January 2021 Minutes VIC

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held Virtually on Tuesday 12th January 2021, at 2.00pm.

Present: Cllr Fleetwood (Chairman), Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Burge, Cllr Palmer, Cllr Bucke, RFO-Christine Hodgson, Clerk-Gill Shaw 

Cllr J Robinson also attended

The meeting began with a statement from Cllr J Robinson

●   Referencing the previous meeting minutes in relation to Cherry Fields, Cllr J Robinson stated that to her knowledge the siting of the allotments/carpark were never agreed but were just a long/medium term aim. No recommendation had ever come from the land working party or Cherry Fields Management Group that allotments should be sited on the top field.
●   Speaking on behalf of the Cherry Fields volunteer who claimed petrol, the volunteer originally did not claim for petrol but the Chairman at the time directed him to claim for journeys transporting equipment, plants and for collections from suppliers which he has since claimed. He offered to refund any payments that he had erroneously claimed and seeked clarification from the committee.
●   Representatives of Cherry Fields Management Group met with a senior engineer from the Environment Agency to discuss the matter of creating steps and a ramp to the right, for better access to the River Witham from Cherry Fields. The engineer was very positive about the project and Cllr J Robinson urged the Committee to expedite the matter as there is a growing public demand for easier access.

1.   To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
Cllr Mellor had sent her apologies and Cllr Bucke had internet connection problems and joined late

2.   Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.           

Cllr Fleetwood disclosed that he was a County Councillor and works with the Environment Agency, also he is a District Councillor and a member of the Witham 3rd drainage board.

3.   To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on 21st October 2020 and approve as Minutes

It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.

4.   Discuss the resiting of the bench at the top of Minster Drive (Cllr Brylewski) 

A Councillor mentioned that the residents who live opposite the bench were concerned with the anti-social behaviour around the bench and recently someone had been sleeping rough on it. The possibility of moving the bench was discussed but more information was needed first as to whether it was a memorial bench.

ACTION: find out if it is a memorial bench, if so, approach the family concerned to see if they are amenable to moving it to a more suitable location.  

To go on next agenda - Clerk/Cllr Brylewski

5.   To report on the meeting with the tenant to discuss public access/footpath in Tanfaine and agree any actions subject to Full Council approval

The holes have been reinstated in the hedge.  Cllr Fleetwood has researched the history of why the holes were there. Following a meeting with the tenant, it was apparent that he was not happy with the holes and the potential of people walking inside the boundary causing damage and their dogs becoming a problem to livestock. Cllr Fleetwood concluded that his research showed that the holes had been there for some considerable time and the tenancy agreement makes no reference to a right of way. The proposed right of way was originally to be part of a National footpath network but as the council has been unsuccessful in getting access to an adjoining field, the footpath would have to be alongside the road at that point and concerns were raised about the safety of this along a road with a 60mph speed limit. Concerns were also raised about whether or not there is an actual public demand for the footpath.

Cllr Bucke joined the meeting

It was RESOLVED by all (bar one abstention) to raise this at Full Council for further debate.

ACTION: Clerk to make an agenda item for further discussion

6.   Items in Progress: to consider and agree any action as appropriate:

a.   Update on the Emergency Plan

The Emergency Plan has now evolved into the Resilience Plan.

A draft had been finished

ACTION: Clerk/Cllr Brylewski to proofread the document and send to committee members for their comments at the next VIC meeting

b.   Update on litter picking   

Cllr Fleetwood thanked the volunteers and asked for the need to pick up after dogs be published locally and brought to people's attention,  

ACTION - Clerk to check it is in the Cherry News again

c.   Millennium Hall project re: new kitchen unit, fridge and purchase of new chairs

Cllr Brylewski offered to finalise the purchase of kitchen units. New chairs had been sourced and details circulated to members.  Subject to the style and colour being agreed and the cost being under £1,000 it was agreed in principle to purchase them.

ACTION Clerk to prepare a costing example and design details for perusal at the next meeting.

d.   Millennium Hall Improvements including repair of the front windows

The gap in the office window between the frame and wall needed filling as it was hard to keep the office warm. Cllr Fleetwood proposed that a quote be obtained and if this can not be done before the next meeting then a can of expanding foam should be purchased.  It was RESOLVED unanimously

ACTION: - Clerk to get a quote/buy a can of expanding foam.

e.   Update on the replacement flag pole, discuss the quotes and resolve to purchase if agreed.

Due to the death of the owner in whose garden the flagpole is situated, the new flagpole has to be relocated. Cllr Bates gave specification details of the new flagpole and suggested that it be permanently secured on the grassed area between The Parade and Croft Lane and possibly also to move the second flagpole to enable two flags to be flown together at the appropriate time. RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a new flagpole.

ACTION Cllr Brylewski to contact Running Imp for cost of three new flags and Clerk to get a quote for the fixing of the two poles

f.   Update on the access to the River Witham (Cllr Fleetwood)

Cllr Fleetwood had contacted the Environment Agency regarding installing steps to give access to the River and he was awaiting their response. However it had been intimated that the fees would be waived. The RFO recommended that if this was to be a project for the next financial year that £1,000 be allocated in the budget.  It was by RESOLVED to make it a project for the next financial year with a budget of £1,000 

ACTION: To go on the Full Council agenda

7.   Community Speed watch:

a.   Update on Speed watch activities

Cllr Burge confirmed that there had been 259 sessions and that 1403  of the monitored 52,239 vehicles had been reported.  Thanks was given to Cllr Fleetwood for getting the equipment repaired which enabled both sides of the road to be monitored concurrently. Speedwatch had been suspended due to Covid restrictions. Cllr Fleetwood gave thanks to all the volunteers.

b.   To discuss the possibility of erecting solar speed signs and amend the budget if necessary

These can be either solar powered or attached to a lamp post to connect to the electricity supply.  Following a discussion on the effectiveness and possible location of these signs it was unanimously RESOLVED to discuss again at the next meeting when more information would be available

ACTION; Clerk to get more information, ask Nettleham if speeding has been reduced since their sign was installed and get information on the cost.

c.   Update on application to LCC Highways to potentially install speed gates (Cllr Fleetwood)

Cllr Fleetwood confirmed, following a meeting with Lincolnshire County Council, that they had no objections to any of the potential sites for the gates.

ACTION:  Cllr Fleetwood to forward the email from LCC to all members

Clerk to put on next agenda so that designs of gates can be agreed

8.   To review the Cherry Willingham 2020 plan and agree any actions accordingly   

The plan has been reviewed and it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the amendments  

9.   Update on the vending trailer at The Parade (Cllr Brylewski)

On hold until the Covid restrictions are lifted 

10.   Update on Lady Meers Pond and associated costs (Cllr Brylewski)

The present contractor was to be kept for the specialist jobs at the pond and the memorial trees but the present cost of £345 to have the wildflower area cut by a specialist is very high especially since there are now no wildflowers growing there. It was unanimously AGREED that more information was needed about the background of the wildflower area and to discuss again at the next meeting

ACTION: Clerk to get more information on the wildflower area and to put item on next agenda

11.   To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget ytd – RFO

Concern raised by the RFO that the project budget for the Millenium Hall would expire unless the required items were purchased within this financial year.   It was unanimously RESOLVED to receive the report

12.   Holding Items: The Footpath between Green Lane and Hawthorn Road

To remain on hold

13.   Update on the meeting of the Allotment Feasibility Group (Cllr Fleetwood)

It was clarified that this is a feasibility study group, not a decision making group. No site had been decided for the allotments and the aim was to produce an informed report for the Council. 

ACTION: Three Councillors and the Clerk to attend Allotment training during February and March

14.   Matters for report and future agenda items

1)   To update the Oasis Tenancy Agreement and arrange any appropriate meetings

2)   Cllr Burge raised a query of a safety issue relating to the pond at Cherry Fields. To go on the Full Council Agenda - Cllr Burge

15.   To confirm a date for the next meeting

The next meeting was agreed to be Tuesday 9th February at 10am