Leisure & Amenities Minutes April 2024

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Leisure & Amenities Committee held on Tuesday 29th April 2024 at 19:00 in the Millennium

Chair of the Committee Cllr J Trahearn

Vice-Chair of the Committee Cllr Mrs Burge


Present: Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr V Houghton, Mrs C Hodgson (RFO), Mrs L Clinkscales (Clerk).


  1. To note and record apologies and absences.

Cllr J Robinson


  1. Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

To note dispensations given  to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive the minutes of the L & A Committee meeting held on the 05th February 2024 and agree for them to be signed as a true record

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes of the 05th February 2024 as a true record.


  1. To consider using the FCC Community Action Fund for funding new play equipment.

RESOLVED with 1 against to apply for the grant. Must be used for play equipment on a single site, 10% contribution from a third party will be necessary, the RFO had made an enquiry as to whether our Fundraising Sub-committee can be that third party, yes.

The grant application to be put in for a zip-wire and shelter/shade. We have evidence to back this from the Autumn Survey that this is a want from residence.  

(ACTION - Full Council)

  1. To discuss the Coop Community Champions and approve any actions necessary.

RESOLVED unanimously to put this towards the L&A wish list of items toward the play parks.


  1. To discuss any matters relating to trees and approve any necessary action if required.

No tree matters to report at this time.


St Pauls & Laburnum


  1. Matters relating to Laburnum Drive Playing Field & St Pauls play area.


  1. To receive a report of any play inspections and maintenance work undertaken since the last meeting and agree to any further action as necessary.

Following the tile repairs from late February 24 the repairs are coming away already. The Clerk to contact EKM reporting that this is unacceptable.

RESOLVED unanimously to move play inspections from monthly to quarterly, plus the annual inspection.

RESOLVED unanimously that the Cllrs would also do regular checks and keep a record.

(ACTION - Clerk)

  1. To review the quotes for surfaces for the Abu Dhabi play equipment at St Pauls Play Park and resolve to approve any actions .

RESOLVED unanimously to arrange the site survey and negotiate the additional cost from the delivery and installation.

RESOLVED unanimously to install with no safety surface 

  1. To discuss and approve any new play equipment for the future and take to the Fundraising Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously for a Norts and Crosses for St Pauls Play Park, funds would be raised by the fundraising Sub-Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously for a Musical Panel for Laburnum Play Park, funds would be raised by the fundraising Sub-Committee,

RESOLVED unanimously that the budget allocated to L&A we would purchase a Rota Glide for St Pauls Play Parks and a Climbing wall for Laburnum Play Park

(ACTION - Fundraising, FC, & Clerk)

  1. Items in progress: to consider and agree to any actions as appropriate.

  2. To receive a report following the topple testing within the Burial Ground

Cllr J Trahearn and Cllr K Mellor had been to the Burial Ground to have a look, nothing to report at this moment. Cllr J Trhearn has contacted  Rev Jess Bellshaw and enquired what the Church does. It hasn't been done for some time. Rev Jess is going to raise this at there next committee meeting and look to work with CWPC and carry this task out together.

  1. To receive an update on the Monkey Challenge.

This is no longer an item being considered by L&A.

  1. To discuss the progress of the cargo net to complete the mound project.

This item can not be installed until the ground dries, this is a weather dependent task.

  1. Quotes for painting of play equipment

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the quotation from Francis decorating for the sum of £2116.44 and to take to FC for ratifying,


  1. Picnic benches

These are now installed and thanks was noted to Cllr A Burge, Cllr Mrs Burge and Cllr M Palmer  for taking delivery, building and installing the benches at both locations.

  1. Signage at the Burial ground, Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play Area.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve upto the sum of £400 for the posts and post mix, Quote 3 from ECO Plastics was chosen.

  1. General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.

NONE at this time.


  1. To confirm the date of the next meeting.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the next meeting to be held on the 10th June 2024





Signed Cllr J Trahearn (Chair of Leisure & Amenities)


