Cherry Fields July 23 Minutes
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at
The Millennium Hall on Monday 3rd July 2023 at 2.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson (Chair), J. Trahearn, Andy Burge, B. Robinson, P. Bucke.
Co-opted members: Nigel Hooper, Alan Gardner and Helen McCowan
1) To appoint a Minute taker for the meeting
It was resolved unanimously that Helen McCowan be appointed as Minute taker.
It was proposed and agreed that HM should be appointed Minute taker for the foreseeable future,
with the proviso that she could resign at any time.
2) To receive apologies to the Clerk
Apologies were received from Dave Leonard and accepted.
3) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests
4) To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on 25th April and 17th May 2023 and to agree for
them to be signed as a true record.
The notes were agreed individually and signed. There were no amendments.
5) To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken since 14th April was presented and discussed. The non plastic tubes
have collapsed, with the mats rotting away. Some of these tubes have damaged the trees so we will
stick to plastic in future. The weed killer in the pond this year was successful, but the weed is now
starting to reappear. There is some weed killer left and it was agreed that this should be used.
The tree identification board has now been sited by the woodland walk.
The King’s Big Help-Out was successful in resurfacing the woodland walk path. The new water
reservoir seems to be successful in holding water. It is intended to be used only in summer and the
team will investigate building a demountable dam for summer use so that the water can flow down
the drain during winter.
Thanks were given to all the volunteers for their continued assistance.
6) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
NH presented the maintenance and project budgets*. The maintenance budget has been reduced
this year, but there are still items which have to be undertaken such as grass cutting, which has
increased in cost. Digger hire costs and fuel claims for tractors have increased because of the work
on the path and reservoir. Most of what remains will be needed for cutting the meadow so there is
only £30 unallocated.
Later in the year we may need to ask the PC for approval to the transfer of some project funds to be
used on maintenance work.
In the Project budget there is £541 for the orchard and £602 in grants which have been carried
forward, plus the £1000 allocated from the PC. Nothing has been spent so far.
7) To review the cutting of the hay in the top field and agree any actions required (NH)
Adverts were placed in the Cherry News and on Facebook for someone to cut the meadow hay, but
no response has been received so far. BR has spoken to Glendale for suggestions on anyone who
may cut and bail the hay. NH says it can be cut at the end of July but must not be left to rot in situ.
Last year we hired equipment to cut the hay. We could do this again (at a cost of £150 for a Kubota
tractor plus the cost of a cutter) and hire a tedder to windrow the dry hay. We could then have a
community hay making day, where people can help to stack the hay into piles. It could then be used
to suppress weeds amongst trees and, as last year, the remainder could be stacked by the culvert
bridge as habitat for wildlife. The work will have to be done every year and the quality of the soil will
then gradually reduce. It was suggested that the size of the wildflower meadow be reduced to make
it easier, but it was decided that work would be done for one day only and anything else left.
NH and BR will continue to pursue any other possible avenues, but if these prove unsuccessful it was
agreed to hire the necessary machinery up to the £750 budget allocation. A community hay making
day would then be organised.. It was resolved that a decision on the hire and expenditure could be
made by three councillors from the committee in conjunction with the clerk/finance assistant. NH
said the meadow was currently looking its best. There are plenty of Meadow Brown butterflies plus
crickets, so there is lots of food for birds. ACTION: NH/BR
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8) To receive reports from safety inspections (routine and annual) and agree any actions
required. (JT/PB/BR)
JT and PB did an inspection in June. The last page of the report is in landscape, but this does not
work on all printers so JR is going to revert it to portrait.
The bullrushes in the lagoon need pulling out when we get access to a boat or inflatable.
The castle and fort were weeded prior to the picnic. The Viking Way sign still need covering up.
Grass needs strimming around the benches, especially on the river bank.
The reports are very useful for determining work planned for volunteer days, as well as providing
evidence of safety checks, so need to be done on a regular basis. BR & JR will do the check in July,
DL in August, AB in September. ACTION: BR/JR/DL/AB
9) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure. (NH/BR)
NH presented the list of work to do.* More herbicide spraying is needed, but the next big job will be
the cycle track upgrade. The materials and hire of equipment have already been authorised by the
committee. It will be done in sections with the worst areas done first, where the limestone sub-
surface has been exposed. The track is too long to do it all in one year. NH has seen similar tracks
elsewhere which have deep ruts and tree roots in them, so ours is very good by comparison.
It was agreed at the April meeting to try a new design of tree protectors for the orchard trees. 10 of
these have now been done with the pig netting we had in stock, and they look much better. We still
have some wire but 50 metres more pig netting will be needed to complete the work. It was
proposed that £100 could be used from the Orchard fund to buy a roll and this was approved.
NH reported that he has now been given DD’s records on the orchard scheme and one tree appears
to be missing. He proposed to replace this, as well as another, which is looking unwell in the autumn
using the Orchard fund.
The widening of the dyke has resulted in steeper edges than had been envisioned. Various options
were discussed to improve Health & Safety, and it was agreed to make a low fence to go between
the track and the reservoir.
10) To note the installation of the tree identification board and receive any comments.
The board has been sited, as previously agreed, by the Woodland Walk near the pedestrian gate to
the dog exercise area. within the woodland walk area and it was reported that some people at the
picnic were asking why it was not sited nearer the track where most people walk. NH reported that
the track and car park area already have plenty of signs and the board, within the woodland to which
it refers, would encourage people to walk that way. AB thought it was small for the amount of money
it had cost. It is A1 size and some of the cost goes in the artwork. BR suggested that an A4 version
could be put in the car park notice board. NH reported that one of the posts had been precut at
slightly the wrong angle. He agreed to formulate a letter for the clerk to send to the company pointing
out the defect. ACTION: NH
11) To receive an update on the purchase of the tree to be planted in memory of a member of the
Cherry Fields Volunteer team and resolve on any further actions required. (NH)
NH reported that DD had an Asiatic pear in his garden, and this was not already in the orchard. It is
one he was very proud of, and it was agreed that this would be a very suitable fruit tree to plant.
It will be purchased from the Orchard fund and planted by his partner with minimum ceremony, as he
would have wished.
12) To receive an update on any matters relating to the roe deer sculpture and agree any actions
JR reported that the roe deer antlers have been replaced, but JC is not very happy with them. She is
going down to CF tomorrow to discuss the siting of the corgis. BR and PB will meet her. NH
suggested the antlers could be smaller, and this would reduce the risk of them being pulled off again.
We received a revised quote for 7 laminated signs from Sings Express, but the VIC wanted one
more. JR has now received a price of £69.12 for 8 signs. It was agreed that these should be
The brass plaque is still to order. It has previously been agreed to order this up to a value of £50 and
the wording has also been approved. It was agreed that JR will order this. ACTION: JR
13) To review the Community Picnic and agree any actions required.
The picnic went well. The overflow carpark was fully used plus parking on the grass strip by the
track. The gate marshals had recorded 289 people going past them, which was very good
considering the weather.
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The music was not loud enough, but they were having to battle against the wind. The YMCA didn’t
have a stall or run activities as they had requested/promised, and there was no presence from the
Oasis. Despite these problems everything went well, and people seemed to have enjoyed
themselves. It was a very relaxed event.
BR reported that there were fewer bike riders than usual. The display tanks couldn’t come but BR
brought radio controlled battery operated cars, which both children and adults enjoyed trying out.
Apart from the work in getting the site tidy, the event takes minimum effort to organise. Both FAB
and the Ice cream lady will come again next year but both suggested that a date should be agreed
asap. JR said the Portaloo company were very good.
It was agreed that the picnic be held on Saturday, 6th July 2024 with a back-up the following week on
13th July 2024
£58.02 was collected in donation buckets and this will go towards the fund for playground equipment.
14) To discuss and agree arrangements for the tour of Cherry Fields planned for 23rd July.
JR printed flyers for this event but they have gone astray. Once located, she will put some in the
library and on village notice boards. It is advertised in the current Cherry News and will also be
advertised on the Cherry Fields and PC Facebook pages.
JR also did some A4 laminated tree identification sheets for children to cross off and return.
NH said it will be a 1-hour tour.
15) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since the last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – Someone requested that trees be planted in the dog exercise
area to provide shelter for the dogs who can get stressed from the heat. This can be done with
free trees in the winter planting season. This was agreed.
b) Grants (HM) – NH has received an anonymous donation to be used at Cherry Fields. A tree
identification board for the orchard trees was suggested. It was agreed that this was a good idea.
It was suggested that the funds should go through the PC accounts so that that VAT can be
reclaimed. NH would confirm this with the donor’s widow. ACTION: NH
c) Ditch maintenance (AG) – No funds had been allocated this year. AG said the weed growth
looks worse than it is and that the current levels of weed growth would not greatly worsen flood
risk. He recommended that the outflow pipe into the delph is checked each year to ensure it is
not blocked. This should be done in August along with a general check of the whole length. The
dyke is not in an area that would cause any problems to neighbours so could be left alone this
year. JR said we need to know before September if any work will be required the following year
as this is when requests for budget will be submitted. ACTION: AG
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) – Nothing further to report.
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) - Nothing further to report.
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – The contractor is doing a good job so far.
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – Nothing further to report.
h) Orchard – NH said it would be useful to have some bark chippings from anyone cutting down
trees to use as mulch for the trees. We also need someone with horticultural experience for
pruning and maintenance of the trees, to replace DD. He will write a note to go in the Cherry
AB left the meeting at 15.51
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip - We have received an email from a resident about the
use of this area, following a recent incident where a dog owner let several dogs off the lead in the
exercise area, when the first resident was in there with her nervous dog. She had requested
signage asking people to wait when entering the exercise area and allow others to get their dogs
back on a lead. Various options were discussed, and it was agreed to write back with several
suggestions. One recent Facebook post reported that an owner had arranged for people to stand
at both entrance gates so that they could get their own dog on a lead before new dogs came in.
It was noted that work has started on a new exercise area on Hawthorn Road where she will be
able to book and pay for exclusive access, which may suit her dog better. It was agreed to write
a suitably worded notice to put on the gates, but explain to the resident that we cannot guarantee
that people will take notice of it. ACTION: JR
j) Bike Track (BR) - Nothing further to report
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – Nothing further to report.
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l) Oasis – JR reported that a new sign had been erected by the roadside which advertised the
Oasis but did not mention Cherry Fields, as the previous sign had done. It was noted that the
sign is not on the land which they lease and part of the hedging had been cut down. It was
agreed to ask the Clerk to write to YMCA and explain that the wording for the original sign had
previously been agreed with the Parish Council and that a new notice is required with Cherry
Fields at the top. ACTION: JR
It was agreed to suspend Standing orders so the meeting could continue.
16) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda. – Nothing further to add.
17) To agree the date of the next meeting
The next meeting date has already been agreed and will be held on 18th September at 2.00pm
The meeting closed at 16.03.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................
Committee Chairman
*Additional documents follow as appendices.
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Appendix A: Note of volunteer work undertaken since 14 April 2023
Project development
No further project development work has been undertaken
The woody weeds in most of the younger woodland blocks have been mowed flat enabling the spring
herbicide spraying to be completed. An inspection of the non-plastic tubes and mats was carried out
in May. The results were disappointing; the mats had largely decomposed and many of the tubes had
collapsed, smothering the trees. Remedial work was undertaken but it may be necessary to replace
some of the trees in the autumn. Work has also been undertaken to prune the woodland walk wild
cherry trees to favour apical growth and single clean stems.
The lagoon has received 3 treatments of biological weed killer and is looking significantly better than
last year (when it became choked with blanket weed by the end of June). A second boardwalk (for a
trampled area on the west side of the lagoon has been completed and additional boulders put in to
make the edge safer on the eastern side.
The perennial job of weaving and trimming the willow tunnels is also continuing.
A dozen clumps of nettles have been transplanted into the centre of the cycle area from the
hedgerow to improve butterfly breeding habitat.
Actions identified in safety inspections (including rectifying faults on the scramble trail, repairing
steps, cleaning and updating the notice boards, replacing the spring on the delph gate, removing self-
sown willows from the cycle track pond and spraying hemlock) have been addressed.
The newly completed tree identification board has now been installed and is already being well used
and appreciated by visitors.
Additional mesh has been added to the dog exercise area gates to help deter even the smallest
escapees and the remote-controlled vehicle driving course has been augmented and refined.
The biggest maintenance task involved completely upgrading and resurfacing 300 metres of the
woodland walk. This was done as part of the “King’s Big Help Out” and attracted a good turn out of
regular volunteers as well as members of the community.
A major effort was also involved in excavating the water storage reservoir for the lagoon. A small dam
on the drain has enabled 60cm of water to be impounded after heavy rain and this has been used to
successfully be used to top up the lagoon after the drought of May and June.
Volunteer input (between 14 April and 20 June 2023)
Project development 0 person days
Maintenance 33 person days
Gate opening 5 person days
Total 38 person days
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Appendix B: Project and maintenance work required over the coming months
A limited amount of additional herbicide treatment may be required in the recently planted
woodlands as the summer progresses but the drought has tended to control most weed
growth. There is sufficient stock of herbicide to address the anticipated needs.
It is also proposed to undertake a major upgrade to the cycle track surface later in the year.
A stockpile of limestone is currently available and an additional purchase of planings and (if
necessary) hire of a wacker plate have previously been agreed.
Project development
No additional project development work is currently planned.
Community orchard
The experimental design for more robust deer protection on the orchard trees made from
surplus pig netting has proved easy to construct and the result is more aesthetically pleasing
than the temporary deer protection tubes. It is therefore proposed to continue this work over
the summer. Purchase of an additional 50 metre roll of pig netting from the available orchard
budget will however be required to complete the work.
The records of tree varieties, locations and sponsors are being compiled into a format which
can be included in the Cherry Fields Masterplan so that they are permanently available to
future generations. Consideration could however be given to an on-site identification board
should funds become available.
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Appendix C: Projects Budget update
Available project funds :-
PC budget allocation £1,000
Carried forward grants. Sponsorship and donations £602
Carried forward orchard donations £541
Expenditure of PC funds
spend Estimate Total
Sign and brass plaque for deer sculpture £70
PC match funding available for any other grant aided projects £930
Total Parish Council funded projects £0 £1,000 £1,000
Expenditure of grants or donations:-
Dog agility equipment £200
Unallocated £402
Total grant and donation funded projects £0 £602 £602
Replacement trees £200
Memorial tree £50
Grease bands etc £100
Roll of pig netting for tree protection cages £100
unallocated £91
Total community orchard fund projects £0 541 £541
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Appendix D: Maintenance budget update
PC annual allocation (2023/24) £3,000
Total £3,000
spend Estimate Total
Annual cycle track inspection £90
Witham Third drainage rates £24
Total obligations £114
Grass mowing contract (paths and picnic areas):-
April £143
May £143
June £143
July £143
August £143
September £143
October £143
Total grass maintenance £1,001
Hedge maintenance:- £0
Path, car park and cycle track repairs:-
1 day roller hire inc fuel (King's help out) £70
Planings for cycle track £200
Car park paint £5
Total path maintenance £275
Pond maintenance:-
2 days digger hire (inc fuel) £195
Total pond maintenance £195
Replacement and upgraded signs:-
Steel sheet for dog notice board £20
Total signs £20
Volunteer expenses:-
Dave's fuel claim (April. May. June) £190
Barry's fuel claim (April, May, June) £300
Available for future claims £60
Total fuel use £550
Drain maintenance:- £0
Timber maintenance:-
Preservative for bridge, bus shelter, shed and castles £0
Preservative for fort extension £0
Paint and fixings for dog jumps £29
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Total timber maintenance £29
Wildflower meadow maintenance:-
Cutting (mower hire) £250
Baling and removal £500
Total meadow maintenance £750
Woodland maintenance:-
Herbicide £30
Mower fuel £6
Total woodland maintenance 36
Unallocated £30
Total unallocated £30
Total £1,166 £1,834 3000