July 2022 Minutes CF Cttee
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at
The Millennium Hall on Tuesday 5
th July at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson, J. Trahearn, Andy Burge, B. Robinson.
From item 3 onwards: Co-opted members Helen McCowan, David Leonard.
1) To appoint a Minute taker for the meeting
It was resolved unanimously that Helen McCowan be appointed as Minute taker.
2) a) To elect a Chairman of the Cherry Fields Committee
Cllr J Robinson was proposed and seconded to be the Committee Chairman. There were no other
nominations. Cllr J Robinson was elected unanimously.
b) To co-opt residents. (up to five)
The 4 previously co-opted residents were happy to be nominated again. Alan Gardner, Dave Leonard,
Nigel Hooper and Helen McCowan were all duly co-opted.
3) To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Cherry Fields Committee
Nigel Hooper was proposed and seconded. There were no other nominations. Nigel Hooper was
elected Vice Chairman.
4) To receive apologies to the Clerk
Apologies were received from Nigel Hooper, Pamela Bucke and Alan Gardner.
5) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests
6) To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on 3
rd May 2022 and to agree for them to be signed
as a true record
The notes were agreed and signed
7) To elect a representative of the Cherry Fields Committee to the Finance and General Purpose
The representative has to be a Councillor. Cllr B. Robinson was nominated, seconded, and elected
8) To comment on a request from a resident to walk a horse through Cherry Fields
Members queried the need to walk a horse through the Fields as it does not lead to a bridleway. They
felt that mixing dogs, children, bikes, and horses is not advisable and allowing one horse to have access
could lead to others as there are several horse owners in the village. The Parish Council’s current Open
Space Policy says no horses are allowed on any of the open spaces it owns in the village. It was agreed
not to recommend making a change to the Open Space Policy. It was decided that a summary of the
Open Space Policy should be posted on the noticeboard and the purchase of a No Horses sign be
considered for the future.
9) To receive a report on maintenance and project work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken (see attached report) was presented and thanks were given to all the
volunteers for their hard work.
10) To note a donation of £100 received from two regular users of the Fields
A letter was received from two people who live outside the village but who regularly use Cherry Fields.
They appreciated being able to use the site and included a cheque for £100 toward the upkeep and any
future project work. The Chair had sent a letter of thanks. It was agreed that the £100 should go into the
project pot which will be built up for something new.
11) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
A query was raised about the flag poles on the castle. It was agreed to see whether they were robust
enough to last or whether they should be taken down after the picnic. The budget had allowed a double
grass cut in June, but it was noted that there had only been one cut. ACTION: NH to check grass
12) To consider applying for a LCC Wildlife Grant and agree accordingly
It was agreed to apply for a grant for Ferns to be planted in the Woodland area. ACTION: NH
13) To receive a report on the options for raising the water level in the lagoon and agree expenditure
The water level in the Lagoon is still going down, mainly due to evaporation. It is important that it does
not drop so low that the bentonite seal starts to crack. A report from NH and AG about the need for a
pump and the various options to consider was circulated prior to the meeting. Following discussion
Option 2 was approved up to a maximum spend of £300. It was agreed that NH should purchase a high
capacity petrol pump and a 50mm dia. lay flat hose pipe in conjunction with two other members of the
committee. ACTION: NH plus two
14) To review the remaining programme of works for the forthcoming months and associated
expenditure (NH)
The purchase of materials up to £600 and roller hire of £200 were approved for the work on the path to
the delph. Sweepings are also required for footpath maintenance to give a hard bonded surface. These
come from NRP in Reepham and any donation towards the cost of £20 per load would be welcome.
The cost of the sleeper bridge is less than previously estimated at £100. This was agreed. The meeting
accepted and agreed the list of work to be done.
15) To receive an update on the equipment needed for maintenance of the Community Orchard and
agree any further actions and expenditure as necessary (NH/BR)
The project budget includes £700 for purchasing a mower to be used in the orchard area. Members felt
that a strimmer might be a more practical and appropriate solution. It was agreed that the next meeting
would receive a report from NH on the advantages of a mower and from BR on the advantages of a
strimmer, both including costs. It was agreed that goggles and boots were essential safety items where
metal blades were being used. There would need to be a H&S sheet for volunteers to sign confirming
they would use the proper safety equipment. ACTION: NH/BR
16) To receive an update on purchasing signage
It was agreed at the previous meeting to provide more robust signs for opening and closing times, plus
the Overflow Car Park and Beware Deep Water. BR to send draft signs to HM who will get a quote from
Signs Express, with a copy to the Clerk. It was agreed to get quotes for 5 no. signs closing at 8 o’clock
and 5 no. signs closing at 5 o’clock. These are the times which are up for the longest period. Laminated
signs will be used for 6.30pm. 2 no. signs were agreed for Overflow Car Park and 1 no. Beware Deep
Water. This is a total of 13 signs at approximately £10 each. A maximum of £150 was approved for
these signs. If the cost has increased, the Deep Water sign can be left until later, as the way to the
Delph is blocked by foliage at present. ACTION: BR/HM
17) To receive any update on an extra Dog Bin
Dog waste is less of a problem at present. It was decided not to pursue this additional bin.
18) To receive an update regarding routine safety inspections (NH/BR)
JR and BR did a safety check yesterday and used the tick sheet. JR is going to suggest an amendment
about items being resolved. DL volunteered to do the check in August. ACTION: JR, DL
19) To receive an update on the roe deer sculpture and agree matter relating to its siting. (BR)
The roe deer sculpture will be taken to the Fields on Monday 11th. It will initially be sited at the end of
the path from the Orchard and members were asked to look at it to see if they agree the location. Once
decided, it will be fixed to a concrete base and unveiled by the artist’s father at the Picnic. Suggestions
for a name are being invited. ACTION: BR
20) To review the Platinum Jubilee Beacon event
A photo collage of the event featured in the latest Cherry News. It was agreed that it went very well, and
thanks were given to those who organised the event.
21) To consider matters relating to future BBQs and the Fire Pit and agree accordingly (BR/NH)
The pads created for BBQs at the Beacon Bonfire event were very well used, as was the fire pit.
However, the event was well marshalled, and facilities were provided for the disposal of BBQs. There is
a lot of dry grass around now which is a fire hazard. It was agreed that the use of BBQs and campfires
should continue to be limited to organised, controlled events, and should not occur at any other time, so
no change to the Parish Council’s Open Space policy was recommended
22) To receive a progress report on the Platinum Picnic and agree any actions accordingly
It was reported that 3 toilets had now been ordered instead of 1. There would be a variety of activities
and music. NH had applied for a music licence for a community event, which was expected to cost
around £45. Some marshals are still needed. Tyres have been erected for a frisbee game; it was
agreed that these should be removed after the event as they could be subject to vandalism and would
create a problem when mowing the grass.
23) To note the article about Cherry Fields in the recent Townlands magazine
NH had contributed to an article for the June issue of the Townlands magazine. It was felt that it was a
very good article about the Fields. A question was asked about the recent Lincoln Naturalists visit. It
was understood that they had had a very enjoyable visit. They took drone pictures of the site which
should be available to view.
24) To agree any actions required in relation to the Cherry Fields display at the “Grow, Gather and
Graze Food Festival” on 28th August as part of the Gusto Community area
This event has been cancelled due to low ticket sales, so a display is not required.
25) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since last meeting and resolve
actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR)
Nothing further to report
b) Grants (HM)
Nothing to report.
c) Ditch maintenance (AG)
Nothing to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR)
Tadpoles had been put in all 3 ponds but have only been spotted since in the bike track pond.
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH)
Previously discussed.
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR)
It was noted that the July cut by Glendale was done in a very professional manner.
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH)
Nothing to report
h) Orchard
Nothing further to report
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip
This is very popular, and people are visiting from outside the area. It was suggested that we have a
notice inviting people from outside the village to make a donation to the Parish Council towards its
upkeep. Some outdoor facilities now use a QR code, linked to a Just Giving page, so people can
make donations. It was agreed that this should be explored and the RFO asked to comment.
ACTION: JT to explore various ways of receiving donations.
j) Bike Track (BR)
Nothing further to report
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR)
One person has left the rota, but two new people have joined. More people have been locked in
recently because of the light nights, and not reading the signs about closing times.
l) Oasis
The PC is still exploring a new lease with the possibility of Worth Unlimited handing over to the
YMCA. This is ongoing.
26) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda
Reports on the Orchard equipment and feedback on the Community Picnic.
27) To agree the date of the next meeting
Tuesday 6
th September 2022 at 7.00pm in the Millennium Hall.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................
Committee Chairman
*Additional documents available from the clerk