Planning Committee Minutes January 2024
Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s
Planning Committee held on Monday 29th January 2024 at 19:00pm in the
Present : Cllr R Houghton, Vice-Chair Ian Lacy,Cllr Burge ,Paul Moore
Meeting started at 19:00pm
No members of the public were present.
1. To appoint a minute taker.
Resolved unanimously to appoint Cllr Burge as minute taker.
2. To elect a chair.
Due to Cllr Bridgewood resigning from the council.
It was RESOLVED unanimously agreed that Cllr Houghton be elected as chair.
3. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the
reasons for absence where given.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr Hughes..
4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act
2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable
Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of
5. To receive the notes of the last meeting held on the 24th October 2023 and
agree for them to be signed as a true record.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minute as a true record.
6. Neighbourhood plan review.
After the long discussion at the previous meeting it was agreed that the council
should seek the services of an independent consultant to look through the existing
Neighbourhood plan and Local plan and give recommendations for the
neighbourhood plan to be updated. It was also suggested that a meeting with the
committee and consultant may be beneficial.
When this is done it was agreed to have the new neighbourhood plan drawn up
professionally by the consultant, note this will incur a cost.
7. To discuss and resolve any action in relation to sourcing an outside body in
updating our Neighbourhood Plan.
Agreed to source a planning consultant to draw up a new Neighbourhood Plan.
The Clerkto ask Reepham and Nettleham Parish Councils who they used or would
(Action - Clerk)
8. To discuss sourcing a grant to aid with the neighbourhood plan.
RESOLVED Cllr Houghton to contact West Lindsey for information regarding grants.
(Action - Cllr Houghton)
9. To discuss recent planning applications.
a. 144632 2, Rudgard Ave To erect 1no dwelling
No objections, Condition; To retain hedge on Croft Lane
b. 147834 16 St Davids Double garage
No objections
10. To discuss any applications since the summons was published.
An email had been received regarding a window opening over the boundary on
a new building at 11A Church Lane from the owner of 9 Church Lane. The
matter has been reported to West Lindsey planning enforcement. The
committee noted the issue and leave it to the enforcement officer to consider.
Members of the committee had looked at the Reepham Neighbourhood plan
and it was noted that they were happy that the green space on Hawthorn Road
between Reepham and Cherry Willingham was maintained.
11. Any matters to be included in the next meeting.
Agree to look for Local planner/ person for advice regarding larger planning
12. To confirm the date of the next meeting.
rd April 2024 19:00pm
Meeting closed at 19:40
________________________________ ____________
Signed Dated
Cllr Houghton (Chairman of the Planning Committee)