Cherry Fields Committee Minutes November 2024
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee
held on Monday 11th November 2024 at 14.00 in the Millennium Hall
Chair of the Committee: Cllr J. Robinson
Vice-Chair of the Committee: N. Hooper
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson, B. Robinson, P. Burke and J. Trahearn and co-opted members:
N. Hooper, C. Bochel and H. McCowan. (Initials used in minutes below.)
1A. To note and record apologies and absences.
Apologies were recorded from Cllr A. Burge and co-opted members D. Leonard and A. Gardner
1B. To record declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider
any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or other interests
as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
There were no declarations of interest.
2. To receive notes of the Cherry Fields Committee Meeting held on Monday 9
th September 2024
and approve as Minutes.
The Minutes of the meeting on Monday, 9
th September were approved.
3. To receive a report on recent vandalism at Cherry Fields.
NH and BR gave a report on recent acts of criminal damage which happened during the Half Term
holiday. This rarely happens and the items were quickly dealt with, but 2 volunteer days were lost
which should have been spent on other items of work. NH informed the police. BR put a post on
Facebook to encourage visitors to report anything they saw. BBC Look North wanted to come and
do an item on it, but it was suggested to them that they do a piece about the Environmental Award
instead. They have not responded.
4. To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting. (NH/BR)
*A list of work undertaken since the last meeting was presented and received.
BR said the cutting back of brambles on the bike track was a great help. The Hay is cut but needs
moving to the copses. Some has been done but this is on-going. There may be someone who can
take away the hay next year. It needs to be done in early August and should be arranged this year.
Action NH/BR
JR thanked all the volunteers for their continued hard work.
5. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget. (NH)
*The expenditure reports were presented and received.
There is £316 unspent in maintenance at present from grass cutting. This will be returned to the PC
budget. There is also £100 spare from meadow mowing.
The Project budget has not changed. There should be £300 to add from the prize money we
6. To receive a report on potential grant sources
HM reported that the PC is not looking at grant sources at present other than the FCC Communities
Foundation. We need to know when iGas and Lincs Co-op last awarded grants so we know how
long we have to wait before we can apply.
Looking at other sources, the main problem is that we are not a registered charity, so this rules out
about 75% of grants. There are also very few which apply to Lincolnshire, but HM has a list of some
random funds which we may be able to apply to. They would have to be approved by the PC first to
prevent a crossover with other committees.
It was suggested that we reapply to Wickes and similar businesses for donations of equipment,
especially small spades and forks. Action: HM
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7. To note that the Cherry Fields Project was the winner of the 2024 Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
Environmental Award and agree on how to spend the prize money of £300, with the potential
that it could be used for night vision wildlife cameras.
Members who attended the awards ceremony were delighted when Cherry Fields was announced
as this year’s winner. We have received a prize of £300, a trophy to keep and one to hold for one
year and then return. Well done to all involved. NH said there was an article in the current issue of
the free Independent magazine.
A poster is to be placed in the PC community notice board, and also at the entrance to Cherry
Fields. It was suggested that the prize money could be spent on wildlife cameras. BR said we had
received an offer from a local business to sponsor a wildlife camera. It could be a solar powered
one to reduce the need for battery changes. It was resolved to accept this offer to see how well they
worked, with a view to purchasing others in the future. This will be taken to full Council for their
view. It was suggested that notices would have to be put on site informing visitors that wildlife
cameras had been erected.
It was resolved that 3 members of the committee can approve this purchase up to the £250
donation, to include the cost of suitable signage. Action: BR
NH said that the judges had asked if we had done anything to promulgate our wildlife ideas with
neighbouring landowners. It was resolved that NH will write a letter for the Clerk to send to the EA
to find out if they have purchased the fields to the east.
JR said one of the WVAP members has done training on accessibility through the Lincolnshire
Forum and is doing an assessment of Cherry Fields.
8. To resolve on project expenditure for 2024/2025 and agree any actions required.
The bench in the dog area needs removing and this could be replaced with a recycled plastic one.
This would cost around £600 for one with a back rest. Action: BR
Natural play equipment is still a possibility for next year. A cloud sign would cost £1250 for a lectern
style. NH suggested siting it on the 10m strip for maximum cloud viewing. It was resolved that the
cloud sign board and bench should be purchased. It was noted that the PC would need to approve
the purchase of the cloud sign as it was over £1000. NH will circulate a cloud design by email when
it is done. Action: NH
9. To note the request from the Drainage Board for permission to undertake watercourse
maintenance along the west side of Cherry Fields and agree any actions required.
It was resolved to grant the DB permission to undertake watercourse maintenance through Cherry
Fields. (We will not be asked to pay for this work.) However, there was concern about where the silt
would go. It was resolved that JR should ask the clerk to write to the DB explaining that volunteers
would need to be there when this was done and ask for the silt to be left in piles, which could be
lifted and moved, rather than spread around. Action: JR
10. To review any matters arising from recent H & S inspections and agree any actions required.
Two inspections were done in October and the works arising either completed or in progress. The
one for November has just been done. The willow tunnel is still to be pruned, but NH said he was
proposing to rejuvenate both tunnels. Various signs need updating. A resident has put a sign up
about dogs at the entrance to the dog exercise area. This will be moved to the noticeboard, with an
additional notice making it clear that these are the suggestions of a resident. Action: BR
The Viking Way signs still need to be covered up. Action: DL
There was concern that some gaps needed filling to stop vehicular access and posts could be
inserted to prevent this. Action: BR/NH
JT/PB are due to do the December inspection.
11. To receive an update on repairs to the fence alongside the 10m strip and agree any actions
and expenditure required.
DL has checked the fence posts on the 10m strip which are rotten or loose. There are 25, plus 2 by
the Oasis and some are needed to fill gaps near the entrance. The size required was discussed and
it was resolved to spend up to £220 on 32 no. x 100mm width posts. Action: BR
12. To receive an update on new signage required and agree any expenditure.
JR had asked Express Signs for an update on pricing; the price has not changed since our previous
purchases but will go up next year. JR went through the various signs which are required. It was
resolved to spend up to £200 on these signs. Action: JR
13. To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure. (NH/BR)
The report was presented and received. No additional expenditure is required for approval.
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14. To review plans for engaging with new/younger volunteers, including the work party day on
Saturday Dec 7th.
A notice will be included again in the Cherry News for December. NH has a list of possible jobs to be
done, depending on the weather on that day. It was suggested that cakes for elevenses on the day
would be appreciated.
BR said someone is moving to the village who heard the podcast about our prize and hopefully they
will join the volunteer team.
15. To receive any update on matters relating to the roe deer and future sculptures and agree
any actions required.
There has been no update.
16. To review the budget requests for 2025/2026 submitted to the Finance and General Purposes
The maintenance sum submitted is the same as this year plus £50. However, it was noted that
there is more deteriorating timber furniture around the site than expected so the committee resolved
to ask that this should be increased to a total of £3000.
The bike track inspection cost of £100 and grass cutting at £1664 will be separate to this.
The sum requested for Project funds is £1000.
17. To review the historical and current individual Field names and agree any changes required.
NH said that the top field was originally called Cottage Pastures and explained the history behind
this name. It was resolved to change the name to Cottage Pastures on the master plan to make sure
this history was not lost.
18. To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – Nothing further to report.
b) Grants (HM) – Nothing further to report.
c) Dyke maintenance (AG) – Nothing further to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) - Nothing further to report.
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) – Nothing further to report.
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – Nothing further to report
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – Nothing further to report.
h) Orchard (NH) – Nothing further to report.
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip – A resident has asked BR if she can put out treats and balls for
users to take away in remembrance of the birthday of her dog. It was resolved that they could be
put in a container, away from small children, and removed after two weeks. Action: BR
j) Bike Track (BR) – Nothing further to report.
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – The closing time has now changed to 5.00pm
l) Oasis – They held a Halloween event which was very successful and around 80 children attended to
do various environmental-based activities. They are now thinking of organising a Santa’s Grotto for
19. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.
Nothing further to report.
20. To confirm the dates of the next meetings.
The next meeting will be on Monday, 3
rd February 2025, starting at 14.00.
The meeting finished at 15.59pm.
Signed________________________________ Date __________________
*Additional documents follow as appendices.
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Appendix A: Note of volunteer work undertaken between 29 August and 2 November 2024
Project development
No further project development work has been undertaken.
During the last two months a wide range of maintenance tasks have been completed by the volunteer group
including :-
• Taking the old plastic tree tubes to be recycled
• Repainting the shed with preservative
• Strimming around the car park
• Re-anchoring the riverbank benches
• Removing drought affected dead birch trees
• Removing self-sown willows from the cycle track pond
• Cutting down large areas of brambles next to the cycle track
• Trimming one of the willow tunnels
• Removing a large willow branch obstructing the woodland walk
• Repainting the car parking studs
• Twice topping up the water level in the lagoon with the newly purchased pump
• Installing the hide and building steps and an access path
• Collecting tree mats and stakes for reuse in the autumn
• Preparing material for a table-top display and a presentation for the LWT awards and recording a
• Tidying out the shed
• Reinstating the site (repaired the hide, replaced deer tubes, adjusted the river-bank direction sign,
re-anchored the cycle rack) after a spate of damage over half term
• Mowing the wildflower meadow
25 broken stakes in the community orchard (which held the deer protection baskets in place) have been
Volunteer input (between 29 August and 2 November 2024)
Project development 0 person days
Maintenance 15.5 person days
Gate opening 5.5 person days
Total 21 person days
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Appendix B: Maintenance budgets update
PC annual allocation for contract mowing £1258
PC allocation for inspections £100
PC allocation for other maintenance £2,700
Total £4,058
spend Estimate Total
Contract mowing (paths and picnic areas):-
April £157
May £157
June £157
July £157
August £157
September £157
Unspent £316
Total contract mowing £942 £316 £1,258
Annual cycle track inspection £95
Unspent £5
Total inspections £95 £5 £100
Other maintenance:-
Witham Third drainage rates £76
Plant hire (April 3 days dumper and wacker hire) £120
Volunteer fuel costs remaining budget (£800
allocated):- £202
BR fuel costs April/May £180
DR fuel costs April/May £130
DR fuel costs May/June £100
DR fuel costs July £50
BR fuel costs May/July £60
Fuel for mower and strimmer £24
Fuel for pump £14
DR fuel costs August/September £40
Materials (20 tons planings in April) £240
Materials (20 tons planings in May) £220
Replacement strimmer head £42
Drain maintenance £0
Meadow mowing £400
Hedge maintenance £0
First aid box £28
Replacement fence posts £100
Heavy duty pump and hose £394
Safety helmet with fitted ear defenders and visor £40
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Timber and fixings for lookout feature £50
Timber and fixings for NE corner (chicane and railing) £50
Unallocated £140
Total other maintenance £1,758 £942 £2,700
Total 4058
Appendix C: Projects Budget update
Available project funds :-
PC budget allocation £2,000
Carried forward grants, sponsorship and donations £902
Orchard funds (carried forward) £727
Expenditure of PC funds :-
spend Estimate Total
Zip wire or other play equipment £2,000
Total Parish Council funded projects £0 £2,000 £2,000
Expenditure of grants or donations:-
Unallocated £902
Total grant and donation funded projects £0 £902 £902
Expenditure of Orchard funds:-
Two replacement cherry trees and one Catillac
Pear £70
Grease bands etc £100
Unallocated £557
Total community orchard fund projects £0 727 £727
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Appendix D: Project and maintenance work required over the coming months
Additional lengths of scaffolding pole are still required to secure the reservoir fence in place (to reduce risk
of vandalism).
In the dog area the volunteers will need to excavate holes and install the tractor tyre obstacles. The heavy
clay soil probably means that an excavator may need to be hired, ideally to coincide with other Council
The northern willow tunnel requires trimming and, as they have been gradually increased in height over the
years, the winter may be a good time to give both tunnels a more radical reshaping.
The access track hedge is getting quite tall and it is planned to lay it in the autumn. Recycled tree stakes can
be used so there should be no cost involved.
The site for the proposed boundary hedge has been treated with herbicide and strimmed clear. The shrubs
are expected to be delivered on 13 December and, as sufficient recycled weed mats, rabbit protection and
stakes are available, there should be no call on budgets for this work.
The ongoing task of thinning, coppicing and crown-lifting the more mature woodlands will re-commence this
Work will be undertaken to improve safety around the eastern entrance to the woodland walk using funds
already resolved by the committee.
Additional drainage may be required to improve winter useability of the path south of the culvert bridge.
Some repair work is required to the Bike Track where it has rutted. (Damage probably caused by a motor
New posts to replace the rotted posts on the side of the 10m strip to the delph need to ordered and
Project development
Following the committee’s decision not to proceed with a zip wire, consideration could be given to investing
some of the grants and other available funds together with the Parish Council allocation in designing and
constructing a cloud identification board for the path to the delph.
Community orchard
A stockpile of bark mulch still requires to be collected by trailer from a source in the village. Opportunities to
acquire additional free material should however also be taken if tree surgeons are working in the village.