Cherry Fields April 23 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at
The Millennium Hall on Tuesday, 25th April 2023 at 2.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson (Chair), J. Trahearn, Andy Burge, B. Robinson, P Bucke.
Co-opted members: Nigel Hooper, Dave Leonard, and Helen McCowan
1) To appoint a Minute taker for the meeting
It was resolved unanimously that Helen McCowan be appointed as Minute taker.
2) To receive apologies to the Clerk
Apologies were received from Alan Gardner and accepted.
3) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests
4) To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on Tuesday, 14th March 2023 and to agree for
them to be signed as a true record.
The notes were agreed and signed.
5) To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken was presented and discussed*. NH said all protective tubes are now in
use and will be recycled as they become available. The track for battery powered cars has been built
and tried out. It will be increased slightly but doesn’t need to be so good that it attracts clubs. Thanks
were given to the volunteers for their hard work.
6) To receive an update on the purchase of a tree identification board (NH)
The design was finalised in March. NH chased it yesterday and it is due for dispatch on 9th May.
7) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
NH presented the maintenance and project budgets*. In the maintenance budget, nothing has been
spent yet, and the figures used against each category are based on previous years’ spending.
There is £750 for cutting and removal of the wildflower meadow hay. A contractor is needed for this.
More herbicide will be needed
In the project budget, once again these are general figures at present. One orchard tree has been
lost over winter, but this has been replaced.
8) To receive an update on any matters regarding routine safety inspections (JT/AB)
JT and HM have both been very busy so no April inspection has been done yet. It was agreed that
HM should do an early May inspection with NH. ACTION: HM/NH
There is slow progress on the use of the report, and it was suggested that the last page is modified to
landscape so there is more space for comments. A map of the site with a route would be a good
idea. JR to send a revised form for NH and HM to use. ACTION: JR
9) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure. (NH/BR)
NH presented the list of work to do.* Regarding plant the wacker plate is hopefully free to borrow but
it was agreed to hire a pedestrian roller at approximately £70 as it does a much better job. This would
be needed for the Big Day Out event on 8th May.
BR has been unable to find a suitable sheet of metal for the notice board. Various other options were
discussed, and DL is to investigate further. JT will ask P. Wood if he has anything. It needs to be
suitable to attract magnets to hold the notices. It was resolved unanimously to spend up to £50 to
purchase a suitable metal sheet. These items were agreed, and the work schedule was approved.
10) To receive an update on any matters relating to the roe deer sculpture, including signage,
and discuss the offer of further sculptures.
JR reported that both antlers are now broken. JC is looking at making new ones with a steel rod in
the centre to prevent this occurring again. It will be done before the Summer picnic.
The L&A have agreed the wording for the signs they require. The VIC and Allotments group are still
to approve wording for their signs. When all are approved they will be ordered along with two signs
for the deer sculpture. It was suggested that a laminated sign should be done in the interim.
JC has sent sketch drawings of two corgis. After discussion it was agreed that two corgis, sat close
together would be best. JR will send a photo to JC of the proposed location, to the right of the dog
area entrance, so she knows the size of the available area. It was thought that at least one should be
sat in an upright position to deter children from sitting on it and damaging the sculptures. The metal
frames will have pins in them so they can be fixed in to concrete to prevent theft. ACTION: JR
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11) To review arrangements for volunteers taking part in the King’s “Big Help Out” day on May
Volunteers are to meet in the car park at 10.00am. A notice has appeared in this month’s Cherry
News and the PC will post a note on Facebook.
Hi-Viz jackets will be available for volunteers to wear.
12) To review plans for the Community Picnic on 1st July (back-up date 8th July) and agree any
actions required.
A query has been raised about the PC awarding cash prizes so prizes will not be given this year
unless any are donated. The three mobile toilets have been ordered at a cost of £290 plus vat and
this will be the only cost to the PC, unless any claims are received for printing.
JR to check if the Community Choir are still coming. ACTION: JR
13) To consider any other organized activities/events on Cherry Fields that the Parish Council
could run or encourage others to organise and resolve any actions required.
JR asked if there were any other activities, such as star gazing, which we could promote or ask
individuals or groups what they would like to do at Cherry Fields. It was noted that the circle area was
created with meditation and tai chi in mind. A tour of the site with NH, to point out flora and fauna,
was suggested.
NH showed a picture of a cloud mirror he had seen, for a possible future grant. JT has seen a bike
repair station, where the tools were attached to chains to allow cyclists to repair their bikes.
Groups or schools may want a tour of the site, but it was decided to arrange a single afternoon when
NH was available and see how popular it was. A photo of the contemplative area, after mowing, will
be sent to Cherry News before 10th May, to advertise it is available for use.
HM asked about a business using the dog exercise area. NH has spoken to a man who suggested
his dog had picked up an infection when using this area. Whilst dog owners are responsible for
picking up after their dogs, it was agreed to check this area carefully as part of the H&S check.
14) To consider a suggestion that a tree is planted in memory of a member of the Cherry Fields
Volunteer team and resolve on any actions required.
It was agreed that the planting of a tree in memory of Derek was a good idea. His partner had been
consulted and was very happy with the idea. NH to get the list of the fruit trees that had been planted
already and see what is missing. The purchase of the tree would come from the orchard fund.
15) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since the last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – the deep water sign has been damaged again by the Delph.
BR to check the stock of signs as we think there is a spare one. ACTION: BR
b) Grants (HM) – NH reported that Greggs have a Foundation which gives grants to certain groups,
and this may be worth investigating. HM to research. ACTION: HM
LCC Wildlife grant – The primroses and cowslips are doing particularly well and it was agreed we
could apply for a grant to plant some more during the next round.
c) Ditch maintenance (AG) - Nothing further to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) – The expenditure for this has been approved and NH suggested
that we get on with the work to create a reservoir as soon as possible. This was agreed.
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) - Nothing further to report
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – The contractor was on site this morning and seems to have done a
good job. Dave R. is also doing some of the mowing as usual.
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – NH asked if the PC could advertise to invite tenders for
the cutting, bailing and removal of the hay meadow. NH will write a job description. Lincolnshire
Wildlife Trust say it is important to cut the grass in order to help the wild flowers flourish.
h) Orchard – Derek spent time putting tubes around the fruit trees to prevent damage by deer and
this has kept them safe. NH suggested that pig netting, fixed on wooden stakes would look better
and be a longer term solution. There is a large spare roll to use. This is a job for Autumn and NH
will come up with a design by then. ACTION: NH
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip - Nothing further to report
j) Bike Track (BR) - Nothing further to report
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k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – The gate rota is still doing well. It was
suggested that a thank you to volunteers be included in an item for Cherry News, when updating
the times and overflow car park use. ACTION: JR/BR
l) Oasis (JT) The notice on their gate has now been updated to say YMCA.
16) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda. – the Viking Way signs
are still to be removed/covered. ACTION: DL
17) To agree the date of the next meeting
A short meeting is required after the first full PC meeting to appoint the chair, vice chair and
representative for F. and GP. cttee, plus co-opted members.
This will be on Wednesday, 17th May at 7.00pm.
The meeting closed at 3.36pm.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................
Committee Chairman
*Additional documents follow as appendices.
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Appendix A: Note of volunteer work undertaken since 6 March 2023
Project development
No further project development work has been undertaken.
The new bench has been moved to its permanent location and the plaque attached.
Surplus fencing from the deer area has been relocated to a secure location in the storage area.
The stockpile of crushed limestone has been tidied up.
All remaining stocks of recycled deer protection tubes have been put on recently planted trees in Cherry
The larger willow trees which were overshadowing younger trees on the woodland walk have been
significantly cut back. The sturdier trees in the Charter Wood have had their stakes removed for use
Spring herbicide spraying around the most recently planted trees has begun.
The willow tunnels have been rewoven ready for spring regrowth.
A blocked track-side drain has been re-excavated and a pothole near the site entrance filled in.
The orchard has been mown and herbicide sprayed around the base of each tree.
A survey of the woodland walk has been completed and areas in need of repair have been marked.
Volunteer input (between 6 March and 14 April 2023)
Project development 0 person days
Maintenance 7.5 person days
Gate opening 3.5 person days
Total 11 person days
Appendix B: Project and maintenance work required over the coming months
The woody weeds from last year in the younger tree blocks need to be mowed off before the spring regrowth
can be sprayed with herbicide.
The woodland walk path will be repaired and the whole route topped off with fresh material. A wacker plate
or roller will need to be hired for this work as previously agreed.
It is also proposed to undertake a major upgrade to the cycle track surface later in the year. Materials have
been purchased but as previously agreed a wacker plate will probably be required.
The lagoon water level is expected to fall as the spring warms up and work to construct the agreed storage
pound will begin shortly. Funds have been earmarked in the maintenance budget for plant hire and any
construction materials required to create a demountable dam.
Further work is also required to complete the safety improvements to the lagoon edges (second boardwalk
and additional boulders). It is not anticipated that it will be necessary to purchase any additional materials.
Project development
It is hoped that work will begin on the proposed new radio controlled vehicle and cycle training area in the
next few weeks.
Bringing the dog exercise area notice board into service by adding a sheet of metal that will attract magnets in
order to hold notices. Old notice board to be removed (to Allotments?)
Community orchard
No significant additional work is envisaged for the orchard in the coming months.
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Appendix C: Projects Budget update
Available project funds
PC budget allocation £1,000
Grants and donations :-
Carried forward iGas grant £219
Carried forward donation (for unspecified use at
Cherry Fields)
Carried over Coop community champions grant £256
Carried forward residue of donation for bench £22
Carry over of orchard donations £541
Expenditure of PC funds Actual
Estimate Total
Sign and brass plaque for deer sculpture £70
PC match funding available for any other grant
aided projects which may arise
Total Parish Council funded projects £0 £1,000 £1,000
Expenditure of grants or donations:-
Dog agility equipment (Coop) £196
Unallocated (grants and donations) £401
Total grant and donation funded projects £0 £597 £597
Replacement trees £227
Grease bands etc £100
unallocated £214
Total community orchard fund projects £0 541 £541
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Appendix D: Maintenance budget update
PC annual allocation (2023/24) £3,000
Total £3,000
Item Actual spend Estimate Total
Annual cycle track inspection £80
Witham Third drainage rates £21
Total obligations £101
Grass mowing contract (paths and picnic areas):-
April £140
May £140
June £140
July £140
August £140
September £140
October £140
Total grass maintenance £980
Hedge maintenance:- £0
Path and cycle track repairs:-
Wacker hire (paths) £50
Wacker hire (cycle track) £50
Fuel £15
Total path maintenance £115
Pond maintenance:-
Boardwalks (fixings) £20
Dam construction materials and plant (estimate) £250
Total pond maintenance £270
Replacement and upgraded signs:-
Total signs £0 £0
Volunteer expenses:-
Total fuel use £600 £600
Drain maintenance:- £0
Timber maintenance:-
Preservative for bridge, bus shelter, shed and castles £0
Preservative for fort extension £0
Paint and fixings for dog jumps £30
Total timber maintenance £30
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