Donation of Benches by Residents

Cherry Willingham Parish Council

Heading Sheet for Policies and Procedures

Name of Policy

Donation of Benches by Residents

Date approved by Council


Minute No.

2017/31 d ii

Revision 1 - Date approved


Minute No.



CWPC Policy for Donation of Benches by Residents


Offers of a donated bench to be addressed in the first instance to the parish clerk who will take the request to the relevant committee.


Benches to be made of recycled materials in order that maintenance costs be minimised.


Installation to be carried out either by the parish council, or by a contractor nominated by the donator subject to council approval, with all costs to be paid for by donator


Maintenance and repairs to be carried out either by the parish council, or by a contractor nominated by the donator subject to council approval, with all costs to be paid for by the donator.


All installation, maintenance and repair costs to be paid to the parish council before these works are undertaken, where appropriate. 


If a donated bench becomes unusable or unviable to repair, the parish council will remove and dispose of the bench and the donator be informed when a bench is removed.