Planning Committee Minutes August 2023
Minutes of the Planning Committee of Cherry Willingham Parish Council
held at 7.00pm on 18th August 2023 held in Millennium Hall, Cherry Willingham
Present: Cllr Andrew Burge, Cllr T Bridgwood, Cllr R Houghton, Co-opted members, Mr I.Lacy and Mr.P.Moore
No members of the public were present
The meeting commenced at 7.00pm
Cllr Mrs Burge was present to take minutes
1, To elect a Chairman
Cllr T Bridgwood was elected as Chairman Resolved
2, To elect a Vice Chairman
Mr I Lacy was elected as Vice Chairman Resolved
3, To elect a member to sit on the Finance and General purposes committee
Cllr T Bridgwood was elected Resolved
4, Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and
the reasons for absence, where given.
No apologies, all members were introduced to each other
5, To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary
Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
6, To receive the notes of the last meeting held and agree for them to be signed as a true record
No minutes were available to be signed at next meeting
7, To agree and adopt the Procedure for the planning Committee handling of Planning applications as laid out in Appendix A, attached
Most comments are on small applications, extensions etc, larger applications of more than 3 properties will require a meeting for fuller discussion.
8, To discuss the appeal decision document published.
Letter read to the group from C.Knight re Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP), it was thought that a poor NDP could have been part of the issue. It was agreed not to write to local MP as suggested in the letter. CWPC to review its NDP and ensure it is compliant with the Local Development Plan. WLDC have been supportive of the NDP in the past.
9, Agree and finalise the response to Planning Application : 147012
No objections raised but concerns about poor access and the impact on No 22, as this is only an outline application it is unclear how big the properties are to be, deadline for comments 23/8/23, Cllr R Houghton to respond Resolved
10, Review applications and actions since the last Planning Committee meeting as listed in the Planning Committee Register
147087 |
03.08.2023 |
21 Laburnum Drive |
remove conservatory & rear extension |
03.08.2023 |
147068 |
10.08.2023 |
3 St Hughs Close |
two storey side extension and single rear extension |
14.08.2023 |
These applications where reviewed and members agreed that they had no comments to make on the applications.
As this document can only be accessed by Councillors it was agreed that the Assistant Clerk will send a copy of this out with the agenda for the next meeting to Co-Opted members. Action Ass Clerk
11, Any matters for report and notice of items to be included in the next agenda
As no date is to be set for a future meeting, it was agreed that the Ass Clerk write to Gallagher developments and decline a meeting with them, this to be recommended to Full Council . Mr P Moore declared an interest in this item
NDP to be discussed at next meeting, members asked to familiarised themselves with the plan in preparation