January 2023 Village Improvement Minutes
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Thursday 19th January 2023 at 9:30am in the Millennium Hall.
Present: Cllr Palmer (Vice-Chair)
Cllr B Robinson, Cllr Fleetwood, and Cllr Brylewski.
Meeting started at 9:30am.
No members of the public were present.
1. To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Apologies were received from Cllr Burge, Cllr Mellor and Cllr Bates, all agreed reason to be accepted.
2. Declaration of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
3. To receive notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on Thursday 17th November 2022 and approve as Minutes.
It was Resolved unanimously to receive the notes and they were duly signed.
4. To consider and approve the income from the allotments to be used to purchase a perimeter fence of a cost of up to £1000 for the allotment.
It was Resolved Unanimously, and agreed at a cost of up to £1000 and to be taken to FC. Cllr Burge & Robinson, to devise a design plan to erect the fence.
5. To consider action from a member of the public, request a sign for Green Lane reference speed limit, some form of sign addressing caution/ take care children.
It was Resolved unanimously it was felt that this was a LCC matter. The Clerk to write to LCC. (Action - A/Clerk)
6. To consider and to quote for a replacement security cupboard in Millenium Hall.
It was Resolved unanimously that quotation 3 would be the the preferred option by staff as provides more versatility, now one has been chosen the A/Clerk to find the best price for the make and model, to take item to FC with the value of upto £1808 (Action - A/Clerk)
7. To discuss and approve plans with the future of Tanfaine and the ‘Allotment Task & Finish Group’, to propose a sub committee that reports to the VIC Committee.
This item was deferred until Cllr Burge is present.
8. To consider the proposal of planting some Christmas trees on Tanfaine for future use of the Council.
Resolved unanimously. It was decided as the idea seemed great, but in practice the Parish wouldn't reap the benefits for a number of years. The trees also take a lot of nurturing and time.
9. To discuss and consider the proposal of planting CrabApple Trees around the allotment carpark.
Resolved unanimously, that this would not be pursued as they cause mess, pests, and trip hazards.
10. Consider the purchase of a sign for the entrance on Tanfaines reference parking, ‘Private Land’.
It was Resolved unanimously that Cllr Robinson could purchase a sign of the value of upto £50, as a deterrent for unwanted parked vehicles.
11. To receive an update on expenditure against the budget
The up to date budget was gratefully received but was agreed that the Planters, and the window purchase to come out of the budget not balances. Also if there is enough money within the budget the litter bins will also come out of this too.
12. To consider a request from a resident, that the bench at Lady Meers Pond be replaced or the current one to be turned around.
With recently purchasing a new backless bench for another location within the village. It was decided that this be deferred until the next VIC council meeting after a site inspection has taken place by two of the Cllrs as to whether it would be viable to reuse and flip the current one, leave it as is or whether to replace this all together.
13. To discuss the feasibility of Solar panels at Millenium Hall.
Resolved unanimously that this isn't currently viable and that there are issues with the current roof and its safety. A/Clerk to obtain three quotation/ site surveys. This may aid with insulation keeping heat in and damp (Action - A/Clerk).
14. To discuss and agree to arrange PAK testing for the Christmas lights and the electric supply.
Resolved unanimously that Cllr Robinsoln brought the transformers back to Millenium Hall for storage, a PAK test to be arranged once they are back, this will be ready for Christmas 2023. (Action - A/Clerk)
15. To consider the purchase of new Christmas lights for 2023
Resolved to purchase new lights of the value of upto £50. To buy out of season, in hope for the best price, they are to be battery operated 6 hrs on 18 hrs off . (Action - A/Clerk)
16. To discuss and resolve a plan with the cost of a christmas tree for December 2023.
Resolved unanimously to take to FC that the budget for a christmas tree this year 2023 needs to be increased from £250 to £400 with the increased cost of trees gone up in value.
17. To review reinstating the probation service.
Resolved unanimously the A/Clerk to write to Paul Sturtion to reiterate that this is something we would like to set up and do again, as it benefits both parties. (Action - A/Clerk)
18. To discuss and resolve the issue with damp in Millenium Hall, consider discussing a heating efficiency pattern for the building, to help combat this.
Resolved unanimously, that when the windows were fitted Cllr Burge and Cllr Robinson would use the opportunity to clean the guttering out, while we were on neighbouring land.
19. Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:
There has been no response from the email the A/Clerk had sent to Rev Penny. A/Clerk to resend the correspondence to Rev Jenny, Deferred until next VIC meeting, in hope to have a response.
To resolve to replace the bench on the High Street.
This matter is still ongoing. The bench is still in safe keeping.
To resolve to purchase appropriate banners for the annual parish meeting.
It was decided that we needed new ones that are more practical, Cllr Brylewski to take the current banners and obtain three quotes, in time for the next annual meeting in March 2023.
To resolve to purchase an additional litter bin to be placed on Church Lane.
Was decided that this would be beneficial and the A/Clerk has been tasked to obtain up to date quotes and to check as to whether they would be emptied with the others around the village.
To discuss and resolve with relevant action to a tired notice board on Gilberts Pond.
Cllr Robinson has done some research into this, the cost of a new board in the region of £1200, it was decided to defer until the next meeting for when more Cllrs are present.
Bus stop cleaning
The cleaning rota has been reinstated, and will continue to be carried out Bi-monthly.
Speed watch. (Cllr Burge)
Deferred until Cllr Burge is present.
Litter picking. (Cllr Fleetwood)
Reported clean and issues.
Dogs on Leads’ and reminders on Facebook.
Cllr Robinson has had 6 signs made to put in six locations around the village, there are two locations in the village that dog owners are permitted to have their dogs off leads, Which are Cherry Fields and Green Lane. The A/Clerk to put a kind reminder on facebook (Action - A/Clerk)
This was Resolved unanimously to take to FCl to agree a purchase of upto £1000. Planter to be in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
Resilience Policy.
Resolved unanimously, has been sufficiently updated and now ready to take to Full Council.
Flag Policy.
Item Deferred until next VIC meeting as no new information has been released yet.
Deferred until next VIC meeting as still awaiting for an update
20. Matters for report and future agenda items.
21. To confirm a date for the next meeting.
9th March 2023
Signed………………………………….Cllr Andy Burge on behalf of The Clerk (original signed)