April 2022 Agenda VIC
Cherry Willingham Parish Council
The Millennium Hall, 16 High Street, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln, LN3 4AQ
Email: cwparishcouncil@gmail.com Tel: 01522 753398
Chairman of the Council: Cllr Jenny Robinson,
Chairman of the Village Improvement Committee: Cllr Andy Burge
Clerk: Gill Shaw
RFO: Christine Hodgson
A meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee will be on Monday 4th April at 10am in the Millennium Hall, High Street, Cherry Willingham.
The Public are welcome to attend and should contact the Clerk prior to the meeting.
1. To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
3. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on 4th March 2022 and approve as Minutes.
4. To receive an update on any meeting with the Probation service and agree any actions
5. To review the bus shelter cleaning and resolve on whether to enter a contract for regular cleaning, subject to Full Council approval.
6. To receive an update on the Jubilee bandstand, its viability and any alternative projects if needed, subject to Full Council approval.
7. To approve the payment of £66.93 to LM Electrical for the installation of the office camera.
8. To resolve on the purchase of additional/replacement Christmas lights.(Cllr Palmer)
9. To resolve on the purchase of a flag to replace the stolen flag.
10. To adopt a CCTV policy, subject to Full Council approval.
11. Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:
a) To receive an update on the purchase of a ‘Tommy’.
b) Speed watch. (Cllr Burge).
c) To receive an update on litter picking. (Cllr Fleetwood)
d) To receive an update on the green footpath along Fiskerton Road. (Cllr B. Robinson)
e) To receive an update on the inspection of the electricity supply at the Parade. (Cllr B. Robinson)
f) To receive an update on the Defibrillator replacement pads. (Clerk)
12. Matters for report and future agenda items.
13. To confirm a date for the next meeting.
Gill Shaw, Clerk to Cherry Willingham Parish Council.
22th March 2022