Cherry Fields November 23 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at

The Millennium Hall on Monday 13 th November 2023 at 2.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson (Chair), Andy Burge, B. Robinson, P. Bucke,
Co-opted members: N. Hooper, D. Leonard, H. McCowan, C. Bochel.
1) To receive apologies to the Clerk/Chair
Apologies were received from J. Trahearn and A. Gardner. These were accepted.
2) Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests
CB made a permanent declaration that she is a member of the Oasis voluntary team.
3) To receive the notes of the CFC meeting held on Monday 18 th September 2023 and agree for
them to be signed as a true record.
The notes were agreed and signed. Note: It had been reported in Item 15 that the commemorative
Asian pear tree had been delivered and was due to be planted. NH explained that this was incorrect.
Although it had been ordered, it had not been delivered at that time.
4) To receive a report on the recent flooding and consider any actions required (BR)
Following the recent torrential rain various areas of Cherry Fields were flooded. Initially it affected the
main track, which was under 10 -12 ins of water, due to the dyke overflowing with extra water from
the new pipeline installed in September. The water flow was also restricted by the dog leg.
There was then a slow build up of water from the river Witham, which flooded the bike track and
Oasis. It was also flowing in from the adjacent field on the SE corner. Water entered the shed, but
the mower was moved in time to save it. The “Golf course” area was flooded. This was all static
water, and gradually receded away. JR & BR used the kayak to go around the bike track and down
much of the 10m strip.
Water came in from outside the site so there was nothing we could have done to prevent this. We
will need to look at all structures to make sure they are bolted down and cannot float away if this
event is repeated. Also look at either moving items higher up in the shed or locating the shed
elsewhere where it would not be affected.
The sleeper bridge was shifted by the water. JR reported that the school playground was dry for the
first time, so the new pipe has worked and sent the excess water to Cherry Fields.
The height of water in the North Delph was above the outflow pipe, so the water could not escape
into the Delph. The dog leg bend has been cleared out previously by hand and needs to be done
again. The possibility of an additional soil bank, to raise the height of the dyke, was mentioned.
4 inches of rain in one day is unprecedented but is likely to happen more often in the future. We
therefore have to plan for such events.
BR reported that the North Delph will be blocked when the marina is built so water will not be able to
come up-river from Short Ferry. Action: BR/NH/DL
5) To receive a report on work undertaken since the last meeting (NH)
The list of work undertaken since 5 th September was presented and discussed.*
The meadow hay has now been cleared and flood damage repaired, apart from the final placement
of the telegraph pole.
Many thanks to all the volunteers for their continued support.
6) To note the successful repair of the borrowed water pump (BR)
BR managed to repair the water pump and return to its owner, so saving around £100.
7) To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget year to date (NH)
The maintenance and project budgets were presented*. The roll of pig netting which had been
purchased turned out to be inadequate for the purpose it had been bought for and so a new better
quality roll will need to be purchased. The first roll will be used for other tasks on the Fields.
It was agreed to purchase the tree locator board with half the cost coming from the recent donation of
£1000 and the other half from the Parish Council’s CF project budget. JR asked if there would be
enough project funds left to purchase the new CF sign. NH reported that there was.
NH has restructured the format of the maintenance budget to show the grass cutting and inspection
as separate items from other maintenance, in line with the RFO’s budget sheets. The contract grass
cutting budget will be underspent by £342 this year; this unspent money will go into general
balances. However, the budget for all other maintenance is going to be insufficient this year as we
still have a number of tasks to compete before the year end. To deal with this we will need to ask for
a virement from other funds to spend on other items of maintenance.

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8) To receive reports from routine inspections and agree any actions required. (JR/BR/DL)
DL has done a H&S inspection for November. Most of the equipment in the dog area is now rotting
and some nails are sticking out. It was agreed that those items should be removed. Action: DL
The tracks did not suffer too much from the flooding, and JR reported that Becky B from the Oasis
had been careful to check the conditions and leave her car in the car park rather than drive down and
damage the surface.
It was suggested that we could advertise for anyone to make new items of dog equipment as items to
buy are very expensive and beyond our budget. It was agreed that this could present problems with
items not being up to standard, so will not be pursued.
JR said the new dog field on Hawthorn Road has large tyres set into the ground and perhaps we
could do the same. Free tractors tyres could be dug in so that there was room to go under or over the
top. They would not require maintenance and are long lasting. This was agreed and BR will
investigate. Action: BR
9) To review the programme of works for the forthcoming months and agree associated
expenditure (NH/BR)
The proposed list of works was presented.* The path by the power line needs widening so additional
sweepings or plannings could be required. The new roll of pig netting for the orchard will cost £70
plus delivery. It was therefore proposed that the netting could be purchased up to a cost of £100.
This was agreed. Action: BR
Some landscape membrane will be required for the vehicle track, but we have some in stock to use.
All proposed work was agreed, including associated costs.
10) To agree the purchase of a magnetic metal backing sheet for the dog area noticeboard (BR)
Magnetic sheeting is needed for the notice boards in the dog area, on the Parade and in Little
Cherry. BR has received a quote of £180 for 3 boards, so the cost to CF would be £60 plus any
primer and topcoat paint which may be required. It was suggested that spray paint could be used.
It was proposed that we purchase this board and any paint, up to a cost of £75 plus VAT.
This was agreed. Action: BR
11) To receive any updates on the Orchard tree locator board and agree any actions required (NH)
JT had pointed out an error, which has now been rectified. JT and NH will go around the orchard
together and recheck all tree sites.
The cost of the board is £1200 and the last board took 3 months to make, so needs to be ordered
soon to receive in this financial year. It was proposed that a cost of £1300 in total should be divided
equally between the Parish Council project budget and the donation. The board will be sited in the
centre of the orchard, facing north to minimise fading from the sun. It was agreed to purchase the
board subject to JT and NH being satisfied that all the trees are marked correctly. Action: NH/JT
12) To consider a potential sign for the main entrance and agree any actions required. (JR)
Quotes have been received from Signs Express for the provision of two signs. The VIC need one for
the allotments and the signs for the play areas will need redoing at some point. The PC wants to use
the same format for all such signs in future. Two options were shown, and it was agreed that a green
sign was preferred. This would not show dirt as easily as a white one. A width of 1 metre was
considered large enough. Following discussion, it was agreed that the supplementary board at the
bottom would just say “The Oasis (YMCA)”. The PC will pay for this so that they have control of the
wording. The cost of both boards is £320 plus VAT. The Council still have to agree on the format of a
Parish Council logo, but when this has been agreed, the signs can be ordered.
The signs are aluminium composite plus a backing to strengthen them. Posts are already in place
from the previous sign, and these can be reused.
The ordering of this sign plus associated costs were agreed. Action: JR
13) To consider if a virement will be required and agree any request (NH)
It was agreed that a virement of £342 should be requested from the CF contract grass cutting budget,
which is underspent by £342. AB left the meeting at 15.17.
14) To review the results of the recent Parish Council survey in relation to Cherry Fields and
agree any actions required.
JR presented the PC survey which was done both online and in person by asking residents on the
Parade. It was noted that comments received in person were very positive, but some of those made
online were more negative. Comments in relation to Cherry Fields were considered.
One person had requested a bike rack near the bike track. There is one by the entrance but only one
bike has been seen there. It was agreed that this be moved to the picnic area by the bike track and
monitor usage and any comments received.

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It was noted that someone requested that Fiskerton Road should be 30mph to enable people to
cross the road more easily.
A toilet at the Fields was also requested, but the cost of installation and maintenance make this
A zip wire was requested as well as more play equipment for Cherry Fields. A zip wire is something
we have considered previously. It would need to be inspected annually along with the play areas.
We have requested £2000 in the project budget for signs next year, but the sign is now being
purchased this year. The £2000 could be used for a zip wire instead. Cherry Fields has a slight
slope beside the main track which would be a good site for a zip-wire. The purchase and installation
of a Zip wire was proposed and unanimously agreed.
15) To consider matters relating to the annual WTDB drainage charge and resolve accordingly.
BR/AG/CH were due to write an email to send to WTDB but this was held off due to the flooding. BR
said they need to speak to AG and ask his advice on the possibility of free drain clearance so
suggested that the email be deferred at present. This was agreed.
16) To receive any updates regarding the Orchard tree being planted in memory of a member of
the CF Volunteer team and the request for a local resident to take on the task of overseeing
the Orchard and resolve any further actions required (NH)
Delivery of the Asian pear tree is expected soon. Nothing further to report.
17) To receive any update on matters relating to the roe deer and future sculptures and agree any
actions required (BR)
JR reported that they haven’t managed to contact the sculptor recently so nothing further to report.
18) To review plans for the Community Picnic July 2024 and agree any actions required.
JR said the Portaloos have been ordered and will cost only £5 more than last year.
19) To discuss the project budget request for 2024/25 (JR)
The budget request of £2000 had already been agreed at a previous meeting and it had been
intended to put this towards a new sign for the entrance. As per item 14, it was agreed that the
project request of £2000 now be allocated to the purchase and installation of a Zip wire.
20) To receive brief reports from members on actions/issues arising since the last meeting and
resolve actions required (if not itemised on agenda above and dealt with already):
a) Health and Safety (AG/NH/BR) – Nothing further to report
b) Grants (HM) – None
c) Ditch maintenance (AG) – Nothing further to report.
d) Pond maintenance (NH/BR) – NH said he had discovered that a permit is required for anyone
wanting to spray vegetation on a water body, which can take months to acquire. Nigel suggested
an alternative method whereby the stalks are broken off. This will need to be done using a small
boat. BR will look for his inflatable boat next year. The best time to tackle this is early summer.
Action: BR/NH
e) General path/track and site maintenance (BR/NH) - Nothing further to report.
f) Grass Cutting (NH/BR) – Nothing further to report.
g) Woodland and Meadow Project (NH) – Nothing further to report.
h) Orchard – The plum tree for the orchard has now arrived.
i) Dog exercise area and off lead strip - Nothing further to report.
j) Bike Track (BR) - Nothing further to report
k) Car Park and Gate-opening and closing (BR) – The closing time for the car park has now
changed to 5.00 pm.
NH left the meeting at 15.45.
l) Oasis CB said volunteers had spent most of their time clearing up after the flood, including
removal of carpet in one of the static caravans. The animals were moved away to safety, but
they lost 2 chickens. JR reported that communication with Becky B during the flooding had been
very good, which was very helpful.
21) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda. – BR reported that the
VIC had proposed outdoor gym equipment, possibly dotted around the village. One of the sites may
include Cherry Fields. This could be considered for the future, but the equipment would need to have
a natural appearance to blend in with the site.
22) To agree the date of the next meeting
The next meeting date has already been agreed and will be held on 12 th February 2024 at 2.00pm.
The provisional date for the subsequent meeting is Monday, 8 th April at 2pm.

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The dates of subsequent meetings will be decided after the May PC meeting, when membership of
the various committees is agreed.
The meeting closed at 15.54.

Signed……………………………………. Dated………………………..
Committee Chairman
*Additional documents follow as appendices.