Planning Committee Minutes May 2024
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s
Planning Committee held on Thursday 30th May 2024 at 10:00 in the Millennium
Chair of the Committee - Cllr R Houghton
Vice-Chair of the Committee - Ian Lacey
Present- Cllr A Burge, Cllr R Houghton, Cllr S Bates, Ian Lacey
To elect a Chair
RESOLVED unanimously to approve Cllr R Houghton as Chair of the Committee.
To elect a Vice-Chair
RESOLVED unanimously to approve Ian Lacey as Vice-Chair of the Committee.
To elect a member for the Finance & General Purposes Committee.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve Cllr R Houghton as a representative on to the Committee.
To note and record apologies and absences.
Paul Moore Absent
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct
To receive the notes of the last meeting held on the 29th January 2024 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
RESOLVED with 1 abesention to approve the minutes from the 29th January as true record.
To receive an update on the progress of the Marina.
A report was previously circulated to the committee. There are still negotiations between the 2 parties with the purchase and the planning permission that will be granted.
To discuss and resolve frequencies and times of meeting
RESOLVED unanimously to hold meetings once a quarter on the provisory of adding in additional meetings with any projects that may come up.
To note that the preferred meeting time would be on a Tuesday at 19:00.
Neighbourhood Plan review with Nev Brown Senior Neighborhood Planning Policy Officer WLDC.
An extensive report was received from the WLDC Planning, advice and recommendations on bringing this the Neighborhood Planning upto date. pointing CWPC in the right direction on where to obtain funding and advice from.
Any matter for report and notice of items to be included in the next agenda
Garage, Waterford Lane 146023
CIL - WLDC List of all the payments.
To confirm the date of the next meeting .
RESOLVED unanimously for the next meeting to be held on the 20th August 2024, 19:00
Meeting Closed 11:30
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Signed: Date