Leisure and Amenities April

Cherry Willingham Parish Council The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln, LN3 4AQ

Email: cwparishcouncil@gmail.com   Tel: 01522 753398

Chairman of the Council: Cllr Sharron Brylewski ,   Clerk: Gill Shaw, RFO: Christine Hodgson

A virtual meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Leisure and Amenities Committee will be held on Monday 26th April 2021 at 7.00pm. It is expected that all Members of the Committee will make every effort to attend.

Any Member of the Committee not able to attend should pass their apologies to the Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. A Public Forum of no more than 15 minutes will be held. The Public may address the Parish Council on current matters or issues that may become future agenda items. Any member of the public who would like to join the meeting by video link or by phone, should contact the Clerk, before 12:00 noon on Friday 23rd April 2021, who will give guidance on the etiquette for the meeting. If you are telephoning, please leave a message giving your name and contact number and the clerk will call you back.



2.Members declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality

3.To receive the notes of The Leisure and Amenities Committee meeting held on 1st March 2021 and agree for them to be signed as a true record

4.Laburnum Drive Playing Field and St Paul’s Play area:

i)To review the recent work undertaken by Sovereign and agree any actions as required.

ii)To review the recent cleaning work on St Paul’s Play Area and resolve on issuing the order for cleaning the Laburnum Drive play area.

iii)To receive a verbal report regarding a problem with a manhole cover and agree any further actions as required (Cllrs J. Robinson and Brylewski)

iv)To consider both the annual inspection reports and recent monthly inspection reports and agree any actions as required.

v)To receive an update on the Cricket Compound situation and agree any actions as required.

vi)To receive an update on the new bin for St Paul’s and agree any actions as required.

vii)To discuss the problems of overflowing bins and agree any actions as required.

viii)To discuss and resolve on the percentage of the Regular Users’ fees to be charged this year.

ix)To review any relevant responses to the questionnaire in April Cherry News.

x)To consider recent problems experienced in contacting the company responsible for the Franklin Way Play area and agree any actions

xi)To discuss and resolve on the project works for this financial year and agree any actions as required


5.Burial Ground:

i)To review the Procedures document and the Rules and Regulations document for the Burial Ground and the notice for display at the Burial Ground (Clerk and Cllr Brylewski)

ii)To receive proposed terms of reference for the Burial Ground Sub-committee (Cllr  Brylewski)

iii)To discuss and agree the terms of reference for a Future Burial Ground Task and Finish group

iv)To discuss the headstones that are leaning and those that need cleaning and agree any necessary action. (Cllr Brlewski)

v)To discuss and resolve on any further maintenance works required including replacing the noticeboard.


i)Any other matters to report or for inclusion in the next agenda

ii)To confirm the date of the next meeting



Gill Shaw- Clerk to Cherry Willingham Parish Council