Leisure & Amenities Minutes August 2024
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s
Leisure & Amenities Committee held on Monday 12th August 2024 at 19:00 in the Millennium
Chair of the Committee Cllr Mrs Burge
Vice-Chair of the Committee Cllr J Trahearn
Present: Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr R Pitchford, Cllr J Robinson
To note and record apologies and absences.
Declarations of interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
To receive the minutes of the L & A Committee meeting held on the 10th June 2024 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes from the 10th June 2024 as true record.
To receive an update on the FCC grant application.
More evidence is required to submit the application, it was agreed at the Full Council that a survey to collate evidence for the need of CWPC chosen item to improve the play parks for the older children (11+).
To discuss and resolve any action on the Survey Monkey for the suggested equipment for the older children.
RESOLVED unanimously to publish the Survey after the suggested amendments were made.
A QR code will be produced to display around the village.
(ACTION - Clerk)
To discuss and resolve any action re hedges and car park at Laburnum.
Cllr R Pitchford had approached the garage and The Cherry Tree Pub but felt that the response wasn't very positive.
Cllr R Pitchford carried out the tidying of trees behind the garage with an acquaintance,
Cllr Mrs Burge thanked them for their efforts and work.
It was noted that the weeds had overgrown around the bin at Laburnum, and felt that this issue was prohibiting the use and the collection of the bin.
RESOLVED unanimously, Cllr R Pitchford would go and strim the weeds around the bin at Laburnum in hope it will be emptied on the next schedule and can be used again.
RESOLVED unanimously the Clerk would write to the Brewery to assist with maintaining their own hedge.
(ACTION - Clerk & Cllr R Pitchford)
To resolve the purchase of a bench for St Pauls Play Park and a Memorial Plaque for the sum of upto £700.
RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a bench from TDP and a memorial plaque for the late Cllr S Brylewski for the cost of upto £700.
(ACTION - Clerk & Cllr K Mellor)
To consider possible projects and maintenance requirements for the 25/26 budget.
A list of items was created by the L&A Committee at the beginning of the financial year of items that CWPC would like to see at the play park.
It is hoped the survey will also assist with the wish list of items to work towards in the future.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the purchase of the Noughts & Crosses for St Pauls Play Park and the Musical Panel for Laburnum Play Park
New uptodate quotes for purchase and installation to be obtained to take to Septembers FC.
RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr R Pitchford would drawer a scaled plan at Laburnum & St Pauls Play Park so there was an understanding of what new equipment would fit in within the play parks.
(ACTION - Cllr R Pitchford & The Clerk)
To discuss any matters relating to trees and approve any necessary action if required.
Nothing new to report.
To action the annual Tree Survey.
RESOLVED unanimously to carry this out bi-yearly. The next survey to be carried out late summer 2025
St Pauls & Laburnum
Matters relating to Laburnum Drive Playing Field & St Pauls play area.
RESOLVED unanimously to cost replacing the safety tiles at the parks with an alternative product, using the remaining maintenance budget currently at £5469.
Cllr R Pitchford to measure these spaces and bring back to the next L&A meeting
(ACTION - Cllr R Pitchford)
To discuss the response from EKM and their repairs.
EKM will not guarantee or take any liability for the work carried out in February 2024. This was for safety surfaces.
To discuss and resolve a schedule and who to carry out CWPC internal play inspections.
RESOLVED unanimously for Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr Pitchford,
Cllr J Trahearn to do the necessary training when available.
EKM will continue to carry out the inspection quarterly until CWPC has sufficient members trained.
(Action - Clerk)
Items in progress: to consider and agree to any actions as appropriate.
To receive a report following the topple testing within the Burial Ground.
The RFO have sent a purchase order to action this work to be carried out. The person looking after this has been on holiday.
To discuss the progress of the cargo net to complete the mound project.
This has been actioned, additional soil has been placed on the mound to configure it fit for the installation of the cargo net. The soil and grass need time to establish itself and settle before the cargo net can be installed.
To resolve to spend upto £150 on postcrete for cargo net installation.
To note there is a typo: the postcrete is for the installation of signage and not the cargo net.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the purchase of postcrete and fixings needed for the installation of signs at The Burial Ground, Laburnum and St Pauls, for the cost of upto £150.
Abu Dhabi Play Equipment St Paul Plays Park
The Abu Dhabi Play equipment is being delivered and fitted on the 5th September 2024
To discuss the Regular Users Policy.
RESOLVED to bring back to the next L&A meeting after amendments following the August FC.
(ACTION - Clerk)
General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.
Nothing at this time.
To confirm the date of the next meeting.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the next meeting date to be 2nd October 2024 at 19:00 at Millenium Hall.
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Cllr Mrs Burge Signed Date