March 2023 Village Improvement Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Thursday 9th March 2023 at 9:30am in the Millennium Hall.


Present: Cllr Burge (Chair)

Cllr B Robinson, Cllr Fleetwood, Cllr Bates, Cllr Mellor and Cllr Brylewski.


Meeting started at 9:30am.

No members of the public were present.


  1. 1. To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 

Apologies were received from Cllr Palmer, reason accepted.


  1. Declaration of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.


Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on Thursday 19th January 2023 and approve as Minutes.

It was Resolved unanimously to receive the notes with the following amendments; 

  • Item 8 Resolved unanimously. It was decided not to plant trees, as the idea seemed great, but in practice the Parish wouldn't reap the benefits for a number of years. The trees also take a lot of nurturing and time.

  • Item 13 Resolved unanimously that this isn't currently viable and that there are issues with the current roof and its safety and may need some repair work. A/Clerk to obtain three quotation/ site surveys. This may aid with insulation keeping heat in and damp (Action - A/Clerk).

  • Item 14 Resolved unanimously that Cllr Robinson brought the transformers back to Millenium Hall for storage, a PAT test to be arranged once they are back, this will need to be ready for Christmas 2023. (Action - A/Clerk)


9:45am Cllr I Fleetwood Left the meeting.


  1. To review and to revise any changes on the Village Improvement Terms of Reference Policy.

Resolved unanimously to accept the TOR with the addition of  a piece to refer to a sub committee to oversee the Allotments (Action - A/Clerk)


  1. To discuss and approve replacement security cupboards in Millenium Hall.

Resolved, with two Abstentions and Cllr Mellor Against.  to go ahead and order the required cabinet for Millenium Hall, as was agreed with the Full council prior to the meeting. (Action - A/Clerk)


  1. To discuss and approve plans with the future of the ‘Allotment Task & Finish Group’, to propose a sub committee that reports to the VIC Committee.

Resolved unanimously that it would work well to create a sub committee for the allotments that the VIC oversees, Sub committee to be set up when new council is up and running in May. Cllr Robinson to Draft a TOR for this sub committee for the next meeting. Taking to FC to decide on numbers on the committee (Action - Cllr Robinson) 


  1. To consider a request from a resident,that the bench at Lady Meers Pond be replaced or the current one to be turned around.

Resolved unanimously to leave the bench in situ. 


  1. To discuss the outcome of a site survey on Milenium Hall's roof Condition.

Resolved unanimously the two site survey reports that we have received that no additional work is required 


  1. To consider a request from a member of the public to volunteer with litter picking around the village

Resolved unanimously volunteers are welcomed, and Cllrs are happy to supply the necessary equipment when required. Action Cllr Fleetwood to contact the volunteer and supply equipment. (Action - A/Clerk)


  1. To consider & approve a 6mth extension to the horse grazing licence for Miss R Edwards and approve any amendments to the licence as necessary.

Resolved unanimously to extend the tenancy agreement with a small amendment to the Grazing agreement, They must show proof of their insurance and payment to be made by standing order. (Action -A/Clerk)


  1. Consider compensation claims with National Grid reference posts on Tanfaine.

Resolved unanimously Cllr Robinsoln & Clrr Burge met and a settlement of £513 was agreed, awaiting Cheque.


  1. To discuss and approve CIF funding from WLDC the Clerk has applied for, For Compost and plants for the cost of upto £196.

Resolved unanimously awaiting CIF funding to come through.


  1. Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:

  1. Tommys.

Resolved unanimously, the Church declined the offer of a Tommy for use in the churchyard. The Church is happy for us to take the tall tommy and to sit somewhere within the village. The A/Clerk  to write to the  Pembroke Academy to ask as to whether they would like to display there. (Action - A/Clerk)


  1. To resolve to replace the bench on the High Street.

The developers still have this in holding that Cllr Burge is going to talk to them as to a time frame for it to be placed back in situ.


  1. To resolve to purchase appropriate banners for the annual parish meeting.

To note approval of £353.9(£294.92 ex VAT) for the purchase of four banners for advertising Parish meetings under Finance Regulations 4.1 - the Clerk and/ or the RFO, in conjunction with the chairman of the council or chairman of the appropriate committee, for any item below £500


  1. To resolve to purchase an additional litter bin to be placed on Church Lane.

Resolved unanimously the A/Clerk to write to WLDC for the cost of a pole to be situated in the chosen place for a little bin to be placed. (Action - A/Clerk)


  1. To discuss and resolve with relevant action to a tired notice board on Gilberts Pond.

Resolved unanimously there has been  a new board bought for CF from a new material & style, it has been decided to wait to see how it weathers. before purchasing another board as the cost is around £1200 for a replacement.


  1. PAT Testing (Christmas Lights & Transformers)

Resolved unanimously that All PAT testing for the council will be carried out in the month of November (Yearly) and will make the necessary arrangements in September.


  1. Window Replacement in Millenium Hall

Work has now been carried out. The benefits are already being benefited.


  1. Purchase of new Christmas lights

Resolved unanimously for the A/Clerk to speak to Cllr Palmer for assistance with this task., and to come back with costs.


  1. Tanfaine Sign

Resolved unanimously that as there were a few sign projects on the go at this present time, Cllr B Robinson will draft an additional sign reference dog fouling and place an order at the same time as the cost was significantly cheaper. (Action - Cllr B Robinson)


  1. Dogs on Leads Signs

Resolved unanimously to ask the members of the public through social media where they feel these signs should be placed, to assist us in the options. (Action - A/Clerk)


  1. Probation service.

Resolved unanimously as nice as the idea is we don't currently have enough to offer with work or for anyone to oversee this for this current time.


  1. Sign for Green Lane reference speed limit, some form of sign addressing caution/ take care children.

The A/Clerk has logged this with LCC to choose the appropriate action required.


  1. Allotment Fence

Cllr Robinson has reported this is now all complete and no future action is required, at present.


  1. Speed watch. (Cllr Burge)

The speed watch group have carried out 400 sessions since they Started in February 2020, Over 2000 speeders have been logged. These figure have declined since and the installation of the radar have reduced the overall speeding through the village


  1. Litter picking. (Cllr Fleetwood)

We have had two new members join since the last meeting, and a third request has come through since. Last Sunday Litter pick 31 bags were collected.


  1. Planters

Awaiting CIF money to come through


  1. Flag Policy.

Resolved unanimously, this is still ongoing with changes within the Royal family, the king has not yet confirmed the changes to the policy. It has been agreed to place the Unionjack flag next to the Ukraine Flag which will fly between the Tommys. A village Flag has been previously designed and Cllr Brylewski will order is in place. Note Cllr Bates will be standing down for the next election and new members will need to be chosen for this task. (Action - Cllr Brylewski)


  1. Defibrillator. 

Resolved unanimously, no future work is required as this has now been replaced with a working one.


14. Matters for report and future agenda items.

  • Footpath side of Railway


15. To confirm a date for the next meeting. 

13th April 2023         

Signed………………………………….Cllr Andy Burge on behalf of The Clerk (original signed)