March 2022 Minutes CF Cttee

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at The Millennium Hall on Tuesday 1st March 2022 at 7.00pm.

Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair), Nigel Hooper (Vice Chair), Cllr B. Robinson, Cllr Trahearn, Cllr Andy Burge, Helen McCowan, David Leonard.

Alan Gardner joined the meeting at 8.08pm

1 member of the public

Gill Shaw - Clerk

Prior to the start of the meeting, the member of the public asked the following:

Is Cherry Fields a registered charity?  Chair replied - it is owned by the Parish Council and is not a charity.

Is there funding for the Platinum Picnic?  Chair replied - Yes, there was a budget for the Platinum events.

Will volunteers be requested?  Chair replied  - an advert about the Platinum events was placed in the Cherry News.

Suggestions were given of various ideas about the activities for the picnic.

The Chair gave thanks.

The meeting started at 7.26pm.

1)   Welcome and resolve to receive apologies received by the Clerk and accept reasons for absence.

Apologies had been received from Alan Gardner who would be joining the meeting late and Cllr Bridgwood had another meeting.

It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies and the reasons for absence.

2)   Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.


3)   To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on 5th January 2022 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.

It was RESOLVED to agree the notes and they were duly signed (1 abstention).

The chair suggested that item 15 be discussed at this point to enable the member of the public to leave afterwards.

It was RESOLVED to agree the suggestion.

15)  To receive a progress report on the Platinum Picnic and agree any actions accordingly.

Since the last meeting, the YMCA had agreed to run activities again this year and Portaloos had been booked but no other singers had yet been booked.  It was suggested that a sub-group be created to organise the event.

It was RESOLVED that Nigel Hooper and Cllr Trahearn create a Jubilee Picnic Task and Finish Group together with volunteer residents.

The only expenses agreed were for the Portaloos and prizes that would be needed for the Bike Track Time Trials. Any further expenditure would have to be referred back to the committee.


●   An advert to go in the next Cherry News to advertise the event and ask for volunteers.
●   The Task and Finish Group to report back at the next meeting.

4)   To receive a report on maintenance and project work undertaken since the last meeting. (NH/BR)

The document was circulated prior to the meeting.* The dog exercise area was now fenced and gated and all weather paths laid to access it. The surface of the exercise area was getting muddy and may need work done in the future. The tree planting was in the final stages and some maintenance was due.  There had been an estimated 48 volunteer days worked since the last meeting in January, mostly on project work.

The Chair gave thanks to all the volunteers.

5)   To receive an update on the bench installations on the Riverbank. (NH)

The benches had been installed and secured by ground anchors.  Donors had requested permission to have plaques.

ACTION: Cllr B. Robinson would liaise with them regarding size/material etc.

6)   To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date. (NH)

The documents were circulated prior to the meeting.*

The Maintenance budget had money remaining for planings and wacker hire.  However, the next working party would be restoring the path parallel to the Fiskerton Road and more stock would be needed.  The payment for the dyke flailing was shown as awaiting payment and it was noted that the payment for the road sign was to be paid from the Project budget.

In the Project budget, the woodland project budget had been spent and the dog exercise area budget had also been spent with the exception of the noticeboard.  All of the Parish Council Project money had been spent but some donation and grant monies were to be carried forward to the next financial year.

ACTION: RFO to confirm that the dyke flailing invoice had been paid.

The Orchard project was awaiting the final cost of trees.

The River bank access project had concluded.

Thanks were given to Nigel for his work.

7)   To receive an update on the Co-op grant. (HM)

The Co-op grant fund was presently at £2065 to be shared between 4 charities.

It was noted that no other application from the Parish Council can be submitted for 2 years.

8)   To receive an update on how to best dispose of the cuttings from the wildflower meadow area in Cherry Pastures. (BR/NH)

The tenant of Tanfaine had offered to cut the meadow but only if it was done at the same time as he cut the hay at Tanfaine in June.  It was felt that this was not a suitable time of year for the Cherry Pastures meadow.

9)   To review and approve the list of routine safety inspections. (BR/JR)

The document was circulated prior to the meeting.*

A balance had to be found between a comprehensive inspection and a realistic time. A list had been produced to be done on a circular walk.

It was RESOLVED to trial the list and then discuss it at a site meeting.

ACTION: NH/BR to trial and then organise a site meeting for all willing to undertake inspections.

10)   To review the remaining programme of works for the forthcoming months and associated expenditure. (NH/BR)

The document was circulated prior to the meeting.* 

For maintenance, some items had to be purchased including more herbicide, material for path work, hire of a wacker plate, more timber for a pedestrian barrier and a boardwalk for the small pond where there was a safety issue of the bank being slippy. Maintenance work to the overgrown hedge and verge would now be done next year.

For project work, seed was needed for the remaining wildflower area, the outstanding signposts for the river embankment, and the cairn for the village name needed to be built. The old village sign had deteriorated and was no longer usable.  A plaque could be made to fit within the cairn.

ACTION: Dave Leonard to build the cairn.

Tree pruning would be looked at.

11)   To receive an update on the equipment needed for maintenance of the Community Orchard and agree any further actions and expenditure as necessary. (NH/BR)

Deferred to the next meeting.

12)   To receive an update on signs for ‘Warning Pedestrians crossing’ on Fiskerton Road near the entrance to Cherry Fields and the signpost on the embankment and agree any actions. (HM)

There had been only 3 entries on ‘FixMyStreet’ relating to the need for a warning sign of ‘pedestrians crossing’ on the Fiskerton Road.

It was suggested that a request be put on Facebook to encourage more people to request the sign.

The Cherry Fields entrance signs had been ordered and would arrive in approximately 6 weeks. This would be put on a lamppost.

The embankment signs were discussed. 

It was RESOLVED to ask for the free 3 armed ‘Footpath’ sign.

ACTION: Helen McCowen to organise.

13)   To receive an update on the extra Dog bin to be placed near the Delph or Culvert Bridge. (BR) 

Item deferred to the next meeting.

14)   To receive an update on the offer of a life size (roe deer) stag sculpture from a local resident. (BR)

A resident had volunteered to make a metal skeleton. This had been created and checked before being given to the artist, who had then started to create the sculpture.

15)   Discussed previously.

16)   To receive an update on the insurance for the Platinum Jubilee Beacon on Cherry Fields. (BR/AB)

The RFO had received confirmation that there was insurance cover subject to some precautions being taken.

17)   To receive an update on the new noticeboard for the dog exercise area. (BR)

The new noticeboard was due on 26th March.

18)   To resolve on any actions needed in relation to the new bylaws required for the dog exercise area and to consider whether additional signage is required to remind people that dogs MUST be kept on leads elsewhere.

Due to the change of position of this area, new signs were required. The map had been redrawn.  The signs cost around £10 each and 2 were needed one at the end of the woodland walk and one at the entrance, together with a laminated copy in the noticeboard.

It was RESOLVED to purchase 2 signs with a budget of  £25.  


●   Helen McCowan to send the new maps and Cllr J Robinson to send the text to the Clerk.
●   The Clerk to forward the draft to WLDC and put it on the website.

Also 5 signs were needed in relation to keeping dogs on leads in accordance with the Parish Council’s Dog Order.


●   Cllrs J and B Robinson to check the size of the present signs and circulate a draft to the committee for approval.  To include a mention of cleaning up after your dog.
●   It was agreed to put an article in the Cherry News about the dog exercise area and include dogs on lead and picking up after dogs (Public Space Protection Order) and offences would be warned/reported.
●   Cllr J Robinson to prepare a draft.

It was RESOLVED to purchase 5 signs up to a budget of £50.

19)   To discuss the draft Cherry Fields masterplan and maintenance guide. (NH)

This was created by Nigel Hooper in 2020 to document the progress at Cherry Fields.  This had been updated and showed how much had been accomplished.

Thanks were given to Nigel for his amazing work.

20)   To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):

a)   Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR)

A wooden staggered barrier was to be built on the path leading to Fiskerton Road together with signs warning of ‘traffic ahead’.

It was RESOLVED to purchase 2 signs up to a budget of £25.

b)   Grants (HM)

Nothing to report.

c)   Ditch maintenance (AG)

AG understood that the invoice had been issued to the council but he would check if necessary.

d)   Pond maintenance (NH/BR)

Nothing to report.

e)   General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH)

Previously discussed.

f)   Grass Cutting (NH/BR)

Nothing to report.

g)   Woodland and Meadow Project (NH)

Nothing to report.

h)   Orchard

Nothing to report.

i)   Dog exercise area and off lead strip

Previously discussed.

j)   Bike Track (BR)

Previously discussed.

k)   Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR)

The opening and closing times would be altered at the end of the month.

l)   Oasis

The Parish Council had had an informal meeting with Worth Unlimited and the YMCA and this was to be further discussed at an Extraordinary meeting in the near future.

21)   To agree the date of the next meeting.                                    

Tuesday 3rd  May at 7pm.

*Additional documents available from the clerk
**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.