Cherry Fields Committee Minutes April 2024
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee
held on Monday 8
th April 2024 at 14.00 in the Millennium Hall
Chair of the Committee: Cllr J. Robinson
Vice-Chair of the Committee: N. Hooper
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson (Chair), Andy Burge, B. Robinson, J. Trahearn and P. Bucke and co-
opted members: C. Bochel, D. Leonard, H. McCowan.
1) Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and reasons for their
absence where given.
Apologies were received from A. Garner and N. Hooper.
2) To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items
listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest
being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed
None were declared.
3) To receive notes of the Cherry Fields Committee Meeting held on Monday 12th February 2024 and
approve as Minutes.
Since the last meeting it had been established that comments made by an absent member for items
under discussion cannot be minuted. Absent members can submit reports on items, but their opinions on
an item cannot be recorded.
Accordingly, the paragraph under the item about the wedding request, starting “NH had commented via
email .......vehicles to leave” was manually deleted by the Chair.
The revised minutes were then accepted.
4) To receive an update on the Full Council’s decision regarding the request to use the events area
for a wedding party and agree any actions required (BR)
It was reported that Full Council had agreed to the request to use the events area for a wedding party.
The organisers have subsequently accepted the terms and conditions, including a hire charge and
refundable bond. BR is acting as liaison in the weeks before the event but is away at the time of the
event itself. It was resolved to request that, at their next meeting, Full Council appoint the two
councillors who will act as liaison officers for the duration of the event. It was also resolved to request
that Full Council agree that the cost of any work undertaken by the CFC and its volunteer team as a
result of this event be taken out of the hire charge, not the CFC maintenance budget. Action: JR
5) To note the installation of the Orchard Tree Locator Board and new Entrance sign.
These were noted.
6) To note the cutting of the verge and hedge alongside Fiskerton Road/Cherry Fields and discuss
future hedge cutting policy.
This work was done by a contractor at the same time as the hedges at Tanfaine. Some parts of the
hedge were beyond the reach of the contractor’s machine and some of these have been trimmed by
volunteers. After discussion, the hedge cutting policy was resolved as follows:
• Hedges adjoining farmland would not be trimmed regularly unless they were interfering with
access for drain cleaning, paths or tree growth or there were unexpected issues.
• The maintenance budget would be set to allow for the cutting of the hedge adjoining Fiskerton
Road every two years with the need for cutting to be assessed at the time. The hedge would be
cut every three years as a minimum.
It was noted that the Cherry Fields Masterplan and Maintenance Guide recommended that the first three
months of the year was the best time for the hedge cutting to take place. It was also noted that the work
would ideally be done at the same time as the Tanfaine roadside hedge was cut.
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7) To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken since the last meeting was presented and discussed.*
BR reported that major work on the Bike Track has now commenced. The report was noted.
8) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
The maintenance and project budgets were presented*.
The RFO reports that there was an underspend of £342 in the grass cutting budget and £138 in the
general maintenance budget. The project budget was underspent by £55. These will drop into the
Parish Council balances.
Donations & grants of £602 plus £726 in the Orchard fund will be carried forward to 2024/25.
See attached reports.
9) To review any matters arising from recent H&S inspections and agree associated expenditure.
The following points were discussed:
• The skip in the Oasis is overflowing and needs removal. Unfortunately, to date, the ground has
been too wet for a lorry to get down. It was noted that BB of the Oasis team is keen to get it
removed as soon as possible and has given assurance that she will be arranging for this to
happen as soon as ground conditions permit.
• Work is already in progress to restore and repair the bike track. Vegetation has been cut back
where it was encroaching on the bike track. It was noted that some areas of the track have
become indistinguishable due to mud following the flooding.
• It was reported that someone has made a large jump out of clay on the bike track, which is
impossible to ride for many users. It may be that it was created for motorised bikes. BR will
remove this or make it safe for all users. Action: BR
10) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure. (NH written report/BR)
It was noted that restoration and repair of the bike track is the major maintenance project for this year. It
was reported that a mini dumper truck will need to be hired as the tractor became stuck in the mud last
week and some areas of the bike track are too far away from the main track to make barrowing material
by hand practicable. Four sessions may be required to move materials around the bike track, including
raising the level of the track in some places. The cost of dumper truck and wacker plate hire, plus a load
of materials, was expected to be around £650. It was resolved that materials and plant hire could be
purchased to a maximum of £650. Action: BR
It was agreed to ask NH to search for free or cheaper methods of recycling the broken plastic tree tubes
but, if none were found then, it was agreed to arrange for the stockpile of them to be sent for recycling
into picnic furniture up to the cost of £55. Action: NH
11) To consider possible locations for a small covered hide/hut and agree any actions accordingly.
Members of CFC at the fortnightly volunteer day had inspected the SE corner, by the start of the
Scramble Trail, and recommended it as the most suitable site for the hide. The meeting agreed to this
location. It was also agreed to cover any expenditure incurred in moving and installing the hide.
Action: BR
12) To discuss the proposed zip-wire project and agree any actions required.
It was agreed to ask BR and NH to research this and return with a plan and costs. Implications to our
insurance will also need to be researched. Action: BR/NH
13) To receive any update on matters relating to the roe deer and future sculptures and agree any
actions required (BR)
No updates. JC is aware that the antler is still broken.
14) To review plans for the Community Picnic July 2024 and agree any actions required.
A face painter has accepted an invitation to attend and is aware of the request for a donation. NH will
contact those who have already agreed to attend 6 weeks before the event to check they are still coming
and ask for donations. Action: NH
15) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since the last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – PB was asked to review the CF Emergency First Aid box and
liaise with the Clerk to purchase additional items, or a new box as required. Action: PB
BR/JR will do the April inspection and CB will go with them. AG is due to inspect in May and DL in
June. Action: BR/JR/CB
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b) Grants (HM) – It was noted that NH and HM have submitted an online application to be considered
for the Lincolnshire Wildlife Environmental Awards for 2024. Action: HM/NH
It was reported that the Parish Council has resolved that Grants applications must be approved by
Full Council before applying, so that there is no overlapping by different Committees.
c) Ditch maintenance (AG) – It was reported that a site meeting had been held to discuss
maintenance of the dykes. It was agreed that the dyke from Fiskerton Road to the North Delph be
de-silted every 10 years. (We are currently in year 5.) It was also agreed that flailing of the
vegetation should be done every 3 years. We are now in year 2, so this needs to be allowed for in
next year’s budget. Some of this flailing could possibly be done by volunteers with hired-in plant.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) –This will be done after the work to the Bike Track is completed.
Action: BR/NH
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) - Nothing further to report.
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – The contractor has started cutting around the village. BR/DL are to inspect
and liaise with the contractor about when cutting should start at Cherry Fields. Action: DL/BR
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – Nothing further to report.
h) Orchard – Nothing further to report.
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip - The last item of equipment needs removing. Action: DL/BR
j) Bike Track (BR) – Nothing further to report.
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – It was noted that the closing time for the car park
has now changed to 8.00pm.
l) Oasis – It was reported that they had received a few donations recently. Becky B had asked the Co-
op if they could do a survey at the Parade to find out people’s views on what they would like the
Oasis to do for the village. This request was refused and she was told only Co-op Champions could
do this. She is looking at doing this at the Church Fete instead.
16) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.
Purchase of materials to paint the Delph bridge may need to be discussed.
17) To agree the date of the next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, 3
rd June at 2.00pm.
The provisional dates for the subsequent meetings are Mondays 8
th July, 9
th September and 11th
The meeting closed at 15.20pm.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................
Committee Chairman
*Additional documents follow as appendices.
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Appendix A: Note of volunteer work undertaken since 2 February 2024
Project development
No further project development work has been undertaken.
The volunteers have removed mud and encroaching vegetation, which accumulated over winter, from the
cycle track and begun preparing the surface for the planned spring upgrade.
All willow trees on the “golf course” and around the cycle track have now been coppiced back to stumps
and the cut material stacked to form habitat piles for fungi, beetles and small mammals. This should
encourage the willows to regrow as bushy plants over the coming season.
The front roadside verge and hedge have been flailed by a contractor to avoid impingement on road safety.
By opting for a late cut the autumn berries remained available to feed birds throughout the winter.
The failed cardboard tubes and biodegradable mats have been removed from 20 trees and replaced with
recycled plastic products.
Benches and picnic tables have all been checked and stabilised where necessary.
Areas around seats and other well-trodden locations which became muddy over the wet winter have been
improved with planings.
A gap in the dog exercise area fence has been repaired.
The new Cherry Fields sign has been installed just outside the main entrance.
The volunteers have installed the tree identification board in the orchard where it is already attracting a lot of
Additional mulch (shredded tree material) has been added to around 20 of the trees.
Volunteer input (between 2 February and 29 April 2024)
Project development 0 person days
Maintenance 13 person days
Gate opening 5 person days
Total 18 person days
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Appendix B: Projects Budget update
Available project funds:-
PC budget allocation £2,000
Carried forward grants. Sponsorship and donations £602
Orchard funds (carried forward) *£727
Expenditure of PC funds :-
spend Estimate Total
Zip wire or other play equipment £2,000
Total Parish Council funded projects £0 £2,000 £2,000
Expenditure of grants or donations:-
Dog agility equipment £200
Unallocated £402
Total grant and donation funded projects £0 £602 £602
Expenditure of Orchard funds:-
Replacement trees £50
Grease bands etc £100
Unallocated £577
Total community orchard fund projects £0 *£727 £727
(Note: RFO gives Orchard Fund unspent money total as £726)
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Appendix C: Maintenance budgets update
PC annual allocation for contract mowing £1258
PC allocation for inspections £100
PC allocation for other maintenance £2,700
Total £4058
Item Actual spend Estimate Total
Contract mowing (paths and picnic areas):-
April £157
May £157
June £157
July £314
August £157
September £157
October £157
Total contract mowing £1,258
Annual cycle track inspection £100
Total inspections £100
Other maintenance:-
Witham Third drainage rates £60
Plant hire £300
Volunteer fuel costs £900
Materials £500
Drain maintenance £150
Meadow mowing £250
Hedge maintenance £100
Unallocated £440
Total other maintenance £0 £2,700
Total expenditure £4058 £4058
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Appendix D: Project and maintenance work required over the coming months
Once the warmer weather returns work will resume on resurfacing the cycle track. This will require the
purchase of an additional stock of planings and may require some plant hire.
The path around the “lagoon” is also wearing thin and it would be beneficial to resurface it with any
materials remaining once the cycle track work is completed.
Additional lengths of scaffolding pole are required to secure the reservoir fence in place (to reduce risk of
Once the leak in the dog area notice board has been repaired the steel sheet needs to be attached to enable
notices to be magnetically posted.
Also in the dog area the volunteers will need to excavate a hole and install the tractor tyre obstacle.
Once a location is agreed for the wooden “lookout” feature this will need to be transported to site and
installed. Additional timber and fixings may be required.
It should be noted that the stockpile of broken tree tubes (removed once the tree has split them) has
reached a considerable size and it may soon be prudent to make arrangements for these to be sent for
recycling into picnic furniture. There is a cost of around £50 for this service.
Project development
No additional project development work is currently planned.
Community orchard
The weed suppressing mulch around the trees has been largely absorbed into the soil and needs to be
refreshed. Another free batch of chipped bark can be sought from a tree surgeon. Rather than taking up
space in the car park it is proposed to dig out a storage bay (lined with paving slabs) just inside the entrance.
This can probably be done by hand or using the bucket loader but may require a digger to be hired.