1st November 2022 Minutes CF Cttee
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at
The Millennium Hall on Monday 1
st November at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson, J. Trahearn, Andy Burge, B. Robinson, P Bucke;
Co-opted members: Nigel Hooper, Dave Leonard, Alan Gardner, and Helen McCowan
1) To appoint a Minute taker for the meeting
It was resolved unanimously that Helen McCowan be appointed as Minute taker.
2) To receive apologies to the Clerk
No apologies
3) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests
4) To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on 5
th September 2022 and to agree for them to
be signed as a true record
The notes were agreed and signed.
5) To receive a report on maintenance and project work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken was presented and discussed*. The work is now focused on
maintenance. The tree audit showed a loss of 8% of trees planted this year compared with 4% last
year, due to the hot dry weather. Thanks were given to all the volunteers for their hard work. NH
reported that the group was slowly growing. JT said the Delph has recently been dredged.
6) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
NH presented the maintenance and project budgets*. Some of the estimated items for maintenance
have now been purchased. Removing the hay is ongoing. It has been cut and we may have to pay
someone to remove it, which has been budgeted for.
The project budget is still holding monies for match funding, if required. It will be handed back to the
PC if not required, but we would need a similar arrangement for next year. There is still some grant
money left.
7) To receive a report on any grant application including applying for a LCC Wildlife Grant and
agree any further actions accordingly (HM)
The LCC Wildlife application was successful, and we were awarded £300 for the purchase of ferns.
However, the nursery who gave the quote is now closing due to ill health and the owner gave the
name of another nursery who can provide the same species at a lower price, and can also supply
them now, rather than next year. This is better all round.
It was resolved that we could purchase 144 plants from Lucksbridge Nursery in Spalding, using the
LCC grant money. Action: NH
Nothing has been done about the possible Wickes grant. HM will visit. Action: HM
The £664 Coop funding for the dog area has not been spent. It had been agreed to spend some of
this on a field gate and various options were discussed, and quotes will be obtained from companies
for supply only, and supply and installation Action: NH
There will still be money left over in the grant fund and there was £1,000 available from iGas. Two
options were discussed; one is dog agility equipment. NH has costed various items and five or six
from Marmax would be £1700 ex vat. These would be robust and certified as safe and more suitable
than domestic designs. No request has been received for these items and it was considered that it
might be better for a group of dog owners to raise some of the funds.
The other suggestion is tree identification boards. Visitors are always asking what species the trees
are. Costs would be over £1,000 per board.
NH to get a quote for the provision of one board. Action: NH
8) To discuss any feedback from the Autumn Parish Meeting
This was a very positive meeting. The only suggestion for improvement relevant to Cherry Fields
was a zip wire. Cherry Fields did have a potential location for one. These are very popular with
children but do seem to be out of action quite often, so could be a maintenance problem.
They range in price, from £1000 for a diy kit (wire, pulley, seat and springs but no posts or platform)
to £14,000 for a large scale installed set.
Such an item would have to pass the inspection of the playground inspector and be insurable. It
could possibly be a fund raising item. It was felt that many parents and grandparents would be happy
to see this and it would encourage children to come down to Cherry Fields.
BR/NH to get prices. Action: BR/NH
9) To discuss and agree the project and maintenance budget requests for 2023/2024
NH had prepared a suggestion for the budget requests for next year*. The suggested maintenance
request of £3000 had been reduced from 2022/3 (£4500) as the main footpath refurbishment is now
Some items are definite, eg. grass cutting, cycle inspection and Witham Third drainage fees. The
budget has been pared back as much as possible. Hedges and drains will need doing at some stage,
but this may not be next year.
The match funding was discussed and NH will amend the report to allow it to be used for project work
even if no grants are forthcoming. It was resolved to ask for £3000 for maintenance and £1000 for
project work. Action: NH
10) To receive a report on the raising of the water level in the lagoon and any further actions
AG gave his report. An engineered solution would be beyond our budget. He described the digging of
a pool in the meadow strip to the side of the track, which would fill from the drain and hold water for
topping up the lagoon. After discussion on the feasibility and safety of this new pool, he agreed to
provide a drawing for the next meeting. It is not work which would be done over winter anyway.
Action: AG
11) To receive a report on progress with disposing of the cut hay in Cherry Pastures
A pedestrian mower was hired to cut the edges, but a tractor mower was supplied instead, so the
whole field was cut (for less than estimated). Once again it has been difficult to find someone to
remove the hay. If it is not removed, it will have to be moved to the hedge line again.
Next year the meadow will have to be cut and collected as silage in early August. Farmers clean and
put away equipment after this so are reluctant to cut later. The last two years have been hard work so
it needs to be cut when the farmers do their own fields.
12) To receive an update on the deployment of the recently purchased gate opening time signs.
The gate time notices were ordered and received. They have now been put up. The new Winter
opening time sign is now displayed and the signs for the overflow car park have been put away for
We need some way of stopping people using the overflow car park to prevent damage to the softer
ground. Stakes will be tried rather than a chain as it needs to be visible to prevent people walking into
anything and hurting themselves. Action: BR
13) To receive any update regarding routine safety inspections
The monthly safety inspection in September was missed. AB and JT are going to do one together
this month.
DL commented on the form from his August inspection. There needs to be a record of work to be
done and when it has been carried out. JT agreed to create a spreadsheet for this and then update
it. The deer needs to be added to the items to inspect. JR to amend form and reissue. Action:
It was suggested that a pair of secateurs is required during the inspection. Barrier tape for anything
dangerous is in the shed. Members were asked to contact NH and BR about items needing urgent
14) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and associated expenditure
NH said some of the work listed had already been done*. Some of the shrubs need coppicing
particularly along the mound beneath the power lines. It was resolved to carry out the programme of
works along with any necessary expenditure.
It was resolved to spend £200 on planings as the stock is running low. Action: BR
15) To receive any information relating to the purchase of the mulch mower and strimmer, and
agree expenditure as required (NH/BR)
BR had sent details of the suggested mower and a bike handled strimmer and harness to NH, AB
and DL, for their consideration. This was in accordance with item 11 of the previous minutes. It is
proposed to purchase these from Charles Hill Ltd at Horsington.
It was proposed and resolved to purchase a Honda HRS mower at £625.
It was proposed and resolved to purchase a Honda UPK brush cutter at £493.
It was proposed and resolved that if there was any increase in price that the purchases could still go
ahead providing the overall cost for the two is less than £1200. Action: BR
16) To receive an update on any matters relating to the roe deer sculpture and the offer of further
HM reported that contact information had been requested for the brass plate by the roe deer. This is
still awaited from Julie Chambers.
The list of proposed names for the deer has disappeared, so no name has been chosen yet. NH to
ask Derek if the list was passed to him. Action: NH
It was agreed that the deer doesn’t really need a name unless Julie wishes it to have one.
It was resolved that HM purchase the sign once this has been resolved. Action: BR/HM
Julie has kindly offered to make two swans in commemoration of the Queen and Prince Phillip. This
was discussed but it was decided that the swans’ necks would be liable to damage. Various
alternatives were therefore discussed. It was decided that, although we like the idea of more
sculptures, the right item has not been decided upon at present. Further discussions to be held.
It was resolved to suspend Standing Orders so we could continue the meeting after 9.00pm.
17) To receive an update regarding donation of benches and resolve on the actions needed
Following an item in Cherry News, no-one else came forward offering to purchase another bench. It
was therefore proposed that the current cost of the Barley bench, including delivery, will be sent to
the family who want to purchase one for the pond in the South East corner of the top field. This was
resolved. Action: JR/Clerk
18) To consider a request from a resident to place beehives on Cherry Fields.
It was previously agreed that this was a good idea. However, the safety issue has now been raised
due to the high number of people who would be walking nearby. One of the Parish Councillors has
kept bees and says it would be too accessible for people and dogs to disturb.
The Oasis was suggested as a possibility, but it is not accessible for bee keepers to walk into when
they want to check the beehives, due to safeguarding issues.
It was therefore decided that Cherry Fields was not the correct place to site beehives.
Someone else has asked about bees on an allotment at Tanfaine. It was decided that the contact
details of the original person should be passed on to the allotment committee for discussion.
Action: BR
19) To consider an enquiry about a visitor bringing battery powered radio-controlled model tanks
etc. to the site and agree any actions required.
BR has met with a person who runs radio controlled model tanks. They would like small humps and
bumps to run them over and a few possible sites were identified. One near the wet scrape by the
bike track was the most likely. It would be strictly for battery powered models, not petrol powered
ones. It could also be made as an obstacle course for bikes. It was felt that this would be a useful
addition to the Fields. The person is part of a club which could put on a model display for the
community picnic. It was resolved to create a suitable area.
It was also suggested that material from the next cleaning of the Cherry Holt pond/wet scrape could
be used. The creation of this area does not need to take place till the Spring. Action: BR
20) To note that Full Council resolved that CFC should run a Community Picnic on either 1st July
or 8th July 2023 and agree any actions required.
NH reported that FAB brewery have been booked for both dates.
An ice cream vendor was preferred to the milk shake van. JR will contact The Vine to run children’s
games, the churches to provide goodie bags and the Ukulele band (which has its own music licence).
NH will send out invitations to the British Legion bikes and the YMCA for games. It was agreed to
revert to the simpler format after the last time which had been a one-off for the Platinum Jubilee.
Buckets should be around to enable donations to Cherry Fields. Action: JR/NH
21) To receive a report on ways of enabling visitors to Cherry Fields to make donation (JT)
JT reported that you need to be a charity to use the Just Giving website for QR codes. This would
then need a board of trustees so it can get very complicated. It has to be connected to an ordinary
bank account, but the PC’s is a business account.
The bank charges £8 to take a cheque, so this can take up much of the cost for small donations.
JT will continue to research. The PC as a whole is going to look at fund raising. Action: JT
22) To note the use of Cherry Fields for a Christmas themed trail by the Churches between
th and 20th December.
This was noted. 9 laminated signs will be hung around Cherry Fields with a question on them.
Children who turn up to the Christmas Carols on the Parade with the correct word from the trail will
be given a prize.
23) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR)
The emergency kit in the shed needs restocking. PB will go through it and see what needs
updating. Action: PB
b) Grants (HM)
Nothing further to report.
c) Ditch maintenance (AG)
Nothing to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR)
The lagoon is now a green soup with blanket weed. NH has found various costs for a bacterium
to tackle it. This would be done between February and October, so it was decided to see what
happens over Winter and revisit in March 2023. A dinghy could be used to pull out bull rushes, so
the pond liner does not get damaged. Action: NH
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH)
Nothing further to report
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR)
There have been fewer cuts than budgeted for due to the hot weather. BR reported that the bike
track needs cutting and strimming. It was agreed to pay for one more cut. Action: BR
Stones have been left over from the path resurfacing. These could damage the mowing machine
so BR to ensure they are removed. Action: BR
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH)
Previously discussed.
h) Orchard
The fruit trees have grown very well, and some of the fruit is quite edible.
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip
Nothing further to report.
j) Bike Track (BR)
Previously discussed.
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR)
BR reported that the closing time has changed, and the new signs erected. The rota is going very
l) Oasis
Work on the new tenancy agreement is still ongoing.
24) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda
HM asked if we could go back to holding meetings in the afternoon. This was agreed.
25) To agree the date of the next meeting
Monday, 6th February 2023 at 2.00pm in the Millennium Hall.