Cherry Fields May23 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Cherry Fields Committee held at
The Millennium Hall on Wednesday, 17th May 2023 at 7.00pm.
Present: Cllrs J. Robinson (in the Chair), J. Trahearn, Andy Burge, B. Robinson, P. Bucke.
Co-opted members from 7.05pm: Nigel Hooper, Dave Leonard, and Helen McCowan (present
as members of the public at the start of the meeting).
1) To appoint a Minute taker for the meeting
It was resolved unanimously that Helen McCowan be appointed as Minute taker.
2) To elect a Chair
Cllr J. Robinson was nominated and seconded as Chair. There were no other nominations.
Cllr J. Robinson was unanimously elected as Chair.
3) To receive the nominations of non-councillors for co-options and agree co-option.
Nominations were received for David Leonard, Nigel Hooper, Helen McCowan, and Alan Gardner.
All four had accepted these nominations. They were co-opted unanimously.
NH, DL and HM joined the meeting.
The chair noted that there is still one vacancy for a co-opted member, which allows the committee
the potential to appoint the right person with suitable skills in the future.
4) To elect a Vice-chair.
N. Hooper was nominated and seconded as Vice-chair. There were no other nominations.
N. Hooper was unanimously elected as Vice-chair.
5) To receive apologies to the Clerk
Apologies were received from Alan Gardner and accepted.
6) Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the Council in
respect of the agenda items listed below.
None were declared.
7) To appoint a Councillor to represent the Cherry Fields Committee on the Finance and General
Purpose Committee.
Cllr J. Robinson was nominated and seconded to represent the CF Committee. She was elected
8) To appoint a committee member to keep an overview of expenditure, including expenses
claims before they are submitted to the RFO.
N. Hooper was proposed, seconded, and elected unanimously to keep an overview of all
9) To receive a report on the inspections of the bike track and castles and agree any actions and
expenditure necessary as a result of the inspections.
BR reported that the inspection had taken place in the morning of the committee meeting and that the
inspector had been accompanied by BR and JR. There was nothing that required urgent attention on
the bike track. The grass is due to be cut on Friday and BR noted that it will need to be raked off.
Action: BR
The inspector pointed out that one of the posts on the castle is rotting, where the chain is attached.
This will be replaced with a spare post. Ragwort has appeared on the mound and the inspector
recommended that it was removed. The de-lamination on some timber on the fort was mentioned
and DL will sort this in due course. Otherwise, the inspector was very complimentary about the site,
having seen it develop over the last few years. Action: DL
10) To receive as necessary any updates on matters arising since the last committee meeting and
agree any actions as required.
a) Woodland Walk: The Woodland Walk from the dog exercise area to just past the bend at the SE
corner was resurfaced by 20 volunteers as part of the King’s Big Help-out Day on Monday 8th
May. A base for the latest bench was also created. The last stretch of the path to the sleeper
bridge was completed by volunteers on the regular Tuesday work party day this week. It was
agreed that the refurbished path was looking very good and thanks were given to the volunteers.
More sweepings and planings are now needed to re-stock our supply, and it was agreed that
these could be purchased up to a maximum of £200. Action: BR
b) H and S checks: The following dates were agreed: JT & PB in June, BR & JR in July, DL in
August, AB in September.
CWPC CFC Minutes 17/05/23 Page 2 of 2
c) Community picnic: The July picnic has been advertised in the Cherry News. Councillors have
been asked to help with car parking and talking to residents. There will be a bucket for donations
to go towards play equipment in the village. The provision of gazebos was discussed, and NH
will bring one for the Cherry Fields and Parish Council table. Any decisions on cancellation would
have to be made on the Thursday prior, so that the portable toilets can be cancelled before
delivery on the Friday before the picnic. There is no news on the British Legion Bikers at present,
but there will be a display of radio controlled tanks on the new mini track. BR is looking for
volunteers to act as timers for the bike trials,
d) A tour of Cherry Fields with NH will be advertised in the Cherry News and on Facebook for
Sunday, 23rd July at 2pm.
e) The tree identification board was dispatched on 9th May but has still not arrived. NH is in
discussion with the Director of the sign company.
f) There will be an advert in the next Cherry News with the specification for cutting and removing
the hay, asking for farmers willing to tender for this work. A decision may need to be made before
the next meeting so it was agreed that the work could be done up to a cost of £750. It was also
agreed that the Clerk or, in her absence, the Chair of the Parish Council plus two committee
members could together accept any suitable tender up to this figure.
g) BR reported that a digger had been booked for 30th & 31st May to dig the reservoir for the
lagoon. DR is available to move the soil to St Paul’s Playing fields. It was suggested that a
second trailer would make this more efficient, and BR will investigate whether this is possible.
Action: BR
h) NH said the white markers for the parking bays were not as noticeable now and suggested that
some fluorescent paint be used to highlight them. It was agreed that a tin of fluorescent paint
could be purchased up to a maximum of £25. The paint could also be used on posts positioned
on the soil bank at the edge of the car park to help highlight the bay edges. Action: NH
i) It was noted that some dog owners are still not removing dog poo as requested. A recent
inspection found several examples hidden under grass tussocks.
11) General: Any other matters to report for inclusion in the next agenda.
12) To agree the date of the next meeting.
The following dates were agreed:
• Monday, 3rd July at 2.00pm
• Monday, 18th September at 2.00pm
• Monday, 13th November at 2.00pm
All meetings at the Millennium Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.00pm.
Signed........................................... Dated.............................