Cherry Fields Committee Minutes September 2024
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee
held on Monday 9
th September 2024 at 14.00 in the Millennium Hall
Chair of the Committee: Cllr J. Robinson
Vice-Chair of the Committee: N. Hooper
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson, B. Robinson, P. Burke and J. Trahearn and co-opted members:
N. Hooper, A. Gardner, and H. McCowan. (Initials used in minutes below.)
1A. To note and record apologies and absences.
Apologies were recorded from Cllr Andy Burge and co-opted members Dave Leonard and Catherine
1B. To record declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider
any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or other interests
as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no declarations of interest.
2. To receive notes of the Cherry Fields Committee Meeting held on Monday 8
th July 2024 and
approve as Minutes.
AG said there was an error in his surname (a D was missing). With this amendment, the minutes of
the meeting on Monday, 8
th July were then approved.
3. To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting. (NH/BR)
*A list of work undertaken since the last meeting was presented and received.
The plastic tubes are now ready to take for recycling. AG and BR to agree date. Action: BR/AG
NH reported that 3 fruit trees have died in the orchard. Two are cherries plus one pear. He is
looking to replace like for like. JR thanked all the volunteers for their continued hard work.
4. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget. (NH)
*The expenditure reports were presented and received.
There is no change to the Project funds since the last meeting.
There is £576 in the Orchard budget from which the replacement fruit trees will be purchased.
The maintenance spending is within budget on all headings. No invoice has yet been received for
the August grass cut. Cuts will be needed in September and probably October.
BR showed the new safety helmet which has been purchased.
Thanks were given to NH for keeping a record of the budget details.
5. To note the Community Picnic was cancelled on the back-up date of Saturday July 13th
This was noted and shows how weather dependent these events are.
It was also noted that Lincs Loos had refunded the hire cost.
6. To note that the Cherry Fields Project has reached the final round of the Lincolnshire
Environmental Awards and agree any actions required.
Cherry Fields is now one of the 3 groups in the final stage of this award. An Awards Day and
presentation will be held on Saturday, 28th September at Whisby Nature Centre. There will be an 8
minute presentation from each of the three groups. The three finalists will get a free podcast for
their group plus some money. Six people will be attending on behalf of CF, and lunch will be
provided for three of them. BR and NH to put together a PowerPoint presentation. Action: BR/NH
7. To review recent problems with the burning of diseased plant material and agree any actions
and associated expenditure, including resolving on whether to create a firepit.
It was reported that an increasing number of Rowan trees were being killed by the disease known as
“Fire Blight”; this is a national problem. It was noted that it is possible we will lose all the Rowan
trees on the site to this disease. Volunteers have been gradually removing the infected trees and,
as per recommendations, burning the diseased branches. On the last occasion, despite volunteers
thoroughly checking that the fire was out before eventually leaving the site (during heavy rain), they
had not realised that an adjoining pile of dry peat had started to burn internally. This continued to
smoulder through the night and into the morning. Residents alerted councillors to the smoke and
AB attended the site.
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As he was unable to put the fire out, he called the fire brigade; they attended but were unable to get
water to the fire as the distance required for them to reverse the fire engine down the track was
considered too great. The fire was eventually put out by volunteers dousing it with water from the
Delph, using an IBC borrowed from The Oasis.
There was considerable discussion about ways to deal with the Fire Blighted trees and how to avoid
this regrettable problem re-occurring. A fire-pit was considered but it was felt this may encourage
others to light fires down there, which we do not want to happen. It was finally agreed to stack the
diseased branches (not burn them) and monitor the impact on the spread of the disease over the
next year. Buying an IBC of our own to fill and use in any future emergencies was discussed but it
was agreed to approach The Oasis about borrowing theirs again should the need ever arise.
It was also agreed to investigate whether the emergency service control rooms have or could have
the codes for the gates and height limiter. ACTION: JR/Clerk
8. To review any matters arising from recent H & S inspections and agree any actions required.
NH did an inspection recently and said the entrance height limiter is bowed so needs to be checked.
The possibility of raising the height from 1.83 to 2m was discussed. There are 3 possible ways of
achieving this: excavate the track surface to make the road lower; raise the limiter with a new sleeve
and pins on the hinge; or lift the supporting post from its concrete base and re-install it higher to give
the 2m clearance.
BR to investigate. Action: BR
JR to re-circulate the most recent H&S inspection form. Action: JR
The following inspections were agreed: AG – Sept, HM – Oct, BR/JR – Nov, JT/PB – Dec.
9. To review an update on the status of the fencing along the 10m strip and agree any actions
and expenditure required.
It was confirmed that the PC had paid for the fence to be installed by the neighbouring farmer. It
was agreed that we needed the fence and that we should undertake any repairs. It was decided to
ask DL to cost up the repairs. It was then agreed to authorise the purchase of any timber posts up
to a maximum of £100, if required, the posts to be ordered by the RFO/Clerk. Action: DL
10. To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure, including: the purchase of a pump and hose: materials required for the
installation of the wooden lookout; and materials required for improvements to the eastern
entrance to the Woodland Walk. (NH/BR)
The recent hot summer has shown that pumping water little and often is the best way to keep the
level of the lagoon topped up and that therefore there is a need for us to have our own pump. A
large pump and hose will cost around £400 and would do the job much quicker than a small one. It
was proposed that we purchase a pump, hose and associated items up to a maximum of £490. This
was agreed. Action: BR
The ex-lookout tower is due to be installed in the next few weeks as a “hide” feature on the
Woodland Walk. It was agreed to spend up to £50 on materials required for the installation of the
hide. It was also agreed to spend up to £50 on materials required for the improvements to the east
entrance to the Woodland Walk. Action: BR/DL
11. To review the grass cutting schedule and agree the tender specification for 2025/2026.
BR has received two quotes for the areas of grass currently cut by DR. The dog area would be £52
per cut and all other areas listed would be £156 per cut. This shows how much is currently being
saved when the work is done by DR.
DR is finding it increasingly difficult to get his tractor around the orchard trees, so this area should be
added to the specification for next year. BR will speak to him about any other areas which he will be
unable to do, and these should be added in for next year. Action: BR
12. To discuss any ideas about recruiting and involving younger volunteers, and the production
of a succession strategy and agree any actions required.
It was suggested that a couple of regular adult users of the bike track could be invited to walk the
bike track once a month with BR, with the purpose of pruning and looking for potential hazards and
improvements. ACTION: BR
It was noted that holding the regular volunteer work party days on Tuesdays prevented many of
working age from joining in. It was therefore agreed to hold a work party on Saturday, 7th December
9am to 1pm. A notice will be put in the Cherry News for two editions, plus posts on Facebook and
notices at Cherry Fields. Action: BR/JR/NH
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13. To receive any update on matters relating to the roe deer and future sculptures and agree
any actions required.
JC has done some repairs to the antlers but there is still some painting required. She is hoping to
purchase materials for the corgis in the near future. It was agreed that we would give a donation of
£50 towards the cost of materials for the corgis.
14. To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – Nothing further to report.
b) Grants (HM) – It was noted that the PC have applied to the Co-op recently so we cannot apply to
them. NH suggested that funding could be sought for the previously agreed cloud identification
board. HM to ask the RFO which Grant bodies are available for us to apply to. Any applications
have to be approved by the PC first. Action: HM
c) Dyke maintenance (AG) – Nothing further to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) - Nothing further to report.
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) – PB asked about water diversions on the main
path following flooding. Drainage on the 10m strip will be looked at. Action: NH
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – Nothing further to report
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – A contractor was due to come this week or next for the hay
cutting. BR to arrange. Action: BR
h) Orchard (NH) – Of the 3 trees which need to be replace, NH says he has one cherry. Another could
be purchased at Tesco and the pear will need to be sourced from a specialist supplier. It was
agreed that up to £70 could be used for these from the Orchard fund. Action: NH
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip – JR said two permanent signs are required, plus one for the
main track saying No Horses. JR to get a quotation and liaise with other committees. Action: JR
j) Bike Track (BR) – Some pruning and other work has been done.
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – The closing time will be changed this weekend, then
again at the end of October when BST ends. Action: BR
l) Oasis – Nothing to report.
15. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.
Grant possibilities to be added to the next agenda.
16. To confirm the dates of the next meetings.
The next meeting will be on Monday, 11th November, starting at 14.00.
The meeting finished at 15.54pm.
Signed________________________________ Date __________________
*Additional documents follow as appendices.