July 2021 Minutes VIC

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Tuesday 13th July 2021, at 10.00am at The Millennium Hall

Present: Cllr Andy Burge (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski (Vice-chair);Cllr Bates, Cllr Palmer (joined late), Cllr Mellor,  and Cllr B Robinson.

Clerk-Gill Shaw 

No members of the public were present.

The meeting started at 10.02am

1.   To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.

Cllr Fleetwood had sent his apologies and Cllr Palmer had sent apologies as she anticipated being late. It was RESOLVED to accept their reasons for absence.

2.   Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.


3.   To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting, held on 18th May 2021 and approve as Minutes.

It was RESOLVED to approve the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.

4.   To agree for plants to be purchased for the planters at the Parade.

Ideally these should include perennials/alpines/herbs and fresh compost. Cllr Bates had received an offer for a donation of French marigolds.

The planter under the trees and facing the car park had had the plants pulled out and was being used as a rubbish bin.

ACTION: Cllrs Bates and B. Robinson to move the planter to another location nearby.

Cllr Bates to collect the donated plants and Cllr Angela Burge had offered to plant them.

5.   Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:

a)   Update on the Village sign (Cllr Brylewski)

The sign should be erected imminently. There had been a donation of £200 to cover the overspend above the original budget.

b)   Update on the purchase of new tables for the Millennium Hall and agree the amount to be brought back from Balances to provide the funding (Cllrs Palmer and Mellor)

No tables had been sourced within the budget.

ACTION:  Cllr Mellor to prepare information on suggested tables for the consideration of the Full Council.

c)   Speed watch (Cllr Burge)

Sessions are held on an average of 3 times a week.

Completed sessions: 307
Number of vehicles: 58996
Vehicles reported: 1607

d)   Update on the grass cutting at Gilbert’s Pond and agree on whether to remove the fencing on the grass area.(Cllr Brylewski)

The grass had already been cut once and the grass cutters had intimated that it would be easier to cut if the fence was removed, some of which was rotten.

It was RESOLVED that fencing can be removed and recycled at Cherry Fields

ACTION: Cllr B. Robinson to arrange.

e)   Update on Gilberts Pond Open Water Management Policy (Clerk)

A provisional draft had been prepared but further information was needed.  Cllr B Robinson would try to get a depth reading and would give further information to the clerk to enable the document to be finalised. 

f)   Update on litter picking (Cllr Fleetwood)

To agree to the Risk Assessment of Litter Picking

ACTION:  Cllrs Burge and Fleetwood to finalise a risk assessment which all volunteers would need to sign.

6.   Agree actions in relation to the trimming of the trees on the Parade, overgrown hedges on Church Lane, Newstead Avenue and elsewhere.

The volunteer was no longer able to cut the hedge at Gilbert’s Pond.  Several other trees and hedges around the village were overgrown.

ACTION: Cllrs Brylewski and Mellor to assess all the trees and hedges in the village and obtain quotes for them to be cut in September.

7.   Update on the Minster Drive bench and to agree on the options for a replacement if necessary.

Item to be deferred pending public consultation.

ACTION: To arrange for this to go on a survey for public consultation together with other topics-Cllr Brylewski.

8.   Agree to the planting of the donated blue bells at Gilbert’s Pond (Clerk)

It was RESOLVED to plant the bulbs when the fence was removed.

9.   To agree on the specialist maintenance work needed at Gilberts Pond area and to instruct Hill Holt Wood accordingly. 

The pond maintenance was a specialist job.  A new quote was needed as the work would no longer include the wildflower area.

ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to meet Hill Holt Wood to discuss a new contract.

10.   Update from the Allotment Feasibility Group (Cllr Fleetwood)

No meeting had taken place.

11.   To discuss and agree on the recommendations from the Speed gate/signs group. (Cllr Andy Burge)

It was agreed that speed/village gates would be on hold at present.

Cllr Palmer joined the meeting

It was RESOLVED that flashing speed signs would be purchased with a budget of £6k.

Croft Lane would have a permanent post and sign.

ACTION: To contact the Road Safety Partnership to agree suggested locations. 

A comparison of the three quotes which had been obtained to be prepared.

It was RESOLVED to purchase 3 units; one permanent sign and two mobile ones (with extra batteries) and six fixing kits to enable the signs to be moved around to different locations.

12.   To agree to the preparation of a plan to create a green path along Fiskerton Road to Tanfaine.


●   Cllr Brylewski to arrange for a public consultation on whether there is a demand.
●   Cllr B Robinson to approach Highways for guidance and a site visit and thereafter prepare a plan.

13.   To discuss the proposal of Rewilding of Tanfaine - Cllr B Robinson

To receive a report on the rewilding of Tanfaine and agree on any comments to submit to Full Council. (Cllr B. Robinson)

A report was made available prior to the meeting.  There was a discussion on the future use of Tanfaine and whether it was premature to agree to the rewilding and to apply for a grant.

It was RESOLVED to defer any decision until more information was obtained on the future use of Tanfaine.

14.   To discuss the donation/location of the bench in memory of Jim Baker and agree to any actions. (Cllr Brylewski)

It was RESOLVED to give permission to the installation of a 4 seater teak bench (with a carved inscription), to be sited on the grassed area on The Parade, facing the carpark and under the tree near the cafe. 

15.   Matters for report and future agenda item.

●   To purchase bunting in red/white/blue for the Platinum Jubilee next year.
●   To discuss utilising the facilities at the new Youth and Community Centre and the School during evenings and weekends.

16.   To confirm a date for the next meeting.

Tuesday 31st August at 10am in the Millennium Hall.