October 2022 Minutes VIC

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 10am in the Millennium Hall.


Present: Cllr Burge (Chair) Cllr Palmer (Vice-Chair)

Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski and Cllr Fleetwood.


Meeting started at 10am.

No members of the public were present.


The Chair introduced and welcomed the new Assistant Clerk to the committee.


  1. To elect a minute taker.

Resolved to elect Cllr Palmer as minute taker.


  1. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reasons for absence where given.

            Apologies were received from Cllr Mellor and Cllr Robinson, all agreed to accept.


  1. Declarations of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda items and type of interest being declared.

            To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of 

            the agenda items listed below.



  1. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee meeting held on Thursday 1st September 2022 and approve as minutes.

            It was Resolved unanimously to receive the notes and they were duly signed.


  1. To discuss options for letting more land out for grazing at Tanfaine. 

             It was Resolved  unanimously to take this item to the Full Council. (Action -Clerk)


  1. To discuss the budget for 2023/2024 and consider any projects. 

            It was Resolved unanimously that the Chair recommends to F&GP a sum of

            £3500 for Solar Panels for speed signs, electricity to flag pole and

            commemorative planters on the Parade.


  1. Items in progress:

            To discuss and resolve any actions on the following items:


  1. Tommys                                                                                                                   i) Cllr Palmer had been in conversation with the supplier and negotiated to purchase 3 x lifesize Tommys and the supplier offered 2 x kneeling free of charge.. The Clerk has placed the order. Resolved unanimously to put on the Full Council agenda for discussion on their placement.                                                     ii) Resolved unanimously to write to Rev Penny Green to offer a Tommy for the church.  (Action - A/Clerk)                                                                         iii) It was also Resolved unanimously to write to Cllr Welburn to thank her for the £200 donation. (Action - A/Clerk)  

  2. Tanfaine- The Chair confirmed that the car park had been completed and hedges would be planted in November. 


10:20am Cllr Brylewski left the meeting. 


  1. Speedwatch- only three sessions had taken place due to holidays but would resume next week with the Academy students joining in.

  2. ‘Dogs on leads’ signs- Still to be ordered by Cllr Robinson.

  3. Christmas tree/lights the cost of trees has risen and we will need to look at costing next year. The tree has been ordered for delivery on the 24th November.  The lights for the star have arrived.


10:26am Cllr Brylewski returned to the meeting.


  1. Litter bins- A costing had been received but was over our budget. Clerk to write to WL as they had quoted for posts which were not required.  It was Resolved- unanimously that if the new quote was in budget the Clerk should place the order. (Action - Clerk)

  2. Millennium hall garden waste/window- The Clerk had written to the occupants but received no response. Resolved unanimously that Cllrs Burge and Cllr Brylewski visit and discuss a way forward. (Action Cllr Burge and Cllr Brylewski)

  3. Flag Policy- Cllr Bates explained that due to the death of the Queen there would be changes so it was Resolved unanimously to wait and see what guidelines were sent out.

  4. Resilience Policy- Cllr Bates said it was a matter of updating names as there had been changes on the Parish Council and thought it was something the A/Clerk could do.  (Action - A/Clerk)

  5. Defibrillator- ongoing, in a queue. 

  6. Planters on the Parade-  Cllr Brylewski hadn’t seen the resident to discuss but would speak to her before the next meeting.(Action - Cllr Brylewski)

  7. Stead bench/Minster Drive                                                                             i) The cost of the Dale bench had increased therefore the cost that was agreed at the previous meeting did not cover the purchase.  Resolved unanimously to ask Full Council to agree to the extra cost of  £76. (Action Clerk)                                                                                                                ii) Cllr Robinson is in the process of ordering a backless bench for Minster Drive.

  8. Three step ladder- A replacement step ladder was now in the office 

  9. Sign on the Parade- Cllr Bates to bring back to the next meeting. (Action - Cllr Bates)

  10. Bus stop cleaning- This should have been by-monthly but doesn’t appear to have happened.  Resolved unanimously that the Clerk investigates. (Action Clerk and A/Clerk)


6. Matters for report and future agenda items                                                                           None.


7. To confirm the date of the next meeting 

Thursday 17th November at 9.30am in the Millennium Hall.


Meeting ended at 10:55am


These are draft notes until they have been approved at the next VIC meeting.


Signed……………………………………..Cllr A Burge (Chair of Committee)