Fundraising Minutes July 2024

Cherry Willingham Parish Council
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Fundraising Committee held
on Wednesday 10 th July 2024 at 19:00 in the Millenium Hall
Chair of the Committee: Cllr. R Pitchford
Vice-Chair of the Committee: Cllr. S Bates
Present: Cllr. S Bates, Cllr. A Burge, Cllr. Mrs. Burge, Cllr. M Palmer, Cllr. R
Pitchford, Cllr. Mrs. Pitchford, Cllr. J. Robinson, Cllr. Mellor and Paul
1. To elect a minute taker.
RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr. Bates
2. To note and record apologies and absences
To note apologies from L. Clinksales, Janet Laity, Michael Richardson
3. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in
respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of
interest being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of
the agenda items listed below.
4. To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 4 th June 2024 and approve
them as a true record
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes of the 4 th June 2024 as a
true record
5. To elect co-opted non-councillor members on to the committee
RESOLVED unanimously to elect Paul Strickland on to the committee as a
non-councillor member
6. Updates. Open items. Actions
i. To discuss and agree any actions for the Produce Show 14 th
September 2024 (Lead, Cllr. M. Palmer)
Draft notices for notice-boards done, amendments noted. Once
amended Cllr. Palmer will put them out. Remaining plates and
tablecloths checked, some smaller plates needed. Permission
requested to purchase 2 banqueting rolls @ £8, resolved
unanimously. Full Council to be approached for cakes to be
sold, together with ingredients list.
3 Judges this year to speed things up (Janet, Carol, Alison), to
be given either chocolates or prosecco as thanks. They will each
be accompanied by a member of the committee who will write
certificates, keep scores etc. (Diane, Maureen and Keiran).
Cllr. Mrs Burge to check raffle tickets. Full Council to be asked
for raffle prizes. Cllr. Mellor to approach Asda, Tesco for
donations. Cllr. Mellor (and Morgan) will sell the raffle tickets.
Refreshment team Cllr. Mrs Burge and Janet Laity? Fairy cakes
for children?
Entry fee this year £1.00 per entry. Paul Strickland to take
registration/entries. Depending on the weather tables and chairs
will be put outside for refreshments. Prize for best in show?
Still waiting to hear about prize for best Roy Bowser allotment
holder entries. Face Painting – Fantasy Faces by Leila, will
make a donation.
ii. To discuss and agree any action for the Light Switch on 23 rd
November 2024 (Lead Cllr. Mrs Burge)
Cllr. Mellor to approach supermarkets for Mince pies
Cllr. Trahearn is approaching Steve Trevor as Santa
Cllr. Robinson to approach VocaLisa to attend. They will
require a gazebo. Cllr. Robinson asked to make her alcohol free
wine. Cllr. Bates to provide urn for mulled wine.
iii. To discuss and agree any action for the Christmas Quiz on
7 th December 2024 (Lead Cllr. A Burge)
Pukka Pies on offer at Asda (£1.25), 27 in Cllr. Mrs Burge’s
freezer. Committee members to look out for similar special
offers on steak pies. Cllr.J. Robinson will bring plates from
Church Hall. Last year’s advert has been updated, price this
year will be £7.50 per person, agreed unanimously. Tickets on
sale from 28 th October. Needs to go in next deadline for Cherry
News, Village Hall is booked. Advert should ask for donations
for the raffle and the Clerk to be asked to put this on Facebook.
7. Future events
Chair checked that everybody was OK with the lead on future events that
they had been given. Cllr. J Robinson informed the committee that there
would be no community picnic next year, but 2026 would mark 10 years of
Cherry Fields and there would be a celebration for that. Discussion around
the date of the picnic (5 th July 2025) being taken by the Gala ((2 nd August
2025) and also the location (Laburnum or Pembroke). Decision to be
deferred until it was possible to meet with the new Head in September. If the
decision is made for Laburnum, the cricket club need to be informed. The
landlord of the Cherry Tree has already agreed to let us have use of the
toilets and would put on an ox-roast. Cllr. R Pitchford has a list of 115
potential vendors for the gala, would concentrate on local vendors. Most are
sel-contained and would be charged a fixed amount plus a percentage of
their sales. Some local charity groups would be offered a free space. Again,
donations for raffle prizes would be requested. The magazine Townlands to
be approached for advertising events.
The Dog Show major sponsors, Vippies, want to be involved next year, to
ask them to a meeting of the committee. Same judge to be approached. More
social media needed this year.
Other event suggestions: Cllr. Palmer suggested ‘warm spaces’, could be at
the Church Hall or the Vine with soup and a roll and events such as bingo or
beetle drive, to be held in January or February. Suggested that the luncheon
club be asked if they would like the committee to follow up with bingo for
example. Annette Gregory to be approached for a date for her suggested
beetle drive.
8. Date of next meeting
Wednesday 4 th September 2024, 7pm, Millenium Hall