May 2023 Village Improvement Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Village Improvement Committee held on Thursday 18th May 2023 at 9:30am in the Millennium Hall.


Present:  Cllr Burge, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr Fleetwood, Cllr Mellor and Cllr Brylewski, Cllr M Palmer.


Meeting started at 9:30am.

No members of the public were present.


  1. To Elect a Chairman for the committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr Andrew Burge as chairman of the VIC committee.


  1. To Elect a Vice-chairman for the committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr M Palmer as Vice-chair of the VIC committee.


  1. Declaration of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To Elect a member for the Finance and General Purpose Committee from this committee.

RESOLVED with 1 against to elect Cllr I Fleetwood.


  1. To note the formation of the allotments sub-committee of the VIC and to agree a date for their first meeting. 

To note this was decided at FCM on the 15th May members are, Cllr T Bridgewood, Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr Andre Burge.


  1. To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 



  1. To receive notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on Thursday 9th March 2023 and approve as Minutes.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept and sign as a true record.


  1. To discuss and approve replacement security cupboards in Millenium Hall.

RESOLVED unanimously to defer until the next meeting as the RFO has started the shredding of documents no longer required for storing, to gauge the size of cabinet we require.

(Action - RFO)


  1. To purchase a planter for the coronation of King Charles III.

RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a planter for the cost of upto £810 +vat.



  1. To discuss the IT issues at Millenium Hall and approve any action required.

RESOLVED unanimously that the IT in Millenium hall needs maintenance. Cllr I Fleetwood suggested sitting with the Ass/Clerk to look at the issues in the office. Cllr B Robinson also has offered assistance with Microsoft Word.

(Action - Ass/Clerk, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr B Robinson)


  1. To discuss the security camera and agree to any actions in line with the policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to take the policy to FCM to be approved, it  was also discussed that the app for the camera should only be on the clerks phone, which needs to be upgraded for the app software to work.

(Action - FCM)


  1. To consider and agree a purchase for a Union Jack Flag, for the cost of up to £40.

RESOLVED unanimously to purchase, note must be of a durable nature.

(Action - Cllr S Brylewski, & Cllr K Mellor)


  1. To discuss the flag policy and the dates.

RESOLVED unanimously to fly the Union Jack Flag over the Tommys. also resolved and approved to purchase the village flag for the cost of upto £40.

(Action - Cllr S Brylewski, & Cllr K Mellor)


9.57am Cllr M Palmer left the meeting.


  1. To discuss the dog fouling on the footpath that passes the scout hut and agree to any actions.

RESOLVED unanimously  to place 2 number A4 size signs down this problem area.

(Action - Cllr B Robinson)


  1. To consider & approve a 6 month extension to the horse grazing licence for Mr D Mulhall and approve any amendments to the licence as necessary

RESOLVED unanimously to approve a 6 month extension on grazing licence. with the amendments of payments must be made by standing order and proof of public liability must be sent through for our records.

(Action - Ass/Clerk)


  1. To discuss and consider any action for the mould in the toilet at Millenium Hall.

To note that the mould to be cleaned with the relevant product and to leave the door open when not in use for better ventilation.


  1. To review the notice board at Little Cherry and any action if required.

RESOLVED unanimously the purchase of a new lock for the cost of upto £15. This will solve the security issue of the notice board.

(Action - Cllr Andrew Burge)


  1. To review the notice board at the parade and any action if required.

RESOLVED unanimously that a magnetic backing for the board and the one on little cherry would be alot more advantageous. a cost needs to be obtained and brought back to the next meeting.

(Action - Cllr B Robinson)


  1. To discuss the parking and cameras at the parade and any action if required.

The concerns and comments from the residents and shop owners have been noted, no further action is required.


  1. To discuss and consider the change of the key safe code at The Millenium Hall. 

RESOLVED unanimously that the key safe code should be changed, the Ass/Clerk to notify those who hire the hall.

(Action - Cllr B Robinson & Ass/Clerk)


  1. Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:


  1. Tommys.

Was noted the school is happy to take the standing Tommy, Ass/Clerk to arrange the collection or the Tommy and the drop off.

(Action - Ass/Clerk)


  1. To resolve to replace the bench on the High Street.

Was noted that the building had come to an end that the bench could be re-installed. Cllr Andrew Burge to go and enquire.

(Action - Cllr Andrew Burge) 


  1. To resolve to purchase an additional litter bin to be placed on Church Lane.

RESOLVED unanimously to purchase, for the cost upto £50.

(Action - Ass/Clerk)

  1. Purchase of new Christmas lights.

RESOLVED unanimously to defer until Cllr M Palmer is present.


  1. Tanfaine parking and scout hut path dog mess signs.

RESOLVED unanimously, council have chosen the wording for the required signs and Cllr B Robinson to action the purchase. (Action - Cllr B Robinson)

  1. Security Cabinet Millenium Hall

Duplicated discussed in Item 8.


  1. Dogs on lead signs.

To note these have been ordered and that the council have them, they are yet to be placed around the village. 


  1. Speed watch. (Cllr Burge)

To note that the police have been present for one of the speed watch sessions, Cllr Andrew Burge informs the area sergeant of when they are scheduled, in hope they will take part in a few more.


  1. Litter picking. (Cllr Fleetwood)

The village is clean, the ‘Big Help Out’ event for the King's Coronation was successful with a nice turn out from residence to assist.


  1. Planters.

The planter has been delivered and is in situ, Cllr M Palmer and Cllr Angela Burge purchasing plants later this week for the planter


  1. To review the asset register and approve, as necessary, missing assets to be added to list.

Sted Award Cup


  1. Matters for report and future agenda items.

  2. Signs for Roy Bowser Allotments

  3. Christmas Tree


  1. To confirm a date for the next meeting.

13th July 23




Signed………………………………….Jude Sparks The Clerk/RFO (original signed)