July 2023 Village Improvement Minutes
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s
Village Improvement Committee held on Thursday 13th July 2023 at 9:30am in the Millennium Hall.
Present: Cllr Mr A Burge, Cllr Mellor and Cllr Brylewski, Cllr M Palmer.
Meeting started at 9:30am.
No members of the public were present.
To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr B Robinson and Cllr I Fleetwood.
To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
To receive notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on Thursday 18th May 2023 and approve as Minutes.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minutes as a true record.
To discuss the purchase of a replacement shredder for the Millenium Hall.
RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a shredder of up to £60.
(Action - Ass/Clerk)
To discuss and resolve any action on the blocked gutters at Millenium Hall.
It has been noted there is a point on the gutters that tends to overflow when raining, Cllr Mr Burge is going to have a look and clear the gutters and check that all gutters are clear and in good condition. (Action - Cllr Mr A Burge)
To discuss and approve any action with the Bus Stop at Elm Avenue.
RESOLVED to watch the progress of growth, Cllr Mr A Burge will trim it back if necessary later on in the year it was also noted that a resident had gone to trim it back but between this meeting and the report coming through Cllr Mr A Burge had thanked the resident for their help.
To discuss and coincide employing a cleaner for Millenium Hall.
RESOLVED unanimously that it would be viable for the council to have a cleaner with hiring the hall to members of the public. It was agreed that every other week for one hour would suffice. (Action - Full Council)
To discuss any issues with the grazing licences and any action if required.
All ongoing issues were resolved prior to the meeting with nothing further to discuss.
To discuss and agree any action reference the maintenance of gilberts pond.
RESOLVED unanimously that a quote should be obtained and brought back to the VIC to take to Full Council as this area takes a specialist type of maintenance. (Action - Ass/Clerk)
To discuss and approve any action with the office equipment at Millenium Hall.
RESOLVED unanimously The Assistant Clerk could arrange the office space to suit for better working and Cllr Palmer and Mellor also offered assistance in tidying and arranging the office space. The assistant Clerk could continue to work with the laptop and remove the desktop Cllr Mr A Burge to raise the platform for the laptop to sit.
(Action - Collective Group)
To discuss the Bench on the Parade.
RESOLVED unanimously To buy two benches one in replacement for Dr Lacey out of Recycled material and recycle the plaque from the old bench and the other to be replaced due to the previous one being vandalised but also offer the family the opportunity to also put a place a plaque in memory on the new bench. To purchase two benches of the cost of up to £800 also make contact with Greetwell Parish Council as they're also in search of a new bench to see if we can reduce the carriage charge. (Action - Ass Clerk)
To discuss and agree the purchase of a Roy Bowser sign for the Allotments.
Deferred until September's meeting when Cllr B Robinson is present.
To discuss the purchase of a christmas tree for the village.
RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a tree of the cost of up to £400 Cll Palmer to make contact with Fillingham. (Action - Cllr Palmer)
To review and approve the allotment terms of reference.
There was uncertainty of where we are with this, we are to ask Cllr B Robinson and bring this back to the VIC followed by the Full Council.
(Action Cllr B Robinson)
To discuss the purchase of a new First Aid Kit.
RESOLVED unanimously to purchase two up to the cost of £40, one for Millennium Hall and one for the fundraising group for events. (Action - Ass Clerk)
Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:
Cllr B Robinson Still to collect from the church and take it to the school, as he has a vehicle that will carry out the task. (Action - Cllr B Robnson)
To resolve to replace the bench on the High Street.
RESOLVED unanimously to write to the resident asking them to place the bench back now that they have completed their building, as it is a commemorative Bench For Roy Bowser (Action - Ass Clerk)
Additional litter bin on Church Lane, progress.
The Ass/Clerk had written to West Lindsay to Action this, they are still yet to come back to us. Ass/Clerk to chase. (Action - Ass Clerk)
Purchase of new Christmas lights.
RESOLVED unanimously to purchase lights of the cost of up to £60 and place around the parade 62 metres is required.
(Action Cllr M Palmer)
Security Cabinet Millenium Hall
The Finance Officer is still going through the cabinet, this is ongoing.
(Action - Finance Officer)
Speed watch. (Cllr Burge)
Speedwatch have done a few sessions since the last meeting, but Cllr Burge contacts Rachel Turner every time to give the police the opportunity to come and join, they are yet to do so.
Litter picking. (Cllr Fleetwood)
Note that the village is nice and tidy. also to inquire about a double recycling bin the cost and contact the Co-op as to whether they have any objections under the bin Being placed at the parade. (Action - Ass/Clerk)
The King's planter is due for delivery the last week of July beginning of August.
Notice Boards
Item deferred until the next VIC meeting when Cllr B Robinson is present as he was doing the research for this. (Action - Cllr B Robinson)
To review the asset register and approve, as necessary, missing assets to be added to list.
Cup, Chains of Office andFirst Aid Kits (Action - Finance Officer)
Matters for report and future agenda items.
Reports from the Fundraising Group and Allotments, as standard item for the VIC agenda moving forward
To confirm a date for the next meeting.
7th September 2023 10:00am