Finance April

CHERRY WILLINGHAM PARISH COUNCIL The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln LN3 4AQ

Telephone 01522 753398 E-Mail:

Chairman of the Council: Cllr Sharron Brylewski Clerk: Gill Shaw RFO: Christine Hodgson Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee: Cllr Brylewski

A remote meeting of Finance & General Purposes Committee will be held on Friday 9th April 2021 at 10.00am 

It is expected that all members of the committee will make every effort to attend. Any member unable to attend should pass their apologies to the Clerk prior to the start of the meeting.

A Public Forum of no more than 15 minutes will be held. The Public may address the Committee on current matters or issues that may become future agenda items. If any members of the public would like to join the meeting by video link or by phone, please contact the clerk either by email or telephone.  If you are telephoning, please leave a message giving your name and contact number and the clerk will call you back.


1.To resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence

2.Member’s declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality

3.To receive the Notes of the meeting held on 7th January 2021 and agree for them to be signed as a true record

4.Year End Accounts -RFO

 i)To review income and expenditure for 2020/2021

 ii)To resolve to approve the proposed allocation of Balances subject to Full Council approval

5.To review the policies pertinent to this committee and resolve to agree to the proposed changes subject to Full Council approval:

a)Financial Regulations – no changes are being proposed.

b)Risk Management and Asset Management- no changes are being proposed

c)Procurement. Add changes to mirror the current Financial Regulations and introduce others to enable the Clerk or RFO to fulfill the duties

d)Accounting Procedures -same as Procurement above

e)Grants-no changes are being proposed

f)Councillor and Employee Expenses-consider changes to include authorised expenses by volunteers/non-councillors

6.To consider grant applications received from village organisations

7.To review the fees being charged for use of the Council facilities and resolve to make any changes subject to Full Council approval: 

i)Burial Fees

ii)Playing Field User Fees

iii)Room Hire Fees- Millennium Hall

iv)Contribution to Grass Cutting- Tennis Club

v)Hiring of Community Gazebo

8.Items for report, or for inclusion in the next agenda.

9.Date of next meeting to be agreed. 


Gill Shaw Clerk to Cherry Willingham Parish Council