Leisure & Amenities Minutes February 2024


Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Leisure & Amenities Committee held on Monday 5th February  2024 at 19:00 in the Millennium

Chair of the Committee: Cllr Trahearn

Vice-Chair of the Committee: Cllr Mrs Burge


Present: Cllr Trahearn, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr Mellor


  1. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and reasons for their absence were given.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the apologies from Cllr Brylewski & Cllr Bucke.


  1. Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

To note dispensations given  to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive the minutes of the L & A Committee meeting held on the 20th November 2023 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes of the L&A meeting held on the 20th November 2023 as a true record.


  1. To receive a report on the tree inspection and any actions needed.

Following the collation of the survey it was found that there is one tree on the Parade that has died. Cllr Trahearn to update the findings following the survey and send them to the Clerk to update on the system.


  1. To discuss the FCC Community Action Fund.

L&A have missed this cut off but the next opportunity for this fund opens again in March 2024.

RESOLVED unanimously to bring back to the L&A after the fundraising later this week. 

The Funding opportunity would require a 10.5% contribution from a third party, which the Fundraising group could potentially be the contributor.


  1. To discuss and approve any necessary action for topple testing within the Burial Ground.

RESOLVED unanimously Cllr Trahearn,  and Cllr Mellor to go to the burial ground and have a look round for any potential hazardous headstones. The Clerk to look into what training is available for Cllr Trahearn & Cllr Melllor.

(ACTION - Clerk)


  1. To discuss the grassed area  from gilbert pond to the burial ground and the possibilities of installing a path.

Opinions were divided, to take to FC..



  1. To receive the expenditure v budget document and consider any implications.

At the beginning of the financial year L&A had £6,000.00 for maintenance. Year to date they have spent £2,497.00. The tree dead at the parade is yet to be considered out of this budget.

Burial ground started the year with £750.00 and still has this left. 

RESOLVED unanimously for the Clerk to obtain quotation and action for the work for the burial ground paths to be cleaned and re-edged.


  1. To discuss and consider the purchase of picnic benches for the play areas.

RESOLVED with one abstention. Remainder of the project funds to be divided between Signage and Picnic benches. It was agreed that two additional picnic benches at St Pauls & one at Laburnum Drive Play park would be a nice addition. Some of picnic benches to be wheelchair and pushchair friendly.

It was also noted following the survey from Autumn 2023 that there was a high demand for shade, this years budget wont allow for this but to be noted for the future

(ACTION - Cllr Trahean, Cllr Mrs Burge & RFO)


  1. To discuss and approve the purchase of signage at the Burial ground, Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play Area.

RESOLVED with one abstention. Remainder of the project funds to be divided between Signage and Picnic benches. It has been agreed Cllr J Robinson to  go to the sign company to ask them to advise on the scale of the sign with it being 60cm wide and also obtain quotations for this size.

(ACTION - Cllr J Robinson)


  1. To consider a request from a resident for a grant in setting up a local Croquet Club.

RESOLVED unanimously to send a grant application form to the person who has requested this. Following this they will need to come back with their chosen location and action plan.

(ACTION - Clerk)


St Pauls & Laburnum


  1. Matters relating to Laburnum Drive Playing Field & St Pauls play area.


  1. To receive a report of any play inspections and maintenance work undertaken since the last meeting and agree to any further action as necessary.

The Clerk was authorised to spend up to £1000.00 following the last meeting  of the L&A for all repairs that were required. 

The quote obtained was over this value, the Clerk followed the instructions of the Chair & Vice-Chair of the L&A and was instructed to carry out all the other jobs on the list minus the wetpour and safety tiles and to bring these items back to the committee to discuss as this was a large sum to spend out of maintenance.

  1. To discuss and approve any remaining work quoted by EKM for the repairs between the 2 play parks

RESOLVED unanimously to have the remaining work carried out following the quotes to have the wetpour and safety tiles stuck back down and repaired.

(ACTION - Clerk)


  1. Items in progress: to consider and agree to any actions as appropriate.


  1. To receive an update on the Monkey Challenge

DEFERRED until Cllr Buck is present.

  1. To receive an update on the WLDC Grant for Facilities application.

Currently no update on the outcome. The WLDC Grant Facility Committee is not meeting until mid February 2024. This application has been made jointly with the Village Improvements Committee.

  1. To discuss the progress of the double slide and cargo net to complete the mound project.

RESOLVED with one abstention, to purchase the cargo net for the sum of £4,145.00 

Previously it was resolved to purchase the slide and the net, but the quotation for the slide has inflated by a large sum

(ACTION - RFO & Clerk)

  1. To discuss the quote for the dead tree at ‘The Parade’ .

RESOLVED unanimously to have the dead tree taken down. Quotations were obtained and was resolved to approve the quote of £180.00.

(ACTION - Clerk)

  1. Play Plumb - Ingham

RESOLVED to remove this item from future agendas. Play equipment would not meet our needs between the two play parks.

  1. Quotes for painting of play equipment.

RESOLVED for the Clerk to obtain quotations

(ACTION - Clerk)


  1. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.

Future Burial Ground Group

Burial Support Group


  1. To confirm the date of the next meeting.

RESOLVED unanimously for the next meeting to be held on 25th March 2024.





Signed Cllr Jean Trahearn (Chair of Leisure & Amenities)


