February 2021 Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held Virtually on Tuesday 9th February 2021, at 10.00am
Present: Cllr Fleetwood (Chairman), Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Burge, Cllr Palmer, Cllr Bucke, Cllr Trahearn, RFO-Christine Hodgson, Clerk-Gill Shaw
Cllr B Robinson joined late
1. To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
Cllr B Robinson had apologised that he was to be late in joining due to an emergency
2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider requests for dispensation and disclosure of any gifts or hospitality.
Cllr Fleetwood disclosed that he was a County Councillor and works with the Environment Agency, also he is a District Councillor and a member of the Witham 3rd drainage board.
3. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on 12th January 2021 and approve as Minutes
It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.
4. Discuss the resiting of the bench at the top of Minster Drive (Cllr Brylewski)
It was confirmed that this was not a memorial bench and that several local residents had complained over the years. At present, with the Covid-19 restrictions, there had not been any problems. It was agreed to leave the bench in its present position and to reconsider should there be problems in the future. The grassed area at the junction of Church Road and Fiskerton Road was mentioned as a possible site, in the future, for a bench.
5. Update on the tenancy agreement for Tanfaine
A notice to terminate the tenancy had been written following the prescribed format and a covering letter was being drafted to the tenant explaining that a new agreement will be offered, the terms of which to be decided by the Council later in the year.
6. To consider the Minutes from the Cherry Fields Management Group held on 1st February 2021
The Minutes clearly outline CFMG’s intentions for the future. Thanks were given for their detailed minutes.
7. To discuss the idea of having a sponsorship scheme for Heritage Orchard and agree actions accordingly (Cllr Brylewski)
This is a scheme whereby you can sponsor the planting of a tree in commemoration of an event. The trees will be native heritage trees with a suggested price of £35.
10.11am Cllr B Robinson joined the meeting
The Council agreed that they would support the scheme and an article should be put in the Cherry News.
8. Update on the Village Sign on Waterford Lane and agree any actions
The sign was presently being worked on by a local artist who is a sign designer and the only cost to the council would be just the paint and the installation.
9. Items in Progress: to consider and agree any action as appropriate:
a) Resolve to accept the Resilience Plan
It was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the Resilience Plan
b) Update on litter picking
A strong volunteer group continue to collect litter
ACTION: An item to go in the Cherry News reminding people not to drop litter - Clerk
c) Update of the Millennium Hall new kitchen units and fridge
This was being delivered later in February and it was thought that it would be fitted and completed by early March.
d) Approve the purchase of new chairs
The various designs were discussed, quantity and colour. The cost of 20 chairs with arms was £690.
It was RESOLVED to purchase after the colour had been agreed. (RFO)
e) To discuss and agree the disposal of the old chairs in the Millennium Hall
The orange chairs are to remain in the Hall whilst there are Covid-19 restrictions but the blue chairs are to be disposed of. These chairs may or may not be fire retardant as there is no label.
It was RESOLVED that the chairs should be offered, free of charge, to any local organisation that could use them - (Cllr Brylewski)
f) Update on the repair of the front windows at the Millennium Hall
Thanks was given to Cllr B. Robinson for repairing the office window.
g) Update on the replacement flagpole
This has now been permanently fixed on The Parade together with the remaining old pole. Thanks were given Cllr Bates for arranging the purchase and delivery and to Cllrs Burge and Fleetwood for fixing them.
h) Update on the Oasis Tenancy Agreement
The present volunteer organiser of the Oasis is retiring soon and it is unclear what the future needs of the Oasis would be. Following a discussion about the possible future of the site it was agreed that the Tenancy Agreement did not need to be reviewed at present but a letter should be sent to them.
It was RESOLVED to send a letter to the Worth Foundation requesting their confirmation that no more buildings would be erected on the site and to ascertain what their future plans are.
ACTION: Cllrs Brylewski and Fleetwood would work with the Clerk to draft the letter.
i) Update on the purchase of new flags and agree on whether to purchase
All the flags have been returned to the office and were in good condition. There was a discussion on whether to permanently fly the Lincolnshire flag, to commission a Village flag and to fly flags outside the Millennium Hall as there were suitable brackets already there. It was suggested that a competition could be held for residents to design a village flag.
It was RESOLVED to get two more quotes for a second Lincolnshire flag and for the design and manufacture of a village flag. The budget of a maximum of £250 was agreed.
ACTION: Cllr Bates would put up the Lincolnshire flag to be permanently flown. Cllr Brylewski to get competitive quotes.
j) Update on the access to the River Witham (Cllr Fleetwood)
A response received from the Environment agency had been previously circulated but there had been no confirmation that the fees would be waived. To enable the project to be expedited, Cllr Fleetwood offered to personally cover any fees up to £500. Cherry Fields Management Group (CFMG) were presently working on the application and they had produced a design of the steps and access slope which met the relevant standards.
ACTION: CFMG to keep the council appraised of the progress of the application.
10. Community Speed watch:
a) Update on Speed watch activities
No sessions had taken place due to Covid-19 restrictions. Cllr Burge stated that he intends to prepare last year's summary for the March Parish Council meeting. Thanks given to Cllr Burge and the volunteers for their work.
b) To discuss the possibility of erecting solar speed signs
Details of solar and electric signs had been circulated prior to the meeting and the merits were discussed. Croft Lane was identified as a possible site as one third of reported speed offences took place there. Nettleham has 6 signs and have found that around 88% of drivers keep to the speed limit.
It was RESOLVED to form a group to look at the appropriate site on Croft Lane, the power supply and relevant permissions.
ACTION: Cllrs Burge, B Robinson, Mellor and Brylewski to form a group
c) Agree to the design of speed gates and to discuss quantity and prices (Cllr Burge)
The cost of 4 x 960mm gates and posts to go on the Fiskerton Road would be £3436 plus
installation of around £1,500. It was highlighted that any gates should not be in a position that would interfere with any possible footpath and they needed to be set back one metre from the road.
The proposed position of the gates would be at the change of speed signs.
ACTION: The group discussing the Croft Lane speed sign to look at finalising the details for the gates.
c) To review the Cherry Willingham 2020 plan and agree any actions accordingly
To review at the next meeting.
d) To discuss Gilberts Pond and surrounding area and agree actions accordingly
a) The need for a safety risk assessment
The pond is presently 1.4m to 1.5m in depth with fencing around it. The RFO had confirmation from the insurance company that there were no specific requirements about ponds but there was a general condition for the Council to take reasonable precautions to reduce the risk of injury or damage. They recommended periodic inspections and checks and the access to the pond should be restricted usually by a fence and informative signs on ‘deep water’ were recommended.
There should be something in writing to show that the council had thought about safety and detailing what precautions had been taken. It was noted that some of the fencing needed replacing.
● Hill Holt Wood to be requested to report in writing, during their bi-annual maintenance visit, on the depth of the pond and its condition (Cllr Brylewski).
● RFO to get quotes for a ‘Warning Deep Water’ sign.
● Railings from the Wildflower area to be used to repair the pond fence.
b) Wildflower area
The area designated as a wildflower area has proved to be unsuitable for cultivating wildflowers and the cost of maintaining it by specialist was £700pa. It was agreed that the area looked untidy and that now there was a wildflower area at Cherry Fields, this area could now be incorporated into the rest of the grassed area and cut at the same time. It was RESOLVED to remove the fence, use it around the pond and integrate it with the grassed area.
9. To receive a report on Expenditure V Budget ytd - RFO
The expenditure on heat and light for the Millennium Hall was queried but it was confirmed that there was a credit of £300 on this account and the monthly payments had been reduced accordingly.
Thanks given to the RFO for all her work in connection with the budget.
ACTION: The reallocation of excess budget to be put on the Full Council Agenda for discussion at the next meeting. (Clerk)
10. Holding Items: The Footpath between Green Lane and Hawthorn Road
Concerns were raised about this being a continuing Holding Item. Cllr Fleetwood declared a personal interest as the field owner was a friend. It was clarified that this was not a formally adopted footpath but it was well used. It was agreed to remove it as a holding item and not to pursue the matter of making it an official footpath as there was no problem in using it at the present time.
11. Update on the meeting of the Allotment Feasibility Group (Cllr Fleetwood)
The Group met on the 8th February during which the pros and cons of potential sites were discussed and various members of the group have been tasked with assessing specific aspects. A sample of a plot was to be available on Laburnum Road Playing Fields so that potential allotment owners could view it and their opinions taken on various related matters. The Group aims to produce a quality detailed report for the Council.
12. Matters for report and future agenda items
Next Agenda item: Elect a Vice Chairman
13. To confirm a date for the next meeting
The next meeting was agreed to be held on Tuesday 9th March at 2pm