September 2021 Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Tuesday 27th September 2021, at 10.00am at The Millennium Hall
Present: Cllr Andy Burge (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski (Vice-chair);Cllr Bates, Cllr Fleetwood, Cllr Palmer, Cllr Mellor, and Cllr B Robinson.
Clerk - Gill Shaw
No members of the public were present.
The meeting started at 10.00am
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
No absences.
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.
3. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on 31st August 2021 and approve as Minutes.
It was RESOLVED to approve the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.
4. To discuss details of the Christmas celebrations within the agreed budget and set up a working group to organise the event.
Cllrs Palmer, Mellor, Fleetwood, Brylewski Andy Burge and Angela Burge would set up the Xmas working party and would keep the clerk informed of their progress.
5. Consider the proposal that Facebook should have additional administrators/moderators and agree any recommendations to go to full council.
At present the Council Facebook page had many links but it was agreed that it should contain more village information to keep residents informed of relevant matters, to promote the village and to 0highlight the council’s activities. Any posts should not be contentious and conform to the Social Media Policy.
It was RESOLVED to recommend to the full council that the Clerk and Cllr. Fleetwood be administrators and that all councillors should be moderators.
6. To consider the purchase of a Remembrance ‘Tommy’ and agree any actions necessary.
The idea of a Remembrance Tommy was well received and several sites were discussed.
It was RESOLVED to ask full council to purchase a pair of 4ft 10” Outline Tommys at a cost of £350 plus fitting, from balances (up to £400)
● Cllr Palmer to obtain information about delivery times to ascertain if the purchase could be made before Remembrance Day.
● Cllr Brylewski to contact Rev. Penny Green regarding a contribution.
7. Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:
a) Update on the fitting of the speed signs.
Cllr Burge would contact Graham Butler again to request confirmation of a date when the posts would be fitted.
ACTION: request the RFO to order the signs.
b) Speed watch (Cllr Burge).
On average there were 3 sessions a week.
The 20’s Plenty scheme was discussed for all side roads in the village. The County Council were considering adopting the scheme across all of Lincolnshire.
ACTION: Cllr Burge would get more advice from Graham Butler.
It was RESOLVED to recommend to the full council that the scheme be adopted.
c) Update on the village tree and hedge survey and the priority list (Cllr Brylewski).
The survey had been completed and the trees on The Parade were a priority. Some of the other work could be done by The Probation Service when that was resumed. The passage to the scout hut off Hawthorne Road was in urgent need of cutting. The walkway by the side
of the railway from Croft Lane to Reepham was also urgent - possibly the responsibility of Network Rail.
● Clerk to contact Network Rail regarding the walkway by the railway line.
● Cllr Fleetwood to contact Councty Council regarding the passage to the scout hut.
d) Agree to the cutting of the overgrown trees on the Parade and accept the quote from TJS Tree Services of £450 plus VAT.
It was RESOLVED to accept the quote, paid from the maintenance fund.
e) Agree to the cutting of the overgrown hedge at Gilbert’s Pond and accept the quote of £546 plus VAT from Glendale.
This was a one off payment to get the hedge cut to fence height and thereafter it would be incorporated into Glendale’s grass cutting schedule.
It was RESOLVED to accept the quote, paid from the maintenance fund.
ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to take ‘before and after’ photos to put on Facebook.
f) Update on litter picking (Cllr Fleetwood).
The litter picking continues and a first aid kit would be purchased.
g) Update on the purchase of a Christmas Tree and agree a delivery date (Cllr Brylewski).
Thanks were given to Cllrs Brylewski and Mellor for arranging the tree purchase. The tree lights needed to be taken out of storage and tested.
It was RESOLVED to authorise Cllr Brylewski and Mellor to purchase new/replacement lights up to a budget of £200 from the maintenance budget.
The tree was to be ordered for delivery on the 24th-25th November and the Christmas lights switch on celebrations would be held on Saturday 27th November with a fancy dress competition for children, mince pies and mulled wine.
It was RESOLVED that the Xmas working party meet to arrange the celebrations and to prepare a budget request for submission to the full council.
h) Update on the green footpath along Fiskerton Road and the preparation of a plan. (Cllr B. Robinson)
A plan had been prepared and submitted to Highways but there had been no reply.
A discussion took place on who would be responsible for the future maintenance, safety of users and the cost to the Parish Council to maintain the green footway in the long term. The footway had been planned for many years and was to form part of a network of green footways. It was part of a County Council master plan and this area could potentially be part of a pilot plan but no decision would be made in the near future.
ACTION: Cllr B. Robinson to report back when it was ascertained what Highways were prepared to do.
8. Budget
a. To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget ytd – RFO
It was RESOLVED to accept the report.
b. To discuss the Maintenance and Project Budgets for 2022-2023 and agree as applicable.
The committee would ask for the maintenance budget to be increased next year.
Project suggestions:
● 2 additional speed signs at about £4,000, subject to the present ones being successful.
● CCTV installed on the parade. The installation site would have to have an electricity supply. (Cllr Brylewski to talk to the Coop and other owners at the parade).
● Lights to illuminate the flags which would mean that the Union Jack flag would not need to be taken down at night. (Cllr Bates to get an estimate of electricity supply)
● Bandstand/shelter on the parade (Cllr Palmer to get quotes for a covered structure).
● Bunting for the Queen’s jubilee (£25 for 60’ with large flags)
● Extra 6 waste bins and a dog bin on Minster Drive (£400)
● Budget for Queen's celebrations (request the full council to consider a budget for the celebrations and to nominate a working party).
● Outdoor gym
Update from the Allotment Feasibility Group (Cllr Fleetwood)
No meeting had taken place but the next meeting was due on the 20th October at 10am
9. Matters for report and future agenda items.
● Urgent repair/replacement needed to pavements and roads.
● Use of the Probation Service.
10. To confirm a date for the next meeting.
Monday 1st November at 10am in the Millennium Hall
The meeting finished at 11.51am