January 2022 Minutes CF Cttee

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at The Millennium Hall on Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair), Nigel Hooper (Vice Chair)

Cllr B. Robinson, Cllr Trahearn,  Helen McCowan, David Leonard and Alan Gardner.

Gill Shaw - Clerk

1)   Welcome and resolve to receive apologies received by the Clerk and accept reasons for absence.

Apologies had been received from Cllr Bridgwood who had work commitments and Cllr Burge who was unwell.

It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies and the reasons for absence.

2)   Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.


3)   To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on 13th October 2021 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes and they were duly signed.

4)   To receive an update on the purchase of posts, gates, tree planting accessories and tree stock. (NH)

All the delivered tree stock that had been ordered had now been planted.

5)   To receive a report on maintenance and project work undertaken since the last meeting. (NH/BR)*

1500 trees had been planted to date and the next delivery was due soon.  Work had continued on the new dog exercise area, removing the hay, riverbank safety rail/turning post preparation and woodland management.

The Drainage Boards large digger had done some damage and this was be monitored on future visits.

Thanks were given to all the volunteers who had participated in the work.

6)   To note that the trees have been registered as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy Jubilee Celebrations.

It was noted that 430 trees had been registered with the Woodland Trust.

7)   To receive an update on the improvements to the Riverbank access and agree on what type of benches to ask the donors to sponsor and the amount to be asked for. (NH)

Permission had been granted and the council had been requested to complete the work before the end of March.  The main outstanding item was the village sign. The permission had been granted for up to 3 benches to be sited on the riverbank.  It was agreed that a backless bench would be most suitable as visually less imposing and allowing visitors to sit in either direction.  Two benches had been offered as donations.  The recycled Marmax Benches could have extra long  legs/supports for soft ground, which would be more suitable as no concrete base needed. A quote for the benches was needed and discussion with the donors. It was proposed to share the cost with the donors for the supply of the benches with extended legs, delivery and cost of the permit.

ACTION: Clerk to get quotes for three benches.

Cllr B. Robinson to offer the opportunity of donating a bench on Facebook.

8)   To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date. (NH)

The documents were made available prior to the meeting.*

Maintenance Budget: More limestone was needed for the path repairs.

Projects:  The two donations received were to be carried into the budget next year.

The Parish Councils budget for trees in Cherry Pastures was £2,500 but not all had been spent.

Thanks were given to Nigel for all his work.

9)   To receive an update on the Dyke Flailing Account dispute. (AG)

The Drainage Board had now agreed to honor their quote and an invoice was to be requested.

As the dyke was wider than needed it could be cleared bi-annually, but it should be monitored in between.

10)   To receive an update on the Co-op grant. (HM)

It was anticipated that the grant would not be distributed until April.

11)   To receive an update on the grass cutting tender for 2022/2023. (BR)

A quote had been received which included access to the riverbank.  The tender would be discussed at the next Finance and General Purpose meeting.

12)   To review the issue of how to best cut the wildflower meadow area in Cherry Pastures. (BR/NH)

This year's cuttings had been used for various purposes but a cost effective way had to be found as it was not a job that the volunteers could do again.  It needs one cut at the end of the summer but it was difficult due to trees and shrubs.The usual grass cutting contractors can not be used as it needs to be cut in single lengths and cuttings removed.  

It was agreed to contact people with small vintage tractors which would be ideal and ask for a quote.  Ideally the cut needed to take place in early September and over time, it would become better quality hay.

ACTION: Clerk to put on the next Agenda.

13)   To consider the issue of routine safety inspections and resolve accordingly. (BR/JR)

This needed to be monitored on a regular basis.  It was agreed that a checklist be prepared by Nigel Hooper and then councillors and volunteers would be responsible for one month each.

ACTION: Nigel Hooper to draft the list and circulate to members for their comments.

The Clerk to add approval and allocation of the list on the next Agenda.

14)   To review the remaining programme of works for the forthcoming months and associated expenditure, including remaining tree planting, path refresh, dog exercise area fencing and meadow sowing. (NH/BR)

This document was circulated prior to the meeting*

The main work needed was to the paths and to restock limestone, planing and sweepings.

It was RESOLVED to purchase a 9 ton load of stone at a cost of approximately £130.

Project development - the tree planting needed finishing when delivered, including the orchard trees, more work on the dog exercise area and a post driver was needed. 

All of the Parish Council grant money for Cherry Pastures had not been spent and it was suggested that a noticeboard was purchased and to put on hold the purchase of a vehicle access gate which could be funded from the Co-op grant.

It was RESOLVED to hire a post driver at a cost of upto £100.

It was RESOLVED to purchase a waterproof noticeboard at a cost of upto £700.

ACTION: Cllr B Robinson to obtain 3 quotes and to agree the purchase with the RFO.

There was an issue with the meadow area in the southeastern corner which had not been sown which resulted in thistles growing.  The area needed preparing prior to seeding

It was RESOLVED to purchase herb rich seed upto the cost of £250.

15)   To receive an update on the Community Orchard and agree any further actions and expenditure as necessary. (NH)

The trees were still to be delivered.  It was probable that there would be some surplus funds which could be used towards the maintenance of the orchard.  There was a discussion on the purchase of either a strimmer or petrol mower to cut the grass around the trees.  A mower would be useful in other areas. 

ACTION: Cllr B Robinson and Nigel Hooper to research the cost of equipment and discuss at the next meeting.

16)   To receive an update on signs for ‘Warning Pedestrians crossing’ on Fiskerton Road near the entrance to Cherry Fields and the signpost on the embankment and agree any actions. (HM)

The Pedestrian warning sign had to be shown to be needed and it was suggested that people should be encouraged to put a request on Fix My Street.  Cllr Fleetwood should be asked for support and to campaign for it.

ACTION:  Cllr Trahearn to put an article in the Cherry News to encourage local residents to enter a request and also on Facebook.

It was agreed that a black and white sign with the words ‘Cherry Fields’ would be acceptable.

ACTION: Helen McCowan to send the relevant information to the Clerk to enable a purchase order to be raised.

LCC had offered a galvanised steel three armed sign with the wording ‘footpath’ for the embankment.  It was agreed that a steel post was acceptable but it was preferred that the three arms should have  ‘Fiskerton’, ‘Cherry Willingham’ and’ Lincoln’, with distances.

ACTION: Helen McCowan to request names rather than ‘footpost’ and to get costings.

Dave Leonard to research the cost of other signs.

17)   To receive an update on the extra Dog bin to be placed near the Delph or Culvert Bridge. (BR) 

No survey had been done and this was deferred to the next meeting.

18)   To consider the offer of a life size (roe deer) stag sculpture from a local resident and resolve accordingly. (BR)

A local resident had offered to make this sculpture and she had produced a scaled model. The safety was discussed and a metal skeleton to strengthen it and a concrete base would be needed.  A possible location would be in the orchard trees. The safety of antlers was also discussed and these would need to be sturdy and not sharp. A safety sign ‘Do not climb’ was needed and this could also include wording that it was made and donated by a local artist. The donor had offered to maintain it.

It was RESOLVED to accept the offer.

ACTION: Cllr B Robinson to make a metal skeleton.

To liaise with the artist to agree exact details to make it as safe as possible.

19)   To receive a progress report on the Platinum Picnic and agree any actions accordingly.

The council had agreed a date of 16th July with a back up date of 10th September.  The FAB brewery had been booked and other organisations had shown an interest.  The ukulele band was booked.

ACTION: the clerk to book the Portaloos for both dates.

YMCA to be contacted by Nigel Hooper.

Mr and Mrs Pepper to be contacted to organise a games session.

20)   To consider the siting of a Platinum Jubilee Beacon on Cherry Fields. (BR/AB)

It was suggested that the horseshoe area be used.  It was agreed that there would not be fireworks due to safety issues.  Slabs could be laid to be used for BBQs.  Also other activities could include, tug of war, treasure hunt etc.  The fire was to be lit at 9pm (built on the day) to use the Parish Council's crowd barriers.

ACTION: The RFO to be contacted about insurance cover.  

The event to be advertised as a Platinum Jubilee Bonfire with ‘Bring your own BBQ’.

21)   To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):

a)   Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR)

Inspections of the castle highlighted that it needs timber treatment.

It was RESOLVED to purchase timber treatment at a cost of approximately £20.

b)   Grants (HM)

The original application to LLC for a Wildlife Grant was for £338 to purchase trees at £454 but there had been an increase in costs to £641.  Confirmation had been received that LLC would cover all of this.

c)   Ditch maintenance (AG)

Previously discussed.

d)   Pond maintenance (NH/BR)

The Parish Council had been contacted by The British Dragonfly Society who had offered to supply information leaflets and posters.  Nigel Hooper would continue to correspond with them.

e)   General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH)

Previously discussed.

f)   Grass Cutting (NH/BR)

Previously discussed.

g)   Woodland and Meadow Project (NH)

A letter had been received from Lincolnshire Naturalists Union who wanted to hold one of their field meetings in the summer at Cherry Fields.

h)   Orchard

Previously discussed.

i)   Dog exercise area and off lead strip

A bylaw would need changing and Cllr J Robinson to contact the clerk with the relevant information.  The new area would be twice the size of the present one which leaves the present area for an overspill carpark.

j)   Bike Track (BR)

All okay.

k)   Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR)

Thanks to all the very reliable volunteers. 

l)   Oasis

Noted that the Parish Council had met with Matt Perry from Worth Unlimited in December but no further correspondence had been received. 

22)   To agree the date of the next meeting.                                    

Tuesday 1st March at 7pm

*Additional documents available from the clerk

**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.