Fundraising Minutes September 2024


Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s 

Fundraising Committee held on Wednesday 04th September 2024 at 19:00 

in the Millennium Hall.

Chair of the Committee- Cllr R Pitchford

Vice-Chair of the Committee- Cllr S Bate

Present: Cllr. S Bates, Cllr. A Burge, Cllr. Mrs. Burge, Cllr. M Palmer, Cllr. R Pitchford, Cllr. Mrs. Pitchford, Janet Laity

  1. To elect a minute taker. 

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr. Bates


  1. To note and record apologies and absences

To note apologies from L. Clinkscales, Cllr Mellor, Cllr J Robinson, Paul Strickland.


  1. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2024 and approve them as a true record

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes of the 10th July 2024 as a true record. Item 6ii on this agenda to be removed as event will not be taking place.


  1. Updates, open items, actions.

  2. To discuss and agree any actions for the Produce Show 14/9/24 (Cllr Palmer). 

Cllr. Palmer explained that because of Parish Council rules regarding VAT she had a problem with buying prizes and there is no way she can be reimbursed for buying presents to show our appreciation to the judges. Committee needs to depend on asking for raffle prizes and there are currently no prizes left in the collection pot. Cllr. Pitchford to discuss this with the RFO. A previous Vicar of the Parish had left some plaques which we can use to present to winners. There is still no word from the allotments about the prize for best entries from allotment holders. Cllr. B Robinson will put out the notices on the parade on Monday. One of the judges now not able to come to the show so Alan Walker will take over her role on the vegetable judging. Vocalisa will attend from 3pm, need gazebo outside. Cllr. Pitchford to act as ‘lollipop man’ to make sure children do not run into the road. Tables and gazebos needed outside (weather dependent). Photography group to use blue display boards and these can be used to block the door until judging complete. Committee members to attend from 11am (complete with cakes) to help put gazebos up. One raffle prize of a Sunday dinner with all the trimmings, Cllr. Pitchford to approach the Coop for a chicken!  Cllr. Palmer to buy sugar and milk. Members of committee agreed to provide cakes for sale.


  1. To discuss and agree any actions for the Light Switch on 23/11/24 (Cllr. Mrs Burge). 

Tree being donated this year by Dean Semper. Lights which are put up near shops need replacing with battery operated ones. Also, 7/8 trees can take battery lights wrapped round them. Cllr. Mellor to source mince pies, Cllr. Trahearn has booked Santa, Cllr. Mrs. Burge will buy mulled wine nearer the date. The choir is booked. Lucky dip for sweets for the children. Donation buckets in strategic places.


  1. To discuss and agree and action for the Christmas Quiz 7/12/24 (Cllr. Burge). 

Defer this item until October, tickets on sale from 28th October.


  1.  Future events


  1. Fun Dog Show 7/6/25 (Cllr Bates). 

The judge is booked. Invite Vippies to next meeting to discuss sponsorship.


  1. Gala 2/8/25 (Cllr. Pitchford). 

Decision made on date and Location which will be Laburnum site. Cllr Pitchford has devised a rough map showing location of fairground, stage, stalls etc. Parish Council will not be running any stalls as everyone will be needed to help run the event. Cllr. Pitchford to start approaching his 110 possible stallholders with the idea to attract a better quality and then sift. Would also like local people as much as possible (eg. Cakemakers) to be given first refusal. Entertainment – again local, may be start up bands who will not require paying. Sponsorship will be needed if we want bigger bands. Vendors will be expected to pay a non-refundable ground rent. Gala will be free entry as there are too many access/egress point to cover them all.


  1. Produce Show 13/9/25 (Cllr.Palmer) 

To assess the results this year to see if it is worth going ahead next year. Will depend on entries, money taken.


  1. Other events. 

Deferred until next meeting

  1. Date of next meeting: 30th October 2024 at 19:00 in the Millenium Hall


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Signed Cllr R Pitchford Date