September 2023 Village Improvement Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Village Improvement Committee held on Thursday 07th September 2023 at 9:30am in the Millennium Hall.


Present: Cllr Mr A Burge, Cllr Mellor and Cllr Brylewski, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr Bates, Cllr Fleetwood.


Meeting started at 10:00am.

No members of the public were present.


  1. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and reasons for their absence were given.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr B Robinson


  1.  To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.


Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared


To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on Thursday 13th July 2023 and approve as Minutes.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept as a true record.


  1. To discuss quotes obtained and agreed to any action reference the maintenance of gilberts pond.

Obtaining a quote has been challenging as its a specialist job, assistant clerk to research into their companies that offer the correct service and obtain quotes before the next meeting.

(Action - Assistant Clerk)


  1. To discuss and agree the purchase of a Roy Bowser sign for the Allotments.

Deferred until the next meeting when Cllr B Robinson will be present.

(Action - Cllr B Robinson)


  1. To consider the purchase of archive boxes and files for the office and to reconsider the purchase of security cabinet Millenium Hall.

RESOLVED for the assistant Clerk & RFO to sort and arrange the necessary items at their discretion.

(Action - RFO & Assistant Clerk)


  1. To review the expenditure v budget as at the 31st August 2023.

The RFO had provided information on income and expenditure against the budget and it was noted that there is no significant overspending in any area. There is still ample funds in the Maintenance budgets for Village Upkeep, Allotments and Millennium Hall at this time. Under Projects it was noted that the Fireproof Cabinet is no longer needed and it was RESOLVED to request Full Council to agree to using VIREMENT to enable the purchase of an additional substantial Litter Bin for the Parade instead.


  1. To consider the purchase of new speed signs.

RESOLVED unanimously to order x10 at 30mph & x10 at 40mph


  1. To begin to consider possible projects and maintenance requirements for the 24/25 budget.


It was suggested that the Maintenance Budgets for Village Upkeep, Allotments and Millennium Hall be left at the same levels as in the current budget.

As regards Projects the following were put forward : 

  • An Outdoor Gym £6000.This was noted following the Autumn Parish Survey. It is possible we may be able to obtain match funding. Possible location would be St Pauls Play Park where there is available space. 

  • A Community Noticeboard for The Parade containing a map of the village and space for advertising community events £2000.

  • A Noticeboard for the Allotments £1500.


  1. To consider the annual maintenance report from Lindum Fire Services, and to agree to any necessary action.

RESOLVED unanimously, as the fire alarm system is adequate for the building as it was installed by the same company who has advised to change it. it was decided as long as our insurance was to cover us in the event of an incident then no further action would be required.


  1. To review and approve the allotment terms of reference.

RESOLVED unanimously.


  1. To discuss any action with the Hedge maintenance at Ladymeres.

RESOLVED that work could be actioned as long as it's within the £1000 budget then it could be actioned.

(Action - Assistant Clerk)


  1. To discuss a member of the public's request to place a mirror on Green Lane on the bend, to help reduce the risk of accidents

This is an LCC matter, assistant clerk to contact residents and advise them to take the matter with them.

(Action - Assistant Clerk)


  1. Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:


  1. Tommys.

Assistant Clerk to chase Cllr Robinson on a date of when this can be carried out, it has been promised to Pembroke Academy and he is the one with large enough transport to deliver.

(ACTION - Ass/Clerk & Cll B Robinson)


  1. To receive an update, the bench on the High Street.

The owner of the building has visited the office. The bench is still within safe keeping but they are waiting for LCC to move the lamp post outside their home. They are going to have the bench cleaned and they will place the bench back once this work has been carried out.


  1. New replacement benches at the Parade.

RESOLVED unanimously to purchase two new benches with arms as previously bought for the area.


  1. Additional litter bin on Church Lane, progress.

There has been slow progress as the contact with WLDC has been slow on there part Ass/Clerk to chase again.

(ACTION - Ass/Clerk)

  1. Purchase of new Christmas lights.

The Christmas trees have been bought and permission has been granted by the co-op to decorate The Parade with lights.


  1. Christmas Tree

RESOLVED unanimously, Cllr Palmer & Cllr Mellor would choose the tree and arrange the delivery for WC 13.11.23. S137 Purpose motion of purchase of the cost of upto £400.


  1. Speed watch. (Cllr Burge)

Cllr Burge emailed the police on the 6.09.2023 of all the planned future speedwatch dates. They have come back and will join for some of the sessions in hope to issue some tickets. CW Parish Council have also offered to assist Greetwell with some sessions. The Autumn survey there have been x4 new volunteers come forward, Cllr I Fleetwood, to train them.


  1. Litter picking. (Cllr Fleetwood)

The village is currently tidy and there has been a large number of volunteers come forward following the Autumn Survey. Cllr Fleetwood to make contact with all those who left their details


  1. Planters.

The two planned planters one to commemorate the Late Queen II and one to mark the King's Coronation.


  1. Notice Boards

Deferred until Clr B Robinson is present.


  1. To review the asset register and approve, as necessary, missing assets to be added to list.



  1. Matters for report and future agenda items.

NONE at this present time.


  1. To confirm a date for the next meeting.

RESOLVED unanimously the 2nd November 10am


Meeting finished at 11:46am




Signed………………………………….Cllr Andrew Burge (original signed)