Cherry Fields September 23 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at
The Millennium Hall on Monday 18th September 2023 at 2.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson (Chair), B. Robinson, P. Bucke, J. Trahearn (part)
C. Hodgson (CWPC RFO)
Co-opted member: H. McCowan.
One member of the public.
The member of the public spoke before the meeting to express her appreciation of Cherry
Fields and her interest in supporting it.
1) To receive apologies to the Clerk/Chair
Apologies were received from Cllr Andy Burge, Nigel Hooper, Dave Leonard, and Alan Garner.
These were accepted. It was noted that Cllr Trahearn would be arriving late.
2) To receive any nomination of non-councillors for co-option and agree co-option.
The terms of reference for Cherry Fields Committee allows for 5 co-opted residents. However, there
were currently only four such members. NH had recommended co-opting Catherine Bochel, a regular
volunteer at Cherry Fields, as the fifth co-opted resident. CB’s co-option was unanimously agreed.
CB joined the meeting.
3) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests
CB said she was a volunteer at the Oasis.
4) To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2023 and agree for them to
be signed as a true record.
The notes were agreed and signed. There were no amendments.
5) To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting, including cutting of the hay in
the top field (NH)
The list of work undertaken since 20th June was presented and discussed.
The safety fencing around the reservoir was completed but subsequently vandalised by someone
who pulled out the posts and threw them in the reservoir. Temporary safety fencing has been put up
and this will be made more secure. This is the first major item of vandalism we have experienced.
BR said one of his grotesque wood carvings had also been removed at the same time.
The top meadow has been cut. Some of it has been collected and spread around the base of trees,
but some is remaining. A day has been arranged to do this, when weather is suitable.
Thanks were given to all the volunteers for their continued assistance.
6) To note the recent work by the LCC drainage contractor (BR)
A new drainage pipe is being installed in Lime Grove to remove surface water which floods on the
school playing field. This water will be redirected to the dyke which runs through Cherry Fields. The
contractor has been very helpful, and we have received 4 free loads of type 1 stone for Cherry Fields
and further loads have been taken to the allotments. We are hoping they may extend the layby
outside the entrance, and possibly use any left-over tarmac at the entrance to stop cars skidding and
wearing the ground as they make a quick exit across the road.
7) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
The maintenance and project budgets were presented*. CH said we have spent £1171 out of the
maintenance budget of £1710, so approx. £600 left. JR said some claims are still outstanding.
Taking into account these claims and other known forthcoming expenditure it is likely that we have
about £300 left to cover the remaining months of the financial year. It was noted that we had pared
back the maintenance budget this year, and may have pared it back too much. If unexpected costs
do occur, we would need to ask the Parish Council for a virement to use any surplus in the Project
fund before asking the PC for further funds.
The Project budget now shows a donation of £1000 towards the cost of a tree identification board for
the Orchard.
8) To receive reports from routine inspections and agree any actions required. (JR/BR/DL)
Any minor actions required have been dealt with. JR doesn’t know if DL did an inspection in August.
AB is scheduled to do September, but due to holidays and other Parish Council commitments it is
more likely to be done in the 2
nd week in October. It was suggested that DL does the inspection in
November instead. It was also suggested that CB accompany one of the future inspections.
Action: AB/DL/CB
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9) To approve expenditure for repair of borrowed water pump.
Pete Townsend has lent us a pump several times, but this has now stopped working properly. BR
has tried to repair it and will try again. If this does not work Charles Hill Ltd, who sold us the mower
and strimmer, can be asked to repair it. They have suggested a cost of under £100.
It was noted that, when we borrow items, including the whacker plate lent by Matt Gallimore, we are
responsible for any damage incurred.
A new pump would be about £350 to purchase but we would then have to store it and still maintain it,
so wouldn’t gain a lot.
JT arrived at 2.30pm.
If BR is unable to repair the pump, it was proposed to send the pump for repair up to a cost of £120.
This was agreed. Action: BR
10) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure (BR)
The hay needs teddering and disposing of. This was due to take place tomorrow but may be moved
to next weekend when the weather is better.
Work will continue on the cycle track. Fuel costs will be incurred in running the whacker plate and for
tractors moving material.
The temporary fencing round the reservoir has to be made permanent.
All proposed work was agreed, including associated costs.
11) To discuss and approve any actions relating to the Oasis signage.
Following the resolution at the last meeting, the Clerk emailed the YMCA about the fact there is no
mention of Cherry Fields on the new board. They replied and apologised for the misunderstanding.
Starkey and Brown paid for and erected the sign and YMCA didn’t know about the previous
agreement to have Cherry Fields at the top.
They suggested moving the sign to the Oasis site.
The current sign suggests that the whole site is the Oasis, and that Starkey and Brown contribute to
the maintenance of Cherry Fields, not just the Oasis.
Various options were discussed. It was agreed to thank them for their offer and that the sign should
be moved to their own site. We will then investigate the cost of a new sign for next year with the
wording “Welcome to Cherry Fields owned and maintained by Cherry Willingham Parish Council”.
If they would like to pay for an addition at the bottom, “incorporating The Oasis (YMCA)” that would
be agreed. This would go to the left of the gate, with no mention of Starkey and Brown. Action: JR
12) To discuss and approve future dyke maintenance schedule and costs (AG)
AG has not been able to get costs of any maintenance required next year from the WTDB. He needs
to check the state of the outflow pipe at the southern end on the culvert, but it is too overgrown at
present. The vegetation will need to be cut back first.
BR and NH think it can wait a year before the whole length needs cutting. The drain is maintained
better now than it was previously and there are no crops or buildings which could be damaged if the
dyke did overflow. It was agreed that no funding for this would be included in next year’s budget.
As mentioned in item 6, the water from the school playing field and surrounding land is being diverted
into the dyke which runs through Cherry Fields. It was suggested that LCC should pay towards the
maintenance of this dyke as we are taking their surplus water.
It was agreed to ask WTDB what service they provide for the annual drainage charge which CWPC
pays, and ask if it will now be maintained by them more often. CH and BR to draft an email with AG.
Action: CH/BR
The volunteers will continue to check the flow for obstructions and cut back vegetation where
necessary, particularly around the entrance to the southernmost culvert.
13) To discuss and agree the project and maintenance budget requests for 2024/2025 (JR)
NH had said the anticipated maintenance costs (including grass cutting by the contractor) for next
year will be approximately £3000.
The tender for grass cutting is out at present so the increase in this cost is not known.
CH said our maintenance budget needs to exclude grass cutting, as it does with VIC and L&A.
The maintenance budget for this year was cut back too much and we need to ask for more, plus
cover the rise in inflation. £2710 was suggested which is £1000 more than this year. CH will add the
figure for grass cutting by the contractor, when it is known, into the budget as a separate item. The
proposed new entrance sign will cost up to £2000, so CH suggested including this sum in the project
request to cover all signs. Budget requests go to Finance Cttee. in October, then to full Council.
It was agreed to request £2710 for maintenance and £2000 for project work.
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The cost of the bike track inspection would be additional to this and is done at the same time as the
playground inspections.
14) To note the reply about a defect in construction of the tree identification board (JR)
NH had formulated an email which the clerk had sent to Shelley Signs about a misalignment in the
position of holes for screws. They have apologised for this error and would look at this for future
15) To receive any updates regarding the Orchard tree being planted in memory of a member of
CF volunteer team and the request for a local resident to take on the task of overseeing the
Orchard and resolve any actions required.
An Asian Pear has been delivered and it is anticipated that it will be planted in October. Action: NH
No-one has responded to the advert about a volunteer to prune the orchard trees. A smaller advert
will be included in the October Cherry News.
16) To note the sculpture signs that have been installed and receive any update on matter relating
to the roe deer and future sculptures, and agree any action required. (JR)
Both signs for the sculpture have been installed and nothing has been heard about future sculptures.
17) To discuss any recent issues relating to the use of the off lead Dog Exercise area and agree
any further actions required, including purchasing permanent signs.
A temporary sign was erected at the gates asking people to speak to owners already in the area
before entering and letting their dog off the lead, so that owners already there could put their dog on
a lead if it was reactive to other dogs.
The committee agreed that we cannot ask new arrivals to wait a while for someone who is already
there. It is an open social space for dogs, and if someone has a nervous or reactive dog, it was
suggested that it would be more appropriate for them to book time at a private facility where they will
not be interrupted. One is now available in the village.
It was agreed to leave the temporary signs as they are and monitor the situation. Permanent ones
can be ordered later, when other signs are required.
18) To review the tour of Cherry Fields held on Jul 23rd and note that other tours organized by a
local resident during the summer.
Around 11 people attended. NH gave a good tour, and it was much appreciated.
A letter of thanks was received from one of those attending. Thank you to NH for doing this.
He thought it would be worth doing again at different times of the year, and Spring was suggested.
A local foraging expert has also run two tours about foraging. NH went on one of them and had
reported that it was very interesting.
19) To note the Community Harvest Service to be held on the Events area, 3pm on 24/09/23 and
consider a request from the churches to create an Advent Trail as per last year.
The Harvest Service was noted.
An Advent Trail with posters for people to find was put up around Cherry Fields last year and the
churches would like to do another one this year. This was agreed.
20) To review plans for the Community Picnic July 2024 and agree any actions required.
NH reported that Ferry Ales have confirmed their attendance next year. Ellmoo ice cream has
extender their offer to include a separate stall selling hot dogs and asked if we would like to have this
as well as ice cream. This was agreed.
Consideration was given to charging food/drink vendors to attend or to give a donation, but CH
pointed out the issues with this.
The PC only pays for Portaloos, so CH will include this cost in the Events budget, plus 10% inflation.
Printing costs for signage will also need to be included. CH agreed to clarify with the Auditor the
situation regarding the PC presenting prizes. Action: CH
Donated medals were given to children this year and there are some left over for next year.
21) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since the last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – Nothing further to report
b) Grants (HM) – None
c) Ditch maintenance (AG) – Nothing further to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) –The water level is lower than we would like and will be topped up
again. The bulrushes need pulling out and BR will look at using an inflatable boat to prevent
damage to the base and getting stuck in mud. Action: BR/NH
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) - Nothing further to report.
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f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – Nothing further to report.
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – The Woodland Trust recently inspected the trees
planted in 2021/22. The inspector said that of the 7 sites visited that day, ours was the “only one
with any trees still live”. Also, that “we were the only ones who seemed to know what we are
There were some losses amongst last winter’s trees, but these are fairly minimal. It is proposed
to replace these and fill any other gaps, as well as create the areas of shade requested for the
dog exercise area, over the coming winter. The trees will be free and other materials recycled
from previous planting, so no cost will be incurred.
Thanks were given to NH, for his expertise in organising all the tree planting and maintaining
h) Orchard – As agreed previously, 50 metres of pig netting has been purchased and will be used
to construct additional wire cages.
A replacement tree has also been purchased to replace the one which died. This will be planted
by the original donor in the autumn.
A tree locator board has been discussed with the donor’s window and she is in full agreement.
The donation has now been transferred to the PC. A draft of the board was shown. It needs
double checking as JT said one of her trees was wrongly labelled. JT offered to help with
checking it.
It was agreed that the board would be better facing south, to minimise fading from the sun. The
orientation of the map would then have to be changed. A site in the centre of the orchard would
be more helpful for all owners. Action: JT/NH
CH left the meeting at 3.51pm
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip - Nothing further to report.
j) Bike Track (BR) - Nothing further to report
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – The closing time for the car park will change on
Sunday to 6.30pm and then to 5.00pm when the clocks change at the end of October.
l) Oasis CB was nominated to represent the Oasis at future meetings. This was agreed.
22) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda. – A potential virement
should be included, plus the cost of the new signage.
23) To agree the date of the next meeting
The next meeting date has already been agreed and will be held on 13th November at 2.00pm.
The provisional date for the subsequent meeting is 12th February 2024.
The meeting closed at 15.55.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................
Committee Chairman
*Additional documents follow as appendices.
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Appendix A: Note of volunteer work undertaken since 20 June 2023
Project development
No further project development work has been undertaken
The main ongoing task has been the upgrade of the cycle track surface. This has been necessary
because of the unexpectedly heavy use this facility has experienced over the last few years.
A wide range of maintenance tasks, often arising from the monthly checks, (including filling a gap in
the boundary fence, strimming undergrowth around the car park, repairing the path surface on the
bridge approaches, removing encroaching willow from the cycle track pond, trimming trees along the
woodland walk and cycle track, cutting up and removing a fallen branch from the culvert bridge and
painting preservative on the castle timbers) have been undertaken.
The remaining recycled timber from the Lady Meers pond has been repurposed as a “xylophone” and
erected near the main picnic area.
The plaque recognising the deer sculptor has been erected.
A safety fence along the front of the reservoir (made from reused timber) has been completed.
A further 60 recycled protective tubes have been retro-fitted to young trees at risk of spring deer
The lagoon has had its third blanket weed treatment and the level of weed regrowth has remained
under reasonable control.
The shed has been cleared out and surplus, broken or deteriorated materials disposed of.
A detailed survey of the orchard trees has recorded the location, variety and age of each specimen.
This will make it easier for donors to identify their tree and help with maintenance. More wire cages
have also been fabricated and installed.
The wildflower meadow had substantially finished flowering by the end of August. It has been mown
and in early September work began to gather and dispose of the hay by hand.
Volunteer input (between 20 June and 5 September 2023)
Project development 0 person days
Maintenance 22 person days
Gate opening 6.5 person days
Total 28.5 person days
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Appendix B: Maintenance budget update
PC annual allocation £3,000
Total £3,000
spend Estimate Total
Annual cycle track inspection £90
Witham Third drainage rates £60
Total obligations £150
Grass mowing contract (paths and picnic areas):-
April £143
May £143
June £143
July £143
August £143
September £143
October £143
Total grass maintenance £1,001
Hedge maintenance:- £0
Path, car park and cycle track repairs:-
1 day roller hire inc fuel (King's help out) £70
Planings for cycle track £200
Fuel for strimmer £10
Strimmer cord £20
Car park paint £5
Replacement markers £12
Total path maintenance £317
Pond maintenance:-
2 days digger hire (inc fuel) £195
Total pond maintenance £195
Replacement and upgraded signs:-
Steel sheet for dog notice board £20
Total signs £20
Volunteer expenses:-
Dave's fuel claim (April. May, June) £190
Barry's fuel claim (April, May) £300
Dave's fuel claim (June) £70
Barry's fuel claim (July) £30
Available for future claims £310
Total fuel use £900
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Drain maintenance:- £0
Timber maintenance:-
Preservative for bridge, bus shelter, shed and castles £0
Preservative for fort extension £0
Paint and fixings for dog jumps £0
Total timber maintenance £0
Wildflower meadow maintenance:-
Cutting £140
Hire of tedder £50
Total meadow maintenance £190
Woodland maintenance:-
Mower fuel £6
Herbicide £0
Total woodland maintenance £6
Unallocated £221
Total unallocated £221
Total £1,963 £1,037 3000
Appendix C: Project budget update
Available project funds :-
PC budget allocation £1,000
Carried forward grants. Sponsorship and donations £602
Orchard funds (£541 carried forward plus £1000 donation) £1,541
Expenditure of PC funds
spend Estimate Total
Sign and brass plaque for deer sculpture £70
PC match funding available for any other grant aided projects £930
Total Parish Council funded projects £0 £1,000 £1,000
Expenditure of grants or donations:-
Dog agility equipment £200
Unallocated £402
Total grant and donation funded projects £0 £602 £602
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Replacement trees £30 £170
Memorial tree £60
Grease bands etc £100
Roll of pig netting for tree protection cages £46
unallocated £1,135
Total community orchard fund projects £136 1,405 £1,541
Appendix D: Project and maintenance work required over the coming months
The main continuing task for the remainder of the summer and into the autumn will be resurfacing the
cycle circuit. This will require road sweepings and use of a wacker plate, neither of which should
impact on the maintenance budget.
In September the volunteers will undertake an audit of the tree losses from last winter’s planting. This
will guide the coming winter’s beat up with replacement trees.
Last year’s willow coppicing was extremely successful and the tall trees have now become thick
bushy plants. It is therefore proposed to coppice the remaining willows on the “golf course” and cycle
track. The remainder of the shrubs beneath the power cables will also be cut back.
Project development
No additional project development work is currently planned.
Community orchard
The ongoing task of building and installing wire cages on the orchard trees will continue over winter.
The mulch around the trees has begun to b absorbed into the soil and will need to be refreshed soon.
Another free batch of chipped bark can be sought from a tree surgeon. Rather than taking up space
in the car park it is proposed to dig out a storage bay (lined with paving slabs) just inside the
entrance. This can probably be done by hand.