March 2022 Minutes VIC

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Friday 4th March 2022, at 10.00am at The Millennium Hall

Present: Cllr Andy Burge (Chairman), Cllr Brylewski (Vice-chair), Cllrs Bates, Fleetwood, Palmer  and Cllr B Robinson.

Gill Shaw - Clerk and Mrs Christine Hodgson - RFO

No members of the public were present.

The meeting started at 10am.

1.   To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reasons for absence.

Cllr Mellor had sent her apologies. 

It was RESOLVED to accept them.

2.   Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 

Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. 

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 


3.   To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting, held on 7th February 2022 and approve as Minutes.

It was RESOLVED to accept the notes and they were duly signed.

4.   To receive a report on Expenditure v Budget ytd – RFO.

The document was circulated prior to the meeting.*

The Chair had agreed for the tree pruning to be paid from the VIC general maintenance fund.  The cost of the electrician to survey The Parade, cleaning of the bus shelters and replacement defibrillator pads had yet to be paid which accounted for the balance of the general maintenance fund.  The heating cost for the Millennium Hall was over budget but the account was in credit. The maintenance of the hall would be slightly over budget due to the purchase of the camera and the replacement lock. The invoice for the speed signs had now been received and paid. The purchase of the straps and padlocks meant that the project had gone over budget but Full Council had approved this.

Thanks were given to the RFO,

5.   To agree on the details of the Jubilee Quiz on 11 June as instructed by Resolution of the Full Council on 21 February 2022.

The group organising the quiz had decided not to proceed as they felt there was insufficient support from the Council and they did not agree with the quiz being self-funded.

It was RESOLVED to cancel the quiz, subject to Full Council approval (2 in favour and 4 abstentions).

6.   To receive an update on any meeting with the Probation service and agree any actions.

Negotiations were still in progress and a meeting was to be arranged by Cllr Brylewski.

7.   To receive an update on the Jubilee bandstand, its viability and any alternative projects if needed, subject to Full Council approval.

Cllr B Robinson had looked at the possibility of moving or replacing the seating at The Parade to accommodate a shelter.  There was a shelter available which had inbuilt seating but the cost would be around £11,000 with delivery and fitting. A quote had been requested together with a quote from B Knight & Sons Ltd of Langworth for a wooden structure.

ACTION: Cllrs to look at other ideas and bring to the next meeting.

8.   To receive an update on the servicing of the Defibrillator and agree any actions.

The Parish Council were not eligible to join the maintenance service offered by WLDC due to the fact that WLDC had not supplied the unit.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would order the replacement pads but it was noted that there was a supply problem and the pads may not be available for several months.

9.   To approve the quotes from Glendale for £440 at work at St Paul’s and the quotation of £1,000 from TJS Tree Services for tree work at Laburnum Park and to agree to Virement to use the Village Improvement Maintenance budget for this work.

It was RESOLVED to agree the virement.

ACTION: to request Full Council that all trees owned by the Parish Council be the responsibility of the VIC.

10.   To review and adopt the calendar of suggested meetings dates in 2022.

This was deferred until after the committee elections in May.

11.   To confirm the completion of the tree survey to enable an electronic copy to be created.

The present copy of the tree survey had been circulated prior to the meeting.  The current  survey had shown that most of the Parish Council owned trees were in need of some attention.  ACTION: The survey needed updating and Cllrs B. Robinson, Brylewski and Nigel Hooper would work on the update.

12.    Items in progress: to consider and agree any actions as appropriate:

a)   To receive an update on the fitting of the speed signs.

Originally, the speed signs could not be adjusted to a 40mph speed limit but now they had been reprogrammed.  The post on Croft Lane was due to be repositioned by Highways to the original agreed position as, at its present location, it was causing a problem to the householder.  The batteries lasted about 2 weeks before being recharged.  Data showed that approximately 50,000 vehicles had used Croft Lane in a 2 weeks period.

b)   To receive an update on the purchase of an alternative to the Tommy.

Awaiting a quote

c)   To receive an update on the present position regarding the lock/key at the Millennium Hall.

The key in the safe had gone missing and a replacement lock had been fitted.  Concern was expressed at the delay in purchasing and fitting the new lock as the delay had compromised the security of the Hall.

d)   Speed watch. (Cllr Burge)

Volunteers had not been available.

e)   To receive an update on litter picking. (Cllr Fleetwood)

This was ongoing.

f)   To receive an update on the green footpath along Fiskerton Road. (Cllr B. Robinson)

The hedge along the Fiskerton Road had been cut.  Entries on Facebook showed that there was public support for the green footpath.

g)   To receive an update on the inspection of the electricity supply at the Parade.

The inspection was due next week.

h)   To receive an update on the application for Telegraph poles compensation .

Thanks were given to Cllr Palmer for bringing this to the attention of the Council.   A backdated payment of £1,705.85 was due, which would go into Balances when received (Rental income). Thereafter the income would be £292.84p.a.  It was noted that some poles on Tanfaine may be replaced underground.

13.    Matters for report and future agenda items.

To purchase a replacement for the flag that was stolen.

Christmas Lights

14.    To confirm a date for the next meeting.     

Monday 9th May 2022 at 10am

*Additional documents available from the clerk
**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.