November 2021 Minutes VIC

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Monday 1st November 2021, at 10.00am at The Millennium Hall

Present: Cllr Andy Burge (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski (Vice-chair),  

Cllr Palmer, Cllr Mellor,  and Cllr B Robinson.

Clerk - Gill Shaw Mrs Christine Hodgson - RFO

No members of the public were present.

1.   To Resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence.

Cllr Fleetwood had sent his apologies as he had another meeting and Cllr Bates had family commitments.

It was RESOLVED to accept the apologies

2.   Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.


3.   To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting, held on 27th September 2021 and approve as Minutes.

It was RESOLVED to approve the notes and they were duly signed.

4.   To consider replacing the door lock at the Millennium Hall and fitting an exterior key safe and agree any actions.

As recommended by LALC, the Clerk asked for the security of the Millennium Hall be reviewed as many of the main door keys were unaccounted for.  The installation of a hatch between the office and the main hall was discussed and the practicality and price was to be investigated.  

It was RESOLVED to replace the lock barrel and to purchase a push button key safe for the use of Councillors and hirers together with an ‘Office Open’ sign, up to a budget of £300.

ACTION:  Cllr Barry Robinson to check what barrel is required and he offered to fit it. A quote was to be obtained for the installation of a hatch.

5.   To receive an update on the purchase of ‘Tommys’ and discuss locations to recommend to the full council.

The two Tommys had arrived but the committee agreed that they were very disappointed with the quality and it was agreed that they did not represent good value for money,

It was RESOLVED to return the two Tommys and request a refund.  This was time critical so retrospective consent would be requested from the full council.

ACTION: to research other similar alternatives and discuss at the next meeting (Cllr Fleetwood).

6.   To discuss the cleanliness of the village and agree any actions.

The cleanliness of the village was an ongoing concern and the following were considered important:

Bus stops need cleaning
Benches needed cleaning/treating as necessary
More trees need to be pruned
Footpaths need to be kept clear.

7.   To prepare a list of yearly jobs relating to this committee.

It was RESOLVED to pass this to Full Council to set up a group of councillors and staff to compile an annual maintenance schedule for all aspects of the village.

8.   Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:

a)   Update on the fitting of the speed signs.

Letters had been sent by the Clerk to residents who would have a speed sign pole erected outside their Property. The council was still awaiting confirmation of the installation date for the erection of the Poles.

b)   Speed watch (Cllr Burge).

The sessions were still continuing but would be reduced to 2 per week due to the shorter daylight hours. There had been a total of 349 sessions.

c)   Update on the Christmas celebrations.

The Booker card had been approved and could be used by councillors,  provided they paid for any purchases and then submitted an expenses claim form.

The cherry picker had been arranged to help with the Christmas tree installation.  The lights had been tested and some new ones purchased.  It was agreed that a tree topper was needed, possibly a solar powered star.

It was RESOLVED to ask full council for volunteers to decorate the tree and for a tree topper to be purchased up to £30.

ACTION:  Cllr Mellor to purchase the tree topper.

d)   Update on the possible installation and cost of CCTV on The Parade

No progress had been made since contacting the Coop.  More information was needed.

It was RESOLVED to defer to the next meeting.

e)   Update on litter picking (Cllr Fleetwood).

Litter picking sessions were ongoing.

f)   Update on the green footpath along Fiskerton Road (Cllr B. Robinson) 

Cllr Barry Robinson had spoken to Highways who gave a positive response and indicated that they would look at the possibility of putting it on their schedule. They will also look at clearing the verge outside Cherry Fields.

g)   Update on the walkway by the railway line and the passage by the scout hut.

Network Rail had cleared some of the walkway and will be clearing the remainder.  No progress on the passage to the scout hut.

A footpath along the railway line to Tanfaine had been suggested but this would be dependent upon the council’s decision on the future use of Tanfaine.

9.   Finance

a.   To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget ytd – RFO

Village Upkeep

The grass cutting was on budget and the credit received from LCC was anticipated to be £2,140 this Year. The general maintenance budget was £3,500 of which only £729 has been spent but it had been agreed to do tree and hedge work at a cost of £1,220. The balance would be used for work required in the next 5 months. The current Project Budget was for speed signs which had been purchased.

Millennium Hall

The budget for lighting and heating was on on target at this stage.The maintenance budget was £750 of which £400 had been spent on decorating and the balance would pay for the agreed security measures.  Letting fees received may be higher than anticipated.

b.   To finalise the Maintenance and Project Budget for 2022-2023 

Village Upkeep

The present maintenance budget was £3,500 but next year, a lot of tree pruning and maintenance was anticipated.  It was RESOLVED to request a Maintenance Budget of £4,500.

Project Budget

It was RESOLVED to request a project budget of £8,400 for the following:

2 additional speed signs (dependent on the success of the present ones) £4,000
Shelter on the parade for community events and to provide a public meeting place - £3,500 including fitting (using Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 )
Additional bins - £400
CCTV equipment and installation - £500

Millennium Hall 

The maintenance budget was presently £750 but it was RESOLVED (1 against) to request £500 next year due to most of the work having been completed.

Project budget:

It was RESOLVED to request a Millennium Hall furniture Project Budget of £1,500 (1 against)

c.   To retrospectively agree the expenditure of £225 to fell a rotten tree at St Marks.

Upon further investigation, this was not on Council owned land.

ACTION: The clerk to rescind the purchase order sent to TJS Tree Services Ltd and to report the tree to Highways.

11.53am Cllr Palmer left the meeting.

10.   Update from the Allotment Feasibility Group (Cllr Fleetwood)

Allotment provision was to be discussed at an Extraordinary meeting on the 22nd November.

11.   Matters for report and future agenda items.

Use of the probation service
Urgent repair/replacement needed to pavements.
Implications for the VIC of the survey results.
Website - the survey is missing some details.

12.   To confirm a date for the next meeting. 

Monday 10th January at 10am in the Millennium Hall