August 2021 Minutes VIC

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Tuesday 31st August 2021, at 10.00am at The Millennium Hall

Present: Cllr Andy Burge (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski (Vice-chair);Cllr Bates, 

Cllr Fleetwood (arrived late), Cllr Mellor,  and Cllr B Robinson.

Clerk - Gill Shaw RFO - Christine Hodgson

No members of the public were present.

The meeting started at 10.01am

1.   To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.

Cllr Palmer had sent her apologies as she was in isolation. Cllr Fleetwood had informed the Chairman that he may not attend or may be late. It was RESOLVED to accept their reasons for absence with a reminder to Cllr Fleetwood to contact the clerk directly with any future apologies.

2.   Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.

Some councillors who had been holding the village survey on the Parade had been bought/given ice creams and drinks.

3.   To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting, held on 13th July 2021 and approve as Minutes.

It was RESOLVED to approve the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.

4.   To discuss the outcome of the meeting with Highways regarding the siting of the speed signs and agree to the purchase of 4 posts (at a total cost of £800), subject to full council approval (Cllr Burge)

Cllrs Andy Burge and Brylewski had met with Mr Butler from Highways and he had advised that 4 posts were required as the speed signs were heavy and were not suitable for putting on lamposts. The four new posts would cost £200 each totalling £800 but 4 other existing posts could be used with an extension arm which would be fitted at no extra charge. Straps were also needed for the fixing of the signs at an approximate total cost of  £150.  The budget for the project was £6,000 but there would be an overspend of approximately £450.  It was noted that waste and dog bins could be attached to the posts. 

It was RESOLVED by all to agree to the overspend and ask Full Council for a transfer from balances.

ACTION: As the amount was under £500, the post could be ordered immediately.

Dog bins/waste bins to go on the new speed signs.

5.   Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:

a)   Approve Gilberts Pond Open Water Management Policy (Clerk)

It was RESOLVED to approve the policy and recommend acceptance by full council.

Thanks were given to Cllrs B Robinson and Bates for their help in planting donated bulbs at Gilbert’s Pond.

b)   Speed watch (Cllr Burge)

There had been 325 sessions, 6058 vehicles and 1704 being reported.

It had been noted that there had been public requests to have the speed reduced to 30mph outside Cherry Fields entrance on Fiskerton Road.

c)   Update on the village tree and hedge survey (Cllr Brylewski)

Cllrs Brylewski and Mellor had completed the survey of the trees in the village which showed that very many needed urgent attention.  

ACTION: Cllrs Brylewski, A Burge and Mellor to prepare a priority list and obtain a quote for cutting the prioritised trees/hedges.

10.20am Cllr Fleetwood joined the meeting,

d)   Update on litter picking (Cllr Fleetwood)

Litter picking had continued with volunteers.  The bin at St.Paul’s play area was now being emptied properly as WLDC now had a key.

e)   To agree to the Litter Picking Risk Assessment Policy subject to Full Council approval.

It was RESOLVED to agree the policy with the following amendments:

●   First aider on site to be replace with ‘first aid kit’
●   Safeguarding children - approved ratio be amended to ‘as approved by current government guidelines’.

ACTION:  To purchase a first aid kit in accordance with the policy.

f)   Update on the village sign (Cllr Brylewski)

The sign had been erected but not to our satisfaction.  This was to be corrected prior to account settlement.The old sign was to be erected along the river embankment.

g)   Update on the green footpath along Fiskerton Road and the meeting with Highways in relation to a site visit and preparation of a plan. (Cllr B. Robinson and Cllr Brylewski) 

No meeting had taken place.

ACTION: Cllr B Robinson to prepare a plan.

6.   To discuss and agree any actions in relation to the residents survey results as applicable to this committee.

The results were still being collated and Cllr Fleetwood would prepare a presentation of the results to the whole council.  As a quiz had been a popular request, one would be organised at Christmas to be held on the 4th December in aid of a local charity/organisation. Details to be discussed but some ideas suggested were: a £5 entrance fee to include a jacket potato, a raffle with donated prizes and the event to be held at the Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall.

There was consensus that the council should ensure it acts upon the results of the survey.


●   RFO to look at what funds were available (possibly events fund).  
●   Outcome of the survey to be discussed at Full Council

7.   Consider the redecorating of the Parish Clerk’s office and agree expenditure if necessary.

A quote had been obtained to repaint the office area and parts of the main hall at a cost of £260.

It was RESOLVED to accept the quote

8.   Budget

a.   To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget ytd – RFO

●   The budget for the speed signs had already been discussed.
●   Upkeep of the village - the grass cutting was on track to be kept within budget.
●   The village upkeep budget would allow some of the trees to be cut in this financial year.
●   The hall heating and lighting was within budget.
●   Upkeep of the Millennium Hall budget of £750 - only £122 had been spent
●   Lettings - some bookings of the hall had now been made.

b.   To discuss the Maintenance and Project Budgets for 2022-2023 and agree as applicable.

The committee were asked to think about the next financial years budget and projects for the next meeting.

●   More waste bins
●   Possibly 2 more speed signs

ACTION: Cllrs Brylewski and Mellor to obtain quotes for the signs and tree cutting.

c.   To review the Grass Cutting Schedule for 2022-2023 and agree any changes before putting it out to tender 

Deferred to the next meeting to enable the RFO to obtain more information.

9.   Update from the Allotment Feasibility Group (Cllr Fleetwood)

There had been two inspection visits to Tanfaine and Cherry Fields by councillors.  Another meeting was required to discuss the outcome of the visits. Deeper holes needed to be dug at Tanfiane to assess the depth of soil and the quality thereof to ascertain whether allotments and graves could be sited there.

ACTION: The Leisure and Amenities committee to consider hiring a digger.

10.   Matters for report and future agenda items

●   Cllr Brylewski to obtain a quote for a Christmas Tree of similar size to last years.
●   Queens platinum celebrations
●   Discuss Christmas celebrations 

11.   To confirm a date for the next meeting.

Monday 27th September at 10am in the Millennium Hall