Fundraising Minutes October 2024
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s
Fundraising Committee held on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at 19:00 in the Millennium Hall.
Chair of the Committee- Cllr R Pitchford
Vice-Chair of the Committee- Cllr S Bates
Present: Cllr R Pitchford - Chairman, Cllr A Burge, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr D Pitchford, Cllr J Robinson, Mr P Stickland
One Member of the Public was present and did a brief demonstration on their proposal to hold a ‘Beetle Drive’.
To elect a minute taker.
RESOLVED unanimously to elect the Clerk
To note and record apologies and absences.
Cllr S Bates
To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 4th September 2024 and approve them as a true record.
RESOLVED with 1 abstention to approve the minutes from the 4th September 2024 as a true record.
To consider a committee name change to ‘Event & Fundraising Committee’ and approve any necessary actions.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the name change of the committee to ‘Events & Fundraising Committee’.
To consider taking the responsibility of the purchase of the annual Christmas Tree as recommended by the Village Improvement Committee and approve any necessary actions.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the transfer of the Christmas tree responsibility and budget over to the Events & Fundraising Committee.
Updates, Open Items, Actions.
To discuss and agree any action for the Light Switch on 23rd November 2024.
(Lead Cllr Mrs Burge)
The Risk assessment has been completed, Father Christmas and the Choir will be present.
The tree to be erected on the 20th or 21st depending on weather. The Christmas tree has been gifted this year from a resident.
To discuss and agree any action for the Christmas Quiz on 7th December 2024.
(Lead Cllr A Burge)
All preparations are underway, pies are in the process of being purchased. Tickets are now on sale. In search of raffle prizes, the Clerk to put an advert out on FB to ask for donations.
(ACTION - Clerk)
Future events
Fun Dog Show Lead: Cllr S Bates 07th June 2025
Gala Lead: Cllr R Pitchford 02nd August 2025.
The date and the Gala is now confirmed and the fly over has been requested. More will be presented at the February E&F meeting.
Produce Show Lead: Cllr M Palmer 13th September 2025
There is a question as to whether this event will merge with the Gala or whether it would carry on at all with the level of support from the past two events.
Light Switch On Lead: Cllr Mrs Burge 29th November2025
Christmas Quiz Lead: Cllr A Burge 13th December 2025
Other Event suggestions welcome (eg Warm Space - Beetle Drive )
RESOLVED unanimously to hold a ‘Beetle Drive’ on February 21st February 2025 6-9pm, family event.
RESOLVED unanimously to book the Church Hall.
(ACTION - Clerk)
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 4th December 24 at 19:00
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Signed; Cllr R Pitchford: Date