Fundraising Minutes February 2024



Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Fundraising Sub-Committee held on Wednesday 07th February 2024 at 19:00 in the Millennium

Chair of the Committee Cllr Palmer

Vice-Chair of the Committee Cllr Mrs Burge


Present: Cllr A Burge, Cllr Palmer, Cllr Bates, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr Mellor, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Mrs Robinson, Janet Laity, Paul Strickland, Diane Pitchford, Linda Houghton.

  1. Cllr Bates was unanimously elected as minute taker

  2. Cllr Palmer was unanimously elected Chairman

  3. Cllr Mrs Burge was unanimously elected Vice Chairman

  4. Apologies, welcomes and attendance including to accept apologies and the reasons for absence, where given. Resolved unanimously to accept apologies from Mr and Mrs Richardson, Donna Townsend, Cllr Fleetwood.

  5. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items . None given.

  6. To review the terms of reference of the Fundraising Sub-committee and any action required: 

  • Quorate should read 4 not 3

  • Add to Role ‘planning and organising events’

  • Purpose of group no. 5 should read ‘plan’ not ‘planned’

  1. To receive an update on funds raised so far: Fundraising has been for ‘play equipment’, sub-committee should now specify pieces of equipment, as L & A  committee also has funds and responsibility. Any grants received have to be for specific projects. Maximum which can be raised in 1 year is £6000 to avoid having to register for VAT. RFO has precise amounts listed, but picnic raised £58.00 in donations, the produce show £238.00, pre-loved sale £278 + £40.00 from YMCA and items sold separately such as the teddy bears, Christmas tree event £211.00 and the quiz just over £1000. Total raised so far in this financial year and in an earmarked fund was £1948.00 + £837.00 from the previous year.

  2. Future events:

  • Beetle Drive. Unfortunately Mrs Gregory did not attend the meeting, so this item was deferred until she could be contacted

  • Easter. Claire Kitchen from the scouts/PTA has asked the committee if they would like to ‘piggy-back’ any of their events planned (car boot, flower-pot trail), although unclear what fund raising possibilities there would be. Cllr Palmer to contact her. Cllr. Mellor to organise an Easter Treasure Hunt around the village. Treasure Hunt sheets would be collected from the Parish Office from the week beginning 25th March ( Saturdays from the Vine with their kind permission). Sheets would be £1.00 each, clues could be collected during the 2 weeks of the Easter Holidays. All members should come up with a suitable clue and send to Cllr Mellor (these will be questions which the participants can find the answer to by following the clues). Prizes will be sweet cones, Cllr Mellor to approach supermarkets for tubs of sweets.

  • D-Day 80. It was decided that the commemorations around this would not lend themselves to fund-raising. In this event, to fill the hiatus between Easter and the Produce Show it was suggested that a Fun Dog Show is held at Cherry Fields. Potential date for this, 1st June from 1-4. Cherry Fields Committee will prepare the grounds, but this committee to run. Suggest 8 categories with rosettes for 1st,2nd,3rd.

Cllr Bates to approach Pet shops, vet, Vippies for possible sponsorship (for prizes)

  • Produce Show: Date set for 14th September, when the Vine is available to book. This year should be 2 judges to speed up the process. Different categories have been suggested by the allotments members which are appropriate to the season. Also may be included a photographic competition.

  • Christmas: Date for the switch on of the lights will be 23rd November, and the date of the quiz will be 7th December. The Vine and the Village Hall to be booked for these.

  • Other event suggestions: possible link to the Olympics, pumpkin carving.

  • Projects: Agreed that something was needed for older children. Suggestions include a zip-wire for St.Paul’s play area. L & A to be approached for a wish-list. Also suggested was an ‘i-play’ (Playdale). Quotes to be sought for these.

  1. Date of next meeting: Thursday 4th April at 6pm at the Millennium Hall.


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Cllr Palmer Chair -Fundraising Sub-Committee Date