March 2023 Agenda Village Improvement Cttee
Cherry Willingham Parish Council
The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4AQ
Chair of the Council: Cllr Jenny Robinson Clerk/RFO: Jude Sparks
The next meeting of the Village Improvement Committee will be held in the Millennium Hall on Thursday 9th March 2023 at 9:30am. It is expected that all members will make every effort to attend. Any member not able to attend should pass their apologies to either the Chair of the Committee (Cllr Andy Burge) or the Clerk/RFO.
Prior to the start of the meeting a public forum will ordinarily, of no more than 15 minutes, be held. The public may address the council on current matters or issues that may become future agenda items.
To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Declaration of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
To receive notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2023 and approve as Minutes.
To review and to revise any changes on the Village Improvement Terms of Reference Policy.
To discuss and approve replacement security cupboards in Millenium Hall.
To discuss and approve plans with the future of the ‘Allotment Task & Finish Group’, to propose a sub committee that reports to the VIC Committee.
To consider a request from a resident,that the bench at Lady Meers Pond be replaced or the current one to be turned around.
To discuss the outcome of a site survey on Milenium Hall's roof Condition.
To consider a request from a member of the public to volunteer with litter picking around the village
To consider & approve a 6mth extension to the horse grazing licence for Miss R Edwards and approve any amendments to the licence as necessary.
Consider compensation claims with National Grid reference posts on Tanfaine.
To discuss and approve CIF funding from WLDC the Clerk has applied for, For Compost and plants for the cost of upto £196.
Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:
To resolve to replace the bench on the High Street.
To resolve to purchase appropriate banners for the annual parish meeting
To resolve to purchase an additional litter bin to be placed on Church Lane.
To discuss and resolve with relevant action to a tired notice board on Gilberts Pond.
PAT Testing (Christmas Lights & Transformers)
Window Replacement in Millenium Hall
Purchase of new Christmas lights
Tanfaine Sign
Dogs on Leads Signs
Probation service.
Sign for Green Lane reference speed limit, some form of sign addressing caution/ take care children.
Allotment Fence
Speed watch. (Cllr Burge)
Litter picking. (Cllr Fleetwood)
Flag Policy.
14. Matters for report and future agenda items.
15. To confirm a date for the next meeting.
Signed………………………………….Cllr Andy Burge on behalf of The Clerk (original signed)