September 2022 Minutes CF Cttee
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at
The Millennium Hall on Monday 5
th September at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson, J. Trahearn, Andy Burge, B. Robinson; co-opted members: Nigel
Hooper and Helen McCowan
1) To appoint a Minute taker for the meeting
It was resolved unanimously that Helen McCowan be appointed as Minute taker.
2) To receive apologies to the Clerk
Apologies were received from Cllr. P. Bucke and co-opted members Alan Gardner and Dave Leonard
3) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests
4) To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on 5
th July 2022 and to agree for them to be
signed as a true record
The notes were agreed and signed.
5) To receive a report on maintenance and project work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken was presented and discussed*. Thanks were given to all the volunteers
for their hard work, including dog owners who had filled in cracks in the dog exercise area with soil
6) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
NH presented the maintenance and project budgets up to 9th August 2022*. There has been less
grass cutting this year due to the hot weather. Savings have also been made on the budgeted cost of
a wacker plate, as we have benefited from the free loan of one from Matt Gallimore.
We were offered the loan of a water pump which was very effective.
Around £170 in grants and donations, which had previously been carried over, has been absorbed
into Parish Council balances. If we are low on funds at some point, we may need to ask for this
money to be allocated back to the CF budget.
The village name plaque for the cairn has been purchased.
7) To receive a report on any grant application including applying for a LCC Wildlife Grant and
agree any further actions accordingly (HM)
An application has been submitted for a grant to cover the purchase of native ferns to plant in the
woodland area at a cost of £300 plus vat. The closing date was 1st September so no result yet.
IF has said that Wickes have a community programme where they will sponsor projects. Equipment
or timber would be good. It was agreed to look into this. Action: HM/NH/BR
8) To receive a report on the raising of the water level in the lagoon and any further actions
Dave Rodgers used the borrowed pump to take water from the Delph and top up the lagoon. After
the rainfall, he took water from the dyke. This has rejuvenated the pond and stopped the clay from
cracking. Thanks were given to Dave R. for doing this over 4 separate days.
The borrowed pump was very good. Borrowing it has saved the cost of buying one at present. It is
likely to be needed every year during Summer.
The second part of the scheme was to make a removable dam in the dyke, that will only impede the
flow in the dyke when required. AG is in talks with a manufacturer about a potential system, but this
may be expensive. To await this cost. Action: AG/NH
9) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and associated expenditure
The proposed work schedule was presented*. It was reported that the renewal of the path from the
Oasis to the Delph, which was the first major item of maintenance work on the proposed work list,
had already been nearly completed. Mowing the wildflower meadow will be the next major item.
£500 has been allocated in the budget and it was agreed to spend up to this amount.
September is the ideal time. If the hay is cut, we could hold a Community Hay Making Day and get
people involved in gathering the hay together. Children would have to be supervised. If there was the
right weather, we could advertise the event on Facebook.
The hay would be suitable for making scarecrows. JR to contact the Primary School PTA to see if
they will organise a village scarecrow trail. Alternatively, it was agreed that participants could make
their own scarecrows and that the scarecrows could be placed around Cherry Fields for up to a
month. Action: JR
10) To resolve that money from the CF annual budget can be spent on maintenance and planned
projects with the agreement of the Chair plus two CFC members and the Clerk, providing that
it is within the constraints of the agreed CF budget and the Council’s Financial Regulations.
After discussion it was resolved that money from the CF annual budget can be spent on maintenance
and planned projects for items over £50 with the agreement of the Chair plus two CFC members and
the Clerk, providing that it is within the constraints of the agreed CF budget and the Council’s
Financial Regulations and that items under £50 can be purchased and claimed back via the
expenses form.
11) To consider the options for mowing the Community Orchard and other areas of Cherry Fields
and agree expenditure as required (NH/BR)
NH and BR produced a joint report to show the various benefits of having a mower or a strimmer*.
It was agreed that having both items of equipment was the best option as they were both beneficial.
It has been suggested that we purchase refurbished models of a higher quality, which will be more
cost effective. We don’t want to store on site due to security so items will need to be manageable to
take away. There is no great urgency at this time so BR and NH will investigate deals available.
Funds are available from savings plus the orchard budget. The Chair, Clerk and two CF members
need to approve before final purchase.
It was agreed that £700 from the Orchard budget should be allocated to purchase a mulch mower.
It was also agreed that £500 from grass cutting and other savings in the maintenance budget should
be allocated for the purchase of a strimmer. Action: NH/BR
12) To receive an update on purchasing signage (Car park opening time, Overflow car park,
Beware Deep Water( (HM)
The signs were collected today. The cost was £122.85 plus vat, so well within the £150 allocated.
13) To receive an update regarding routine safety inspections (NH/DL)
DL did an inspection in August with the updated form. We need to know the results and his thoughts
on the use of the form.
JT agreed to do the September inspection and AB the one in October. Action: JT/AB
14) To receive an update on any matters relating to the roe deer sculpture (BR)
Julie, the sculptress, is making a rocky surround for the base. Children have been sitting on the deer
and she will reinforce parts of the antlers which had become loose.
Two signs are required. A brass one on a post to say, for example, “Kindly created by Julie
Chambers” and with contact details.
Another sign to read on the lines of: “I like to have my photo taken but please don’t climb on me”
There is £20 allocated for foundations which has not been spent.
The brass plaque will cost around £50 and the other from our usual supplier around £10.
The purchase of these two signs were both agreed. Action: HM
15) To consider an offer of a memorial bench and whether to invite further offers and resolve
JR reported that a family had offered to purchase a memorial bench. They were offered various
locations in the village and chose Cherry Fields. There is currently no bench near the pond in the SE
corner so this would be suitable. The family live away and CFC will offer a full service of getting the
bench and plaque and then siting it. The family would be responsible for all the costs involved.
It was agreed to put an item in the Cherry News and on Facebook asking if anyone is interested in
donating a bench for CF or anywhere else in the village. The cost of delivery could then be shared.
The offer of this bench was agreed. Action: JR/BR
16) To consider a request from a resident to place beehives on Cherry Fields.
It was agreed that beehives would be very beneficial, but NH would have to agree where they were
situated. He thought the south side of Cherry Pastures would be best.
It was agreed that we were in favour in principle, but they would be sited at the owner’s own risk.
BR to make contact with the bee keeper and discuss. Action: BR
17) To review the Platinum Jubilee Picnic event and consider the timing and style of future
Community events on Cherry Fields.
The picnic was well attended and enjoyed by many people. Thanks were given to all those who
organised the event, including Derek, and also those who helped on the day. Lessons learned are to
give written briefing notes to all stall holders in advance and also to make sure all gate keepers
receive instructions, as these were not passed on.
It was agreed that a normal low key version could be done again (i.e. games for the children, music,
the beer tent, and ice cream van.) NH reported that a music licence costs around £100 and is
required to play or perform music. We could have a collection on the day to cover this cost.
JT said it should not clash with Ladies Day at the races, at the request of Ferry Ales. The PC will look
at a schedule for future events, but it was agreed to offer to the PC to run a Community Picnic on 1st
July with a backup date of 8th July.
18) To consider ways of enabling visitors to Cherry Fields to make donation (JT)
The website Just Giving enables you to show a QR code on the site. Scanning this takes people to
your page on their website. We could have one code for dog owners toward equipment and another
for the rest of Cherry Fields. JT to look at this. Action: JT
19) To note that the Parish Council have given permission for the churches to use the events area
for a Community Harvest Services at 3pm on Sunday, 25th September, and the main car park
to be used for Blue Badge users at the event, and agree any actions required.
This was noted. DR will mow any areas required in the events area.
20) To note the possibility that the churches may request permission to use Cherry Fields for a
Christmas themed trail and make comments.
This will be different to the Walking Nativity, held previously. Members were happy with this idea.
21) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR)
NH said they require some new ear defenders.
AB said he may have some and will look. 2 more are still required. It was resolved to purchase
two ear defenders. Action: NH
b) Grants (HM)
Nothing further to report.
c) Ditch maintenance (AG)
Nothing to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR)
Dave R. has been asked to continue filling the large lagoon when required.
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH)
Previously discussed.
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR)
Nothing further to report.
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH)
NH was asked by LCC what the survival rate was of trees planted last season. There was about
6% fatality of the most recent planting.
h) Orchard
Nothing further to report
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip
The off lead strip had developed a lot of holes, but these have been repaired.
j) Bike Track (BR)
BR said this needs rejuvenating and widening. It will be a major maintenance project for next
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR)
Only a couple of people have been locked in recently. There are still sufficient people on the rota
to open and close.
l) Oasis
New tenancy agreement still ongoing.
22) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda
The budget for 2023/24 needs to be discussed and agreed. It is expected it will be similar to the
current one.
23) To agree the date of the next meeting
Tuesday 1
st November 2022 at 7.00pm in the Millennium Hall.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................
Committee Chairman
*Additional documents available from the clerk