Cherry Fields March 23 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at
The Millennium Hall on Tuesday, 14th March 2023 at 2.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson (Chair), J. Trahearn, Andy Burge, B. Robinson,
Co-opted members: Nigel Hooper, Dave Leonard, Alan Gardner and Helen McCowan
1) To appoint a Minute taker for the meeting
It was resolved unanimously that Helen McCowan be appointed as Minute taker.
2) To receive apologies to the Clerk
Apologies were received from Cllr. P Bucke and accepted.
3) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests
4) To receive the notes of the CFC meetings held on Monday, 6th February 2023 and to agree for
them to be signed as a true record
The notes were agreed and signed.
It was then resolved to deal with item 8 next as AG had to leave the meeting by 2.40pm.
8) To resolve on arrangements for raising the water level in the lagoon when required, and agree
any further actions and expenditure required. (AG)
AG presented a drawing and cross section of the proposed reservoir to top up the lagoon during a
heat wave and a Q&A session followed. The suggestion was to widen and deepen the drain to
provide an additional 10 to 15 cu.m. volume over a 20m stretch, to a depth of no more than 600mm.
The walls of the drain would have to be graduated, rather than vertical to allow access and egress.
AG has evaluated various points to see if the ground can be excavated, and this appears to be
possible. The earthmoving season is normally April to September, when the ground is drier. The
reservoir would allow water to be pumped into the lagoon on a regular basis, rather than waiting until
drought conditions caused the level to drop too much.
The addition of a fence was discussed, and it was decided to assess this once the work was finished.
AG was thanked for his plan. It was suggested that the work be done this month, weather permitting,
as funds are available to hire a digger. NH, BR and AB to organise when Dave Rogers is available
with his trailer to move the spoils.
It was resolved to go ahead with this work, with its associated costs, and to investigate when the
working party is available. ACTION: NH, BR, AB
5) To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken was presented and discussed*. NH said there was slightly less to report
than usual, as volunteers had also been working on the allotment site. Thanks were given to the
volunteers for their hard work.
6) To receive an update on the purchase of a tree identification board with grant/project money
and agree any further actions if necessary. (NH)
The second edition of the proof has now been received from the sign suppliers. This has included
the amendments made by members to the first proof. The map now indicates the car park and bike
track, plus amendments to some of the drawings. It was suggested that a note be included that the
trees referred to were in the area marked in green. The background has been changed from white to
It was resolved to go ahead with the purchase of the board. ACTION: NH
AG left the meeting at 14.36.
7) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
NH presented the maintenance and project budgets*. In the maintenance budget, a delivery of
limestone is to be added. The £150 allocated for the dam can be transferred to the reservoir work.
There is £859 unallocated which will cover any outstanding work required.
In the project budget, there is £600 of iGas grant plus £600 of match funding by the PC which will
cover the cost of the tree identification board. There will be £887 of grant money to carry over to next
year. (Note: After the meeting, NH identified an arithmetical error in the spreadsheet; the grant carry
forward sum will be £597. See revised Project expenditure sheet Appendix E.)
9) To receive an update on any matters regarding routine safety inspections (JT/AB)
AB and JT have done an inspection using the new form. JR wanted to know if it had worked, and
they confirmed it did. There were no urgent items, and the form will be passed to BR. JR said she
had tried to get it to work on Google Docs, but there were problems with this. DL said that if there
was something unusual it would need to be handwritten on a paper form. The Clerk needs a copy
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and discussion followed about when this should happen. It was decided that the form should be sent
to BR who would add actions taken and then send to the Clerk for filing.
JT said that some signs referred to the Viking Way, which no longer ran on the riverbank.
DL volunteered to block this out in some way. ACTION: DL
DL will do the March inspection, JT + HM will do April and NH will do May.
DL said the deer should be added as in item to inspect. JR to send out revised inspection sheet.
10) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure. (NH/BR)
NH presented the list of work to do. The logistics of digging the reservoir and moving the soil were
discussed. It was resolved to authorise the work planned, including hire of equipment to facilitate
this, within the finance available, as outlined in the proposed programme of works.
11) To review the overflow car parking arrangements and agree any actions as required. (BR/NH)
NH said that during a recent spell of good weather the car park had been full and visitors had asked
about using the overflow car park, which is currently blocked off. We don’t want the overflow area to
be chewed up by cars in wet weather. It was agreed that the clock change at the end of March would
be a good time to open the overflow car park. Usage will then be monitored. ACTION: BR/NH
12) To receive an update on any matters relating to the roe deer sculpture, including signage,
and discuss the offer of further sculptures.
In the past we have ordered several signs at once, but have now discovered that the cost of ordering
one sign is very expensive. The L&A cttee. and VIC are looking at what signs they require so that a
bulk order can be submitted to minimise the cost per sign. BR is doing signs for the VIC and JT for
the L&A, which is meeting on 4th April to approve the signs required. JR asked that copies of signs
required from both committees be sent to the Clerk and HM by 5th April. ACTION: JT/BR
JR and BR have spoken with Julie Chambers, the sculptor of the deer. She has been told that the
deer horns have become loose due to children pulling on them. She is looking in to reinforcing these
with steel bars and is also aware that the base needs finishing.
JC likes the idea of a pair of corgis instead of swans and will do some sketches of seated corgis to
put by the dog exercise area. It was suggested that the PC should make a contribution to the cost of
these, and it was agreed to ask the PC to contribute up to £200 from the Platinum or Coronation
The suggested wording for the brass plaque is “July 2022. Roebuck created by local sculptor, Julie
Chambers”. NH can make a frame for this from recycled wood. A cost up to £50 was agreed.
13) To discuss offering the large dog area noticeboard to the Allotments in return for a smaller
noticeboard and agree any actions required.
JR explained that she had wondered if the large noticeboard in the dog area could be offered to the
Allotments Committee in return for a smaller one. However, JR has looked at costs and found that it
is not cost effective. We originally purchased a large noticeboard because it was the cheapest at that
time. This cost £528.76 (£699.94 incl vat and delivery) and holds 8 x A4 sheets, but is not currently
available. The cheapest available now seems to be £590 and would hold 6 x A4. There would also
be the issue of digging the sign out of the ground. It was decided that swapping the notice board was
not cost effective and so the offer would not be made to the allotment group.
14) To note that the mulch mower and strimmer have been included on CWPC’s insurance policy.
This was noted.
15) To agree on arrangements for volunteers taking part in the King’s “Big Help Out” day on May
BR and NH have discussed what items of work at Cherry Fields can be done by people of all ages.
The main area of work is maintenance of the paths and cycle track. Litter picking on the riverbank
was also suggested and IF will be asked about equipment for this.
JR needed to know details for advertising in the Cherry News and on Facebook. It was suggested to
start at 10.00am, and remind people to wear sensible clothing and shoes/boots plus bring a spade
and snacks/lunch, depending on how much time people can spare.
Trimming back grass encroaching on to the path/track is needed, which can be done with a spade,
plus resurfacing work. People with wheelbarrows can bring those if possible as there will be plenty of
moving spoils or path materials to be done.
Too many different activities would need too many supervisors so it is better to restrict work to these
two areas.
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16) To review plans for the Community Picnic on 1st July (back-up date 8th July) and agree any
actions required.
The number of portable toilets required were discussed. The previous meeting had agreed hiring two
but JR had since realised that we had hired three in 2022. Last year the third toilet had cost less
than the cost of each of first two, at an additional £50. There were complaints last year about long
queues for the toilets, so it was resolved and agreed to hire three portable toilets this year.
The event needs to be publicised in the Cherry News and on Facebook.
17) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since the last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR)
b) Grants (HM) – HM reported that she had searched for community grants from other local
builders’ merchants, following our success with Wickes. Some had their own chosen charities,
but no other community grants were found to which we could apply .
c) Ditch maintenance (AG) - Nothing further to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) – Nothing further to report
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) - Nothing further to report
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – Nothing further to report.
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – NH reported that there are some tree stakes which will
now be surplus to requirement. It was suggested that they be given to allotment holders as it
would free up some space in our shed. It was agreed to give them away for free.
JR asked for agreement to suspend Standing Orders at 4.00pm in order for the meeting to continue.
This was agreed.
h) Orchard - Nothing further to report
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip - Nothing further to report
j) Bike Track (BR) - Nothing further to report
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – the closing time of the car park will change on
March 26th with the commencement of British Summer Time.
l) Oasis (JT) JT reported that she had not heard from anyone at Worth Unlimited or the YMCA.
JR said the wind yesterday had broken the post of the gate to the Oasis. Becky from the Oasis
was aware of this, and the YMCA facilities team would get it repaired.
18) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda. – Nothing to report.
19) To agree the date of the next meeting
Tuesday, 25th April 2023 at 2.00pm in the Millennium Hall.
This will be followed by a short meeting in May to appoint new members following local elections.
The meeting closed at 4.08pm.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................
Committee Chairman
*Additional documents follow as appendices.
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Appendix A: Note of volunteer work undertaken since 17 January 2023
Project development
No further project development work has been undertaken.
A bench paid for by donation has been delivered and moved close to its final resting place.
The volunteers have been assisting with the development of the Tanfaine allotments site and this has reduced
the available labour resources in the past few weeks.
Work has however been done on coppicing the willows around the castles area and shrubs along the path
beneath the power lines. This will make access easier and allow the plants to bush out again in the spring.
Work is also continuing to put recycled deer protection on the younger trees in Cherry Pastures.
All of the orchard trees have now been protected from deer damage and one tree (which had significantly
died back) has been replaced.
Volunteer input (between 17 January and 6 March 2023)
Project development 0 person days
Maintenance 3.5 person days
Gate opening 3.5 person days
Total 7 person days
Appendix B: Project and maintenance work required over the coming months
The remainder of our unused stock of deer protection tubes will be put on the recently planted trees before
deer activity recommences in the spring.
The Cherry Holt hedge and mature willow trees need to be cut back to avoid shading the younger trees.
The woody weeds from last year in the younger tree blocks need to be mowed off before the spring regrowth
can be sprayed with herbicide.
The woodland walk path needs to be surveyed to identify the most worn sections so these can be repaired
and the whole route topped off with fresh material. Later in the spring (2023/24) a wacker plate will need to
be hired for this work along with the use of volunteer tractors.
It is also proposed to undertake a major upgrade to the cycle track surface later in the year. Materials have
been purchased but a wacker plate will probably be required.
The recent dry spell has resulted in the lagoon water level falling slightly. It is therefore important to prioritise
work on the construction of the agreed infrastructure to facilitate summer topping up. It would be prudent to
purchase any required construction materials before the end of the financial year.
Further work is also required to complete the safety improvements to the lagoon edges (second boardwalk
and additional boulders). It is not anticipated that it will be necessary to purchase any additional materials.
Project development
It is hoped that the proposed new radio controlled vehicle and cycle training area will be developed in the
next few months.
Community orchard
No significant additional work is envisaged for the orchard in the coming months.
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Appendix C: Maintenance budget update
PC annual allocation (2022/23) £4,500
Total £4,500
spend Estimate Total
Annual cycle track inspection £80
Witham Third drainage rates £21
Total obligations £101
Grass mowing contract (paths and picnic areas):-
April £137
May £0
June £137
July £137
August £0
September £137
October £0
November £137
Strimmer purchase £411
Total grass maintenance £1,096
Hedge maintenance:- £0
Path and cycle track repairs:-
20 tons planings £200
Second purchase of 20 tons planings (not yet invoiced) £200
Third purchase of 20 tons planings £200
Roller hire £140
Fuel £7
Sleeper bridge widening (2 sleepers) £103
Ear defenders £14
Crushed limestone £224
Total path maintenance £1,088
Pond maintenance:-
Boardwalks (fixings) £20
Pump hire £40
Dam construction materials and plant (estimate) £150
25kg bacterial blanket weed killer £157
Total pond maintenance £367
Replacement and upgraded signs:-
Gate opening and closing times and overflow parking £123
Laminator pouches for temporary signs £9
Printing £2
Steel sheet for dog area notice board £50
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Total signs £184
Volunteer expenses:-
Dave's fuel £15
Dave's fuel £42
Barry's fuel £30
Dave's fuel £55
Dave's fuel £30
Dave's fuel £60
Dave's fuel £30
Dave's fuel £70
Barry's fuel £15
Barry's fuel £70
Dave's fuel £80
Estimated future exes £103
Total fuel use £600
Drain maintenance:- £0
Timber maintenance:-
Preservative for bridge, bus shelter, shed and castles £55
Preservative for fort extension £13
Paint and fixings for dog jumps £28
Total timber maintenance £96
Wildflower meadow maintenance:-
Cutting (mower hire) £109
Baling and removal £0
Total meadow maintenance £109
Unallocated £859 £859
Total £3,118 £1,382 4500
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Appendix D: Project budget update
Available project funds
PC budget allocation £1,500
Grants and donations :-
Carried forward iGas grant (reduced from £1,000 to cover 2021/22 overspend) £819
Donation (for unspecified use at Cherry Fields) £100
Carried over Coop community champions grant £664
LCC wildlife grant £290
Donation for bench £435
Carry over of orchard donations (inc £100 from WI) £1,034
Expenditure of PC funds Actual spend Estimate Total
"Welcome to Cherry Willingham" plaque £88
Brass fixings for plaque £3
Fort extension timber preservative £13
Landscape fabric £35
Sign and brass plaque for deer sculpture £70
PC match funding for tree ID board £600
PC match funding available for any other grant aided projects which may arise £400
PC unallocated funding £291
Total Parish Council funded projects £139 £1,361 £1,500
Expenditure of grants or donations:-
Native ferns for woodland diversity (LCC) £290
Dog exercise area vehicular gate etc and digger hire (Coop) £408
Dog agility equipment (Coop) £196
Dog agility equipment (iGas) £219
Purchase of bench (donation) £413
Bench plaque and fixings (donation) £22
Tree ID board (iGas grant) £600
Unallocated (grants and donations) £450
Total grant and donation funded projects £821 £1,487 £2,308
Replacement trees £7 £227
Grease bands etc £100
Community orchard mower £521
unallocated £214
Total community orchard fund projects £528 541 £1,069
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Appendix E: Project budget update revised (arithmetical error corrected after the meeting)
Available project funds
PC budget allocation £1,500
Grants and donations :-
Carried forward iGas grant (reduced from £1,000 to cover 2021/22
overspend) £819 219
Donation (for unspecified use at Cherry Fields) £100 100
Carried over Coop community champions grant £664 256
LCC wildlife grant £290 0
Donation for bench £435 22
£2,308 597
Carry over of orchard donations (inc £100 from WI) £1,034
Expenditure of PC funds Actual spend Estimate Total
"Welcome to Cherry Willingham" plaque £88
Brass fixings for plaque £3
Fort extension timber preservative £13
Landscape fabric £35
Sign and brass plaque for deer sculpture £70
PC match funding for tree ID board £600
PC match funding available for any other grant aided projects which
may arise £400
PC unallocated funding £291
Total Parish Council funded projects £139 £1,361 £1,500
Expenditure of grants or donations:-
Native ferns for woodland diversity (LCC) £290
Dog exercise area vehicular gate etc and digger hire (Coop) £408
Dog agility equipment (Coop) £196
Dog agility equipment (iGas) £219
Purchase of bench (donation) £413
Bench plaque and fixings (donation) £22
Tree ID board (iGas grant) £600
Unallocated (grants and donations) £160
Total grant and donation funded projects £1,111 £1,197 £2,308
Replacement trees £7 £227
Grease bands etc £100
Community orchard mower £521
unallocated £214
Total community orchard fund projects £528 541 £1,069