March 2021 Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held Virtually on Tuesday 9th March 2021, at 2.00pm
Present: Cllr Fleetwood (Chairman), Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Burge, Cllr Palmer, Cllr Bucke, Cllr B Robinson, RFO-Christine Hodgson, Clerk-Gill Shaw
The meeting started at 2pm
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
Cllr Mellor had apologised but was absent due to work commitments
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.
None declared
3. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on 9th February 2021 and approve as Minutes
It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.
4. To consider to elect a Vice Chairman
It was agreed to wait until the Annual Parish Council meeting in May
5. Discuss the purchase of new benches, their location and resolve any actions
The purchase of new village benches was discussed and their possible locations. A new bench and fixings, which met the Parish Councils criteria, would cost around £360 including fittings. A new bench was needed near the play area at Laburnum Drive for parents to supervise children. Another suggested site was Green Lane near the brook and also near the junction of Waterford Lane and Fiskerton Road. The RFO confirmed that there were sufficient funds available from the current financial year.
It was RESOLVED by a majority of 4 to 3 votes to recommend to Full Council the purchase of three new benches
6. Update on the letter sent to the tenant of Tanfaine
A letter had been sent and the tenant visited the office with the signed acknowledgement together with his Cap payment. It was a very amicable meeting and it was agreed that the Parish Council would contact him at the end of the year regarding the terms of a new tenancy agreement.
7. To consider the Minutes from the Cherry Fields Management Group held on 1st March 2021
The detailed Minutes from the meeting had been circulated and there were no further comments.
8. Too discuss the purchase of new tables in the Millenium Hall, disposing of the existing tables and agree any actions
The purchase of new tables needed further research to find tables that were in keeping with the historical style of the Hall whilst keeping the space versatile.
ACTION: Cllrs Mellor and Palmer to research tables and prices. Cllr Brylewski to get a quote for the refurbishment of the large table.
Thanks were given to Cllr Burge for his help assembling the chairs
9. Discuss the purchase of Hi-vis vests with a logo and agree any actions
I was suggested that it would be beneficial for volunteers to have Hi-vis waistcoats with the inscription of VOLUNTEER CHERRY WILLINGHAM PARISH COUNCIL.
It was RESOLVED to purchase 20 smaller and 20 larger orange jackets with the agreed inscription.
ACTION: Cllrs B and J Robinson to research the appropriate sizes
10. Update on the Village Sign on Waterford Lane and agree any actions (Cllr Brylewski)
The sign was still being made and there was a volunteer who was qualified to hang the sign when it was finished.
11. Update on the meeting of the Allotment Feasibility Group (Cllr Fleetwood)
A meeting had been held on the 8th March during which members reported on their progress. Thanks were given to Cllrs B Robinson and Trahearn together with Nigel Hooper for all their work in producing several informative documents.
12. Items in Progress: to consider and agree any action as appropriate:
a) Update on litter picking
This was continuing and thanks were given to Cllr Burge and Mrs Burge for their volunteer work. There was a growing problem of dog bags being left at Cherry Fields but it was not practical to put in more dog bins around Cherry Fields as WLDC would not be able to empty them.
b) Update of the Millennium Hall new kitchen units and fridge
The new units and fridge had been fitted but an additional £90 had been spent to complete the project.
ACTION: A letter of thanks to be sent to the volunteer who fitted the kitchen - Clerk
c) Update on the Oasis Tenancy Agreement
ACTION: Clerk to send a letter to the Oasis requesting written confirmation that no more buildings would be erected on the site.
d) Update on the purchase of new flags - Cllr Brylewski
Set up fees had been agreed with Running Imp and an article in the Cherry News had mentioned that the public could send in designs for their consideration.. The cost would be around £150
e) Update on the access to the River Witham (Cllr Fleetwood)
The application and fee had been submitted to the Environment Agency but no decision had yet been made.
13. Community Speed watch:
a) Update on Speed watch activities
No sessions had taken place but the police had been on Croft Lane with speed guns and issued a number of tickets. The statistics for the last 12 months was previously circulated and showed more people speeded during the summer months.
b) Update from the Speed Sign Group on Solar signs and gates and Resolve on any necessary actions (Cllr Burge)
Potential sites for the gates and speed signs had been inspected but there was some doubt that the sites for the gates were wide enough. It was agreed that a mixture of both gates and signs would be beneficial but more information of the effectiveness of each was needed.
ACTION: Cllr Burge to contact The Road Safety Partnership to obtain statistics on the effectiveness of both gates and speed signs.
14. To review the Cherry Willingham 2020 plan and agree any actions accordingly
a) Creation of footpaths
The verge between Tanfaine and Waterford Lane is covered by brush and thorns
ACTION: To obtain a quote to cut back the verge- Cllr Fleetwood
b) Creation of cycleways
The cycleway along Hawthorn Road is too narrow as the pavement is overgrown and needs to be cleared
c) Planter maintenance
Council volunteers presently look after the planters
d) Provision of Snow shovels and their location
Not provided by the council
15. To discuss Gilberts Pond and surrounding area and agree actions accordingly
a. Update on warning signs (RFO)
The signs cost £30 each
It was RESOLVED to purchase two signs
b. Update on the removal of the fence in the Wildflower area and the repair of the pond fence (Cllr Brylewski)
The pond fence is in a bad state of repair and needed replacing rather than mending.
ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to obtain two quotes for the removal and replacement of the fence and to raise the issue of the removal of the shrub growing in the pond with Hill Holt Wood.
16. To discuss the maintenance of hedges beside various walkways in the village including the hedge alongside the path from St Marks to Hawthorn Road and agree any actions (Cllr Fleetwood)
The path from St Marks to Hawthorn Road is well used but the hedge is encroaching on to the path and this is the same on other paths around the village.
It was RESOLVED to arrange for a contractor to cut back the hedges
ACTION: Cllr Fleetwood to obtain a quote to be discussed at the next meeting
17. To receive a report on Expenditure V Budget ytd - RFO
an additional £90 was spent on the Millenium Hall kitchen, Cherry Fields finance was being carefully managed by the Cherry Fields Management Group and there will be a request at Full Council for an addition £500 to cover the cost of the application to build steps to the River Witham
Thanks were given to the RFO for her work.
18. Matters for report and future agenda items
None at this time
19. To confirm a date for the next meeting
The next meeting was agreed to be held on 11th May at 10am