man about attending. Action: BR
16. To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure. (NH/BR)
*The meeting considered the report on work required. NH said the xylophone was very popular and
they were considering making something similar from scaffolding pipes. Discussion on safety
followed. There is something similar at Boultham Park and NH will look at various designs with
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consideration to safety. Action: NH
Hay cutting will be needed in August and £300 is currently allocated in the budget. Various options
were discussed, and it was agreed to spend up to £400 for the hay to be cut and dealt with.
Action: NH/BR
A digger is being hired for work on the Gilbert’s Pond area and St Paul’s Play Area. If there is any
time left, consideration could be given to digging a hole for the tractor tyre in the dog area.
Action: AB/BR
Re broken tree tubes: Tubex, who make the plastic tubes, have a similar recycling scheme to that
previously reported. They need to be in 1-ton builder’s bags and taken to Snitterby. AG offered to
take them in his van and this offer was accepted. More builder’s bags are needed and members
agreed to see if they have any. Action: AG and all
It was reported that, under DL’s supervision, DL’s grandson is volunteering at CF as part of his Duke
of Edinburgh Silver Award. As part of this he is working to consolidate the plastic tubes ready for
recycling. He was thanked for doing this volunteering.
The laminated signs in the dog exercise area asking people to alert existing users that they are
about to enter are looking worn out and need replacing. Permanent signs are significantly cheaper if
ordered in bulk so members on L&A and VIC were asked to report if these committees needed any
signs in future. In the meantime, replacement laminated signs will be fixed. Action: JR/BR
It was noted that recycled timber has been used on site wherever possible to minimise cost. This
means that structures such as the castles, forts and steps will be coming to the end of their life and
recycled plastic should be considered to replace them. This is quite expensive but would then last
for ever. It is something to think about for next year’s budget and for possible grants.
17. To discuss the proposed Zip Wire project and agree any actions required. (NH/BR)
The cost is still to be researched. Action: NH/BR
The L and A committee has been looking at installing a zipwire at St Paul’s play area and are still
awaiting a quote. Discussion followed about a zip wire at Cherry Fields, or whether more natural
play items would be suitable. It was decided to see what happens with the one at St Paul’s and how
often it needs repairing/maintenance.
18. To receive any update on matters relating to the roe deer and future sculptures and agree
any actions required.
There has been no update on the repair of the antlers.
19. To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – Nothing further to report.
b) Grants (HM) – HM reported on the DEFRA Community Green Space Fund. It covers a lot of the
work we have already done, but also includes planting flowers around village hall facilities or other
community green spaces, expansion of natural play facilities encouraging children to spend more
time outdoors, new paths and seating. PCs are encouraged to register their interest with Action with
Communities in Rural England. There could be a PC grant application to cover various items around
the village, including Cherry Fields. JR is to ask the Clerk to register the PC’s interest for future
information. Applications are due to open in early Summer. The fund runs to March 2025.
Action: JR
c) Dyke maintenance (AG) – Nothing further to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) - Nothing further to report.
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) - Nothing further to report.
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – It was noted that, during the last cut, some bits were missed. BR is to
contact Glendale about this. The whole site will need doing before the picnic. BR will ask Glendale
for a quote for the areas which DR currently cuts, in case they are needed to do this in the future.
Action: BR
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – Some mature Rowan trees are dying. NH thinks it is Fire
blight and the trees need cutting and burning. Birch, Alder and Willow are doing well and could
replace them. Action: NH/BR + volunteer team
h) Orchard (NH) – 3 of the original trees, all next to each other, are looking dead. All have had
caterpillars but there could be other reasons so NH will keep an eye on them. Action: BR
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip – AB reported that the dog show went very well. Including
donations, around £700 was raised for play equipment.
j) Bike Track (BR) - Nothing further to report.
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) - Nothing further to report.
l) Oasis (CB) – CB declared an interest. Planting is in full swing, and the strawberries are doing well.
The lawn mower is broken so some areas look overgrown at present.
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BR suggested that the Oasis be allowed to use a limited amount of our planings and sweepings to
refresh the path to the caravan if they donate money for the next load of sweepings. This was
agreed. Action: BR
20. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.
Nothing was raised.
21. To confirm the dates of the next meetings.
The next meetings will be on Mondays 8th July, 9th September and 11th November.
All will start at 14.00.
The meeting finished at 15.58pm.
Signed________________________________ Date __________________
*Additional documents follow as appendices.
Appendix A: Note of volunteer work undertaken since 29 March 2024
Project development
No further project development work has been undertaken.
The major spring task involved remodelling the cycle track to raise sections which had subsided and
become wet and resurface the entire circuit with planings and a running coat of sweepings. The work
went to plan despite the variable weather and very soft ground and the surface seems to be knitting
together very well.
Spare materials were used to replenish the river bank steps, fill holes in the main access track and
resurface the path around the lagoon and Charter Wood path.
The Tree Identification board has been washed to clean off green algae.
Emerging grass and weeds around all of the blocks of younger tree in Cherry Pastures have been
sprayed with herbicide.
Damaged and missing car park studs have been replaced and all have had a coat of yellow paint
The water level in lagoon has been topped up (without disturbing the moorhen’s nest!) with water
pumped from the reservoir (without disturbing the newts!)
Steps on the viewing mound have been haunched with additional soil and one broken step replaced. The
wooden bench on the viewing mound had begun to rot and has been removed to be repaired.
The shrubs alongside the access track and the path under the power cables have been trimmed back to
improve access and the wildflower meadow paths have been created by mowing.
The volunteers have constructed a storage silo for shredded tree material to use as a mulch around the
trees. This will avoid having to take up space in the car park.
Volunteer input (between 29 March and 24 May 2024)
Project development 0 person days
Maintenance 33.5 person days
Gate opening 5.5 person days
Total 39 person days
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Appendix B: Projects Budget update
Available project funds :-
PC budget allocation £2,000
Carried forward grants. Sponsorship and donations £602
Orchard funds (carried forward) £727
Expenditure of PC funds :-
spend Estimate Total
Zip wire or other play equipment £2,000
Total Parish Council funded projects £0 £2,000 £2,000
Expenditure of grants or donations:-
Dog agility equipment £200
Unallocated £402
Total grant and donation funded projects £0 £602 £602
Expenditure of Orchard funds:-
Replacement trees £50
Grease bands etc £100
Unallocated £576
Total community orchard fund projects £0 726 £726
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Appendix C: Maintenance budgets update
PC annual allocation for contract mowing £1258
PC allocation for inspections £100
PC allocation for other maintenance £2,700
Total £4,058
spend Estimate Total
Contract mowing (paths and picnic areas):-
April £157
May £157
June £157
July £314
August £157
September £157
October £157
Total contract mowing £157 £1,099
Annual cycle track inspection £100
Total inspections £100
Other maintenance:-
Witham Third drainage rates £76
Plant hire (3 days dumper and wacker @ £100/day) £300
Volunteer fuel costs remaining budget:- £590
BR fuel costs April/May £180
DR fuel costs April/May £130
Materials (20 tons planings in April) £240
Materials (20 tons planings in May) £220
Drain maintenance £0
Meadow mowing £300
Hedge maintenance £0
First aid box £28
Unallocated £636
Total other maintenance £1,174 £1,526 £2,700
Total 4058
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Appendix D: Project and maintenance work required over the coming months
The wooden xylophone has proved popular with younger visitors to Cherry Fields. A similar musical
instrument using short lengths of scaffolding pole could also be constructed alongside it. There is sufficient
timber and fixings in store but the volunteers are looking for donations of scaffolding poles.
Additional lengths of scaffolding pole are also still required to secure the reservoir fence in place (to reduce
risk of vandalism). If donations are not forthcoming, these will need to be bought.
Once the leak in the dog area notice board has been repaired the steel sheet needs to be attached to enable
notices to be magnetically posted.
Also in the dog area the volunteers need to excavate holes and install the tractor tyre obstacles. The heavy
clay soil means that an excavator will need to be hired.
A location has been identified for the wooden “lookout” feature. This will need to be transported to site and
installed and the purchase of additional timber and fixings will be required.
The stockpile of broken tree tubes (removed once the tree has split them) has reached a considerable size.
Agricycle at Caenby Corner has historically collected these at a cost of around £50 for a 1m2 bag. Tubex
(the manufacturer) has recently introduced its own recycling scheme. Collection is £39 per 1m2 bag
(minimum 6 bags). Alternatively, users can provide their own bags and drop them off free of charge at a
recycling hub. The nearest to Lincoln is at the British Hardwood Tree Nursery depot in Snitterby (19 miles
from Cherry). A decision needs to be made about this.
Over the past 6 or 7 years the volunteers have constructed a number of timber features (steps, bench,
castle, safety barriers etc) often using donated second hand timber. These will shortly be nearing the end of
their lives and consideration now needs to be given to whether or how they might be replaced. Using timber
again with be relatively inexpensive but it will need replacing at regular intervals. Recycled plastic is more
expensive but is very robust and requires no maintenance.
The laminated signs on the gates to the dog area (asking people to alert existing users that they are about to
enter) need replacing. It is suggested that they are replaced with permanent signs. If agreed, then we should
ask the Parish Council/other committees if they need any signage, as a larger order is more cost effective.
Expenditure needs to be agreed regarding the Hay cutting in Cherry Pastures (the top field).
Project development
No additional project development work is currently planned.
Community orchard
The completion of the annual application of weed suppressing mulch around the trees will be dependent on
donations of chipped tree material. A source may have been identified but access is limited and will require
use of a large trailer to collect it. Opportunities to acquire free material should however also be taken if tree
surgeons are working in the village.