Planning Committee Minutes October 2023

Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Planning Committee 

held on Tuesday 24th October 2023 at 7.00pm at the Millennium Hall


Present: Cllrs Bridgwood (Chair), Cllr Hughes, Cllr Houghton, Paul Moore

Meeting started at 7pm.


No members of the public were present


Meeting Started at 19:00pm


  1. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence, where given. 

RESOLVED unanimously to accept apologies from Cllr Burge & Ian Lacey.


  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct. 



  1. To receive the notes of the last meeting held on the 18th August 2023 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the minutes as a true record.


  1. Neighbourhood Plan review. Members should have conducted their own review of the new local plan and be ready to discuss its implications for the current CW Neighbourhood Plan and raise any areas for improvement in the existing plan. 

The committee discussed the areas of  the new local plan and how this impacts our current neighborhood plan. A list of topics has been made for the committee to be reviewed before sourcing outside help to revise our neighborhood plan.


Standing orders were suspended 21:00pm


  1. Review applications and actions since the last Planning Committee Meeting as listed in the Planning Committee Register. 

    1. 147119 Land Adj  48 Hawthorn Road 1no Bungalow

No Objections, the planning committee have submitted their comments prior to the meeting.

  1. 147153 16 St Davids, CW Rear & Side Extension

No Objections, the planning committee have submitted their comments prior to the meeting. The boundary issue was raised.

  1. 147214 68 Minster Drive, CW Loft Conversion

No Objections, the planning committee have submitted their comments prior to the meeting.

  1. 147254 22 Hawthorn Avenue, CW Single Story Rear Ext

No Objections, the planning committee have submitted their comments prior to the meeting.

  1. 147351 117 Jubilee Close, CW Single Story Rear Ext

No Objections, from the planning committee, Clerk to submit their comments.

  1. 146358 Land Adj 2 Minster Drive, CW 1no Bungalow

RESOLVED unanimously that CWPC still object to the resubmission of this application  as they dont feel there has been material change. Clerk to submit their comments.

  1. PL/0073/23

No Objection to the car park alterations, but  there are concerns about the loss of the primary educational facilities in the context of the allocated housing within the parish. Educational capacity in the village is currently under subscribed but as there are currently 551 new homes planned within the parish this may have an impact long term. Clerk to submit their comments.


  1. To discuss any application that my of come in since the summons was published



  1. Any matter for report and notice of items to be included in the next agenda.

Neighborhood plan


  1. To confirm the date of the next meeting .  

27th November 7pm

Meeting closed 21:40pm

Signed Cllr Mr T Bridgwood